
#' varImpAUC
#' Computes the variable importance regarding the AUC. Bindings are not taken into account in the AUC definition as they did 
#' not provide as good results as the version without bindings in the paper of Janitza et. al (2013) (see References section).
#' For using the original AUC definition and multiclass AUC you can use the varImp function and specify the particular measure. 
#' @param object An object as returned by cforest.
#' @param mincriterion The value of the test statistic or 1 - p-value that must be exceeded in order to include a 
#' split in the computation of the importance. The default mincriterion = 0 guarantees that all splits are included.
#' @param conditional The value of the test statistic or 1 - p-value that must be exceeded in order to include a split 
#' in the computation of the importance. The default mincriterion = 0 guarantees that all splits are included.
#' @param threshold The threshold value for (1 - p-value) of the association between the variable of interest and a 
#' covariate, which must be exceeded inorder to include the covariate in the conditioning scheme for the variable of 
#' interest (only relevant if conditional = TRUE). A threshold value of zero includes all covariates.
#' @param nperm The number of permutations performed.
#' @param OOB A logical determining whether the importance is computed from the out-of-bag sample or the learning 
#' sample (not suggested).
#' @param pre1.0_0 Prior to party version 1.0-0, the actual data values were permuted according to the original 
#' permutation importance suggested by Breiman (2001). Now the assignments to child nodes of splits in the variable 
#' of interest are permuted as described by Hapfelmeier et al. (2012), which allows for missing values in the 
#' explanatory variables and is more efficient wrt memory consumption and computing time. This method does not 
#' apply to conditional variable importances.
#' @references https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-14-119
#' @return Vector with computed permutation importance for each variable
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats as.formula complete.cases
#' @importFrom party ctree_control initVariableFrame ctree initVariableFrame party_intern
#' @examples  
#' # multiclass case
#' data(iris)
#' iris2 = iris
#' iris2$Species = factor(iris$Species == "versicolor")
#' iris.cf = cforest(Species ~ ., data = iris2,control = cforest_unbiased(mtry = 2, ntree = 50))
#' set.seed(123)
#' varImpAUC(object = iris.cf)
varImpAUC = function (object, mincriterion = 0, conditional = FALSE, threshold = 0.2, 
  nperm = 1, OOB = TRUE, pre1.0_0 = conditional) { 
  # vgl. Janitza
  response = object@responses
  input = object@data@get("input")
  xnames = colnames(input)
  inp = initVariableFrame(input, trafo = NULL)
  y = object@responses@variables[[1]]
  if (length(response@variables) != 1) 
    stop("cannot compute variable importance measure for multivariate response")
  if (conditional || pre1.0_0) {
    if (!all(complete.cases(inp@variables))) 
      stop("cannot compute variable importance measure with missing values")
  CLASS = all(response@is_nominal)
  ORDERED = all(response@is_ordinal)
  if (!CLASS & !ORDERED)
    stop("only calculable for classification")
  if (CLASS) {
    if (nlevels(y) > 2) {
      stop("varImpAUC() is only usable for binary classification. For multiclass classification please use the standard varImp() function.")
      # if(method=="ova"){ ########################################################### one-versus-all Verfahren 
      #   error = function(x, oob) {
      #     xoob = t(sapply(x, function(x) x))[oob,]
      #     yoob = y[oob]
      #     return(measures::multiclass.AUNU(xoob, yoob))
      #   }
      # } else if(method=="ovo"){ ############################# one-versus-one, paarweises Verfahren (Hand & Till)
      #   error = function(x, oob) {
      #     xoob = t(sapply(x, function(x) x))[oob,]
      #     yoob = y[oob]
      #     return(measures::multiclass.AU1U(xoob, yoob))
      #   }
      # }
    } else { 
      ############# AUC-Berechnung für den Fall einer binären Zielgröße (s. Janitza) ############################
      # error = function(x, oob) {
      #   xoob = sapply(x, function(x) x[1])[oob]
      #   yoob = y[oob]
      #   pos = levels(y)[1]
      #   which1 <- which(yoob==levels(y)[1])
      #   noob1 <- length(which1)
      #   noob <- length(yoob)
      #   if (noob1==0|noob1==noob) { return(NA) } # AUC cannot be computed if all OOB-observations are from one class
      #   return(measures::AUC(xoob, yoob, positive = pos))
      # }
      error <- function(x, oob) {
        xoob <- sapply(x, function(x) x[1])[oob]
        yoob <- y[oob]
        which1 <- which(yoob==levels(y)[2])
        noob1 <- length(which1)
        noob <- length(yoob)
        if (noob1==0|noob1==noob) { return(NA) }       # AUC cannot be computed if all OOB-observations are from one class
        return(1-sum(kronecker(xoob[which1] , xoob[-which1],">"))/(noob1*(length(yoob)-noob1)))       # calculate AUC
  } else {
    if (ORDERED) {
      error = function(x, oob) mean((sapply(x, which.max) != y)[oob])
    else {
      error = function(x, oob) mean((unlist(x) - y)[oob]^2)
  w = object@initweights
  if (max(abs(w - 1)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) 
    warning(sQuote("varimp"), " with non-unity weights might give misleading results")
  perror = matrix(0, nrow = nperm * length(object@ensemble), ncol = length(xnames))
  colnames(perror) = xnames
  for (b in 1:length(object@ensemble)) {
    tree = object@ensemble[[b]]
    if (OOB) {
      oob = object@weights[[b]] == 0
    } else {
      oob = rep(TRUE, length(xnames))
    p = party_intern(tree, inp, mincriterion, -1L, fun = "R_predict") 
    eoob = error(p, oob)
    for (j in unique(varIDs(tree))) {
      for (per in 1:nperm) {
        if (conditional || pre1.0_0) {
          tmp = inp
          ccl = create_cond_list(conditional, threshold, 
            xnames[j], input)
          if (is.null(ccl)) {
            perm = sample(which(oob))
          else {
            perm = conditional_perm(ccl, xnames, input, 
              tree, oob)
          tmp@variables[[j]][which(oob)] = tmp@variables[[j]][perm]
          p = party_intern(tree, tmp, mincriterion, -1L, fun = "R_predict") 
        } else {
          p = party_intern(tree, inp, mincriterion, as.integer(j), fun = "R_predict") 
        perror[(per + (b - 1) * nperm), j] = - (error(p,oob) - eoob)
  perror = as.data.frame(perror)
  return(MeanDecrease = colMeans(perror, na.rm = TRUE))

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varImp documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:03 p.m.