
##' @rdname vault_test_server
vault_server_instance <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = vault_client_object,
  cloneable = FALSE,

  private = list(
    process = NULL,

    finalize = function() {

  public = list(
    ##' @field port The vault port (read-only).
    port = NULL,

    ##' @field addr The vault address; this is suitable for using with
    ##'   [vaultr::vault_client] (read-only).
    addr = NULL,

    ##' @field token The vault root token, from when the testing vault
    ##'   server was created.  If the vault is rekeyed this will no
    ##'   longer be accurate (read-only).
    token = NULL,

    ##' @field keys Key shares from when the vault was initialised
    ##'   (read-only).
    keys = NULL,

    ##' @field cacert Path to the https certificate, if running in
    ##'   https mode (read-only).
    cacert = NULL,

    ##' @description Create a `vault_server_instance` object. Not typically
    ##'   called by users.
    ##' @param bin Path to the vault binary
    ##' @param port Port to use
    ##' @param https Logical, indicating if we should use TLS/https
    ##' @param init Logical, indicating if we should initialise
    ##' @param quiet Logical, indicating if startup should be quiet
    initialize = function(bin, port, https, init, quiet = FALSE) {
      super$initialize("Vault server instance")
      self$port <- port

      bin <- normalizePath(bin, mustWork = TRUE)
      if (https) {
        dat <- vault_server_start_https(bin, self$port, init, quiet)
      } else {
        dat <- vault_server_start_dev(bin, self$port, quiet)

      private$process <- dat$process

      self$addr <- dat$addr
      self$token <- dat$token
      self$cacert <- dat$cacert
      self$keys <- dat$keys

      for (v in c("addr", "port", "token", "keys", "cacert")) {
        lockBinding(v, self)

    ##' @description Return the server version, as a [numeric_version]
    ##'   object.
    version = function() {

    ##' @description Create a new client that can use this server.  The
    ##'   client will be a [vaultr::vault_client] object.
    ##' @param login Logical, indicating if the client should login to
    ##'   the server (default is `TRUE`).
    ##' @param quiet Logical, indicating if informational messages
    ##'   should be suppressed.  Default is `TRUE`, in contrast with
    ##'   most other methods.
    client = function(login = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) {
      vault_client(if (login) "token" else FALSE, token = self$token,
                   quiet = quiet, addr = self$addr, tls_config = self$cacert,
                   use_cache = FALSE)

    ##' @description Return a named character vector of environment
    ##'   variables that can be used to communicate with this vault
    ##'   server (`VAULT_ADDR`, `VAULT_TOKEN`, etc).
    env = function() {
      c(VAULT_ADDR = self$addr,
        VAULT_TOKEN = self$token %||% NA_character_,
        VAULT_CACERT = self$cacert %||% NA_character_,
        VAULTR_AUTH_METHOD = "token")

    ##' @description Export the variables returned by the `$env()`
    ##'   method to the environment.  This makes them available to
    ##'   child processes.
    export = function() {
      env <- self$env()
      i <- is.na(env)
      do.call("Sys.setenv", as.list(env[!i]))
      if (any(i)) {

    ##' @description Clear any session-cached token for this server.
    ##'   This is intended for testing new authentication backends.
    clear_cached_token = function() {

    ##' @description Kill the server.
    kill = function() {
      if (!is.null(private$process)) {
        private$process <- NULL

Try the vaultr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vaultr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.