#' @title build.x
#' @description Build the x matrix for a glmnet model
#' @details Given a formula and a data.frame build the predictor matrix
#' @author Jared P. Lander
#' @aliases build.x
#' @export build.x
#' @param formula A formula
#' @param data A data.frame
#' @param contrasts Logical indicating whether a factor's base level is removed. Can be either one single value applied to every factor or a value for each factor. Values will be recycled if necessary.
#' @param sparse Logical indicating if result should be sparse.
#' @return A matrix of the predictor variables specified in the formula
#' @examples
#' require(ggplot2)
#' head(mpg)
#' head(build.x(hwy ~ class + cyl + year, data=mpg))
#' testFrame <- data.frame(First=sample(1:10, 20, replace=TRUE),
#' Second=sample(1:20, 20, replace=TRUE),
#' Third=sample(1:10, 20, replace=TRUE),
#' Fourth=factor(rep(c("Alice","Bob","Charlie","David"), 5)),
#' Fifth=ordered(rep(c("Edward","Frank","Georgia","Hank","Isaac"), 4)),
#' Sixth=factor(rep(c("a", "b"), 10)), stringsAsFactors=F)
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Sixth, testFrame,
#' contrasts=c("Fourth"=TRUE, "Fifth"=FALSE, "Sixth"=TRUE)))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Sixth, testFrame,
#' contrasts=c(Fourth=TRUE, Fifth=FALSE, Sixth=TRUE)))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=TRUE))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Sixth, testFrame,
#' contrasts=FALSE))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Sixth - 1, testFrame,
#' contrasts=TRUE))
#' build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Sixth - 1, testFrame,
#' contrasts=TRUE, sparse=TRUE)
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Fourth*Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=TRUE))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Third*Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=TRUE))
#' #' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Fourth*Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=FALSE))
#' head(build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Third*Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=FALSE))
#' build.x(First ~ Second + Fourth + Fifth + Third*Sixth, testFrame, contrasts=FALSE, sparse=TRUE)
#' ## if contrasts is a list then you can specify just certain factors
build.x <- function(formula, data, contrasts=TRUE, sparse=FALSE)
# ensure data is a data.frame
data <- ForceDataFrame(data)
matFun <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix
} else
matFun <- stats::model.matrix
if(length(contrasts) == 1 && contrasts)
return(matFun(formula, data=data))
# make index of factor or character columns
catIndex <- which(sapply(data, function(x) is.factor(x) | is.character(x)))
# only keep those that also appear in the factors attr of the terms of formula
theTerms <- rownames(attr(stats::terms(formula, data=data), "factors"))
# new cat index only keeping those variables that are necessary
catIndex <- catIndex[which(names(data)[catIndex] %in% theTerms)]
# also cut down contrasts argument
# save for another time
if(length(catIndex) == 0)
return(matFun(formula, data=data))
# if any of these identified columns is still a character, they need to be changed into a factor
# find out which columns are characters
#print(sapply(data[, catIndex], is.character))
charIndex <- catIndex[sapply(data[, catIndex, drop=FALSE], is.character)]
# convert to factor
# data[, charIndex] <- plyr::catcolwise(as.factor)(data[, charIndex, drop=FALSE])
if(utils::packageVersion('dplyr') <= '0.5.0')
data <- dplyr::mutate_at(data, .cols=charIndex, as.factor)
} else if(utils::packageVersion('dplyr') >= '0.6.0')
data <- dplyr::mutate_at(data, .vars=charIndex, as.factor)
## now all factors or characters are at least factors (and nothing extraneous was done) and only the appropriate columns will be put into the contrasts argument
# if multiple contrasts are given they must be named
contrNames <- names(contrasts)
if(length(contrasts) > 1 && is.null(contrNames))
stop("If specifying more than one contrasts then it must be a named list of vector.")
}else if(!is.null(contrNames))
# get names of contrasts and use as the catIndex, factor/ordered columns not specified will be left to the default
catIndex <- contrNames
}else if(length(contrasts) == 1)
# make as many contrasts as necessary
contrasts <- rep(contrasts, times=length(catIndex))
# only non sparse is allowed for now
# sparse <- FALSE
# build contrast argument list
#contrArgs <- lapply(data[, catIndex, drop=FALSE], contrasts, contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse)
# contrArgs <- mapply(contrasts, data[, catIndex, drop=F], contrasts, MoreArgs=list(sparse=sparse))
contrArgs <- purrr::map2(.x=data[, catIndex, drop=FALSE], .y=contrasts, .f=stats::contrasts, sparse=FALSE)
# build model.matrix
matFun(formula, data=data, contrasts.arg=contrArgs)
#model.matrix(formula, data=data)[, -1]
#mapply(function(input, contrasts, sparse=FALSE){ contrasts(x=input, contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse) }, testFrame[, 4:5, drop=F], c(T), MoreArgs=list(sparse=F))
#head(model.matrix(~ ., data=testFrame, ))
#' ForceDataFrame
#' Force matrix and arrays to data.frame
#' This is a helper function for build.x and build.y to convert arrays and matrices--which are not accepted in model.frame--into data.frames
#' @author Jared P. Lander
#' @aliases ForceDataFrame
#' @return a data.frame of the data
#' @param data matrix, data.frame, array, list, etc. . .
ForceDataFrame <- function(data)
if(any(class(data) %in% c("matrix", "array")))
#' build.y
#' Build the y object from a formula and data
#' Given a formula and a data.frame build the y object
#' @author Jared P. Lander
#' @aliases build.y
#' @export build.y
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @param formula A formula
#' @param data A data.frame
#' @return The y object from a formula and data
#' @examples
#' require(ggplot2)
#' head(mpg)
#' head(build.y(hwy ~ class + cyl + year, data=mpg))
build.y <- function(formula, data)
# build a model frame
theFrame <- model.frame(formula, data=ForceDataFrame(data))
# extract the response
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