Raotbl4: Data set used by Pierre Perron (1994)

Raotbl4R Documentation

Data set used by Pierre Perron (1994)


This data set contains the time series used by Pierre Perron in his article: “Trend, Unit Root and Structural Change in Macroeconomic Time Series".




A data frame on real aggregate output for various countries; annual data starting in 1870 until 1986.

aus Australia.
can Canada.
den Denmark.
fin Finland.
fra France.
ger Germany.

For further details about the data see Notes in the data appendix ‘Table D.5’ of Rao, “Cointegration for the Applied Economist".


Bernhard Pfaff


Pierre Perron (1994), Trend, Unit Root and Structural Change in Macroeconomic Time Series, in: Cointegration for the Applied Economist, ed. B. Bhaskara Rao, chapter 4, Data Appendix, Table D.4.

urca documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:36 a.m.

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