
Defines functions gdalinfo_internal

## this is ongoing work to replace the innards of GDALInfo for vapour_raster_info and others
## for example, instead of
## f1 <- system.file("extdata/gcps", "volcano_gcp.tif", package = "vapour")
## vapour_raster_gcp(f1)
## we can now do
## jsonlite::fromJSON(vapour:::gdalinfo_internal(f1))$gcps
gdalinfo_internal <- function(x, json = TRUE,
                                  stats = FALSE,
                                  sd = 0,
                                  checksum = FALSE,
                                  wkt_format = "WKT2",
                                  oo = character(),
                                  initial_format = character(),
                                  options = c("-proj4", "-json", "-listmdd")) {
  rep_zip <- function(x, y) {
    as.vector(t(cbind(rep(x, length(y)), y)))
  if (length(sd) > 1) message("'sd' argument cannot be vectorized over 'dsn', ignoring all but first value")
  #version <- vapour_gdal_version()
  #v3 <- TRUE
  # if (grepl("GDAL 2", version )) v3 <- FALSE
  # extra <- c(if(json) "-json",
  #            if (is.numeric(sd) && sd[1L] > 0) c("-sd", sd[1L]),
  #            if (stats) "-stats",
  #            if (checksum) "-checksum",
  #            if (nchar(wkt_format[1]) > 0 && v3) c("-wkt_format", wkt_format[1L]),
  #            if (length(oo) > 0 && any(nchar(oo) > 0) ) rep_zip("-oo", oo[nchar(oo) > 0]),
  #            if (length(initial_format) > 0 && any(nchar(initial_format) > 0)) rep_zip("-if", initial_format[nchar(initial_format) > 0]))
  #options <- c(options, "-proj4", "-listmdd")
  options <- options[!is.na(options)]  ## cant do unique because repeated arguments possible things like "-if" "GTiff" "-if" "netCDF"
  info <- raster_gdalinfo_app_cpp(x, options)

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vapour documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:01 a.m.