"BQ" <-
    if (!is(x, "varest")) {
        stop("\nPlease, provide an object of class 'varest',\n generated by function 'VAR()' as input for 'x'.\n")
    Amats <- Acoef(x)
    P <- x$p
    Ident <- diag(x$K)
    mat1 <- matrix(0, x$K, x$K)
    mat2 <- mat1
    for(i in 1:P){
      mat1 <- mat1 - Amats[[i]]
      mat2 <- mat2 - t(Amats[[i]])
    mat1 <- Ident + mat1
    mat2 <- Ident + mat2
    df <- summary(x$varresult[[1]])$df[2]
    SigmaU <- crossprod(resid(x)) / df
    eval <- solve(mat1) %*% SigmaU %*% solve(mat2)
    lrim <- t(chol(eval))
    colnames(lrim) <- colnames(x$y)
    rownames(lrim) <- colnames(lrim)
    cim <- mat1 %*% lrim
    colnames(cim) <- colnames(lrim)
    rownames(cim) <- colnames(lrim)
    result <- list(A = Ident, Ase = NULL, B = cim, Bse = NULL, LRIM = lrim,
        Sigma.U = SigmaU * 100, LR = NULL, opt = NULL, start = NULL, 
        type = "Blanchard-Quah", var = x, call = match.call())
    class(result) <- "svarest"

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vars documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9:08 a.m.