
Defines functions as.data.frame.list cbind.df rbind.df word2bin bin2word chr asc

Documented in asc bin2word word2bin

#' Internal vegdata functions
#' @name vegdata-internal
#' @aliases reShape.veg bin2word word2bin
#' @description  Internal vegdata functions.
#' @details These are not intended to be called directly by the user.
#'  tv.home tries to guess the default tv_home directory (\code{'C:\Turbowin'} or \code{'C:\Programme\Turbowin'} or \code{'O:\Turbowin'} on Windows systems and \code{'~/.wine/drive_c/Turbowin'} on Unix systems.
#'  As dBase is an old DOS format, Umlaute have been stored in Turboveg using the CP437 code table. This has been changed and Turboveg seems to use a country specific code page now. Change options('tv.iconv') if you run into problems
#' @keywords internal

# gracefully_fail <- function(remote_file) {
#   try_GET <- function(x, ...) {
#     tryCatch(
#       GET(url = x, timeout(1), ...),
#       error = function(e) conditionMessage(e),
#       warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)
#     )
#   }
#   is_response <- function(x) {
#     class(x) == "response"
#   }
#   # First check internet connection
#   if (!curl::has_internet()) {
#     message("No internet connection.")
#     return(invisible(NULL))
#   }
#   # Then try for timeout problems
#   resp <- try_GET(remote_file)
#   if (!is_response(resp)) {
#     message(resp)
#     return(invisible(NULL))
#   }
#   # Then stop if status > 400
#   if (httr::http_error(resp)) {
#     message_for_status(resp)
#     return(invisible(NULL))
#   }
#   # # If you are using rvest as I do you can easily read_html in the response
#   # xml2::read_html(resp)
# }

# gracefully_fail("http://httpbin.org/status/404") # http >400
# #> Not Found (HTTP 404).
# gracefully_fail("http://httpbin.org/delay/2") # Timeout
# #> Timeout was reached: [httpbin.org] Operation timed out after 1000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
# gracefully_fail("http://httpbin.org") #OK
# #> {html_document}
# #> <html lang="en">
# #> [1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
# #> [2] <body>\n    <a href="https://github.com/requests/httpbin" class="github-c ...
# gracefully_fail("http://httpbin.org") #OK
# remote <- "https://germansl.infinitenature.org/GermanSL/1.5/GermanSL.zip"
# remote2 <- "https://german.infinitenature.org/GermanSL/1.5/GermanSL.zip"
# remote3 <- "https://germansl.infinitenature.org/GermanSL/1.6/GermanSL.zip"
# # gracefully_fail(remote) #OK
# status <- tryCatch(
#   RCurl::getURL(url, ssl.verifypeer=FALSE, useragent="R"),
#   error = function(e) e
# )
# # inherits(status,  "error")
# f <- function(url) {
#   if (!curl::has_internet()) {
#     message("No internet connection")
#     return(NULL)
#   }
#   if (httr::http_error(url)) {
#     message("Data source broken.")
#     return(NULL)
#   }
#   url(remote2)
#   if(as.integer(tmp) == 5)
#   tryCatch(http_error(GET(url)),
#            http_404 = function(c) "That url doesn't exist",
#            http_403 = function(c) "You need to authenticate!",
#            http_400 = function(c) "You made a mistake!",
#            http_500 = function(c) "The server screwed up"
#   )
# }

# f(remote2)

asc <- function(char) sapply(char, function(x) strtoi(charToRaw(x), 16L), simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
chr <- function(ascii) sapply(ascii, function(x) rawToChar(as.raw(x)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

bin2word <- function(x) {
  c1 <- substr(x, 1,1)
  c2 <- substr(x, 2,2)
  return(255 * (asc(c1) -1) + asc(c2) - 1)
word2bin <- function(x) {
  c1 <- floor(x/255+1)
  c2 <- x - (c1-1)*255
  paste (chr(c1), chr(c2 + 1), sep='')

"[.veg" <- function(x, s,...) {
  taxref <- attr(veg, 'taxreflist')
  out <- NextMethod("[,", drop=TRUE)
  class(out) <- c('veg', 'data.frame')
  attr(veg, 'taxreflist') <- taxref

# first.word <- function (x, i = 1, expr = substitute(x), add.legal=NULL) {
#   words <- if(!missing(x)) as.character(x)[1] else as.character(unlist(expr))[1]
#   if (i > 2) stop("only first and second word implemented")
#   chars <- substring(words, 1:nchar(words, keepNA = FALSE), 1:nchar(words, keepNA = FALSE))
#   legal.chars <- c(letters, LETTERS, '\u00fc','\u00e4','\u00f6','\u00df','\u00d7', "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", add.legal)
#   non.legal.chars <- (1:length(chars))[!chars %in% legal.chars]
#   # length(non.legal.chars) > 0
#   if (i==1 & is.na(non.legal.chars[1])) return(words)
#   if (i==1 & !is.na(non.legal.chars[1])) return(substring(words, 1, non.legal.chars[1] - 1))
#   if (i==2 & is.na(non.legal.chars[2])) return(substring(words, non.legal.chars[1], nchar(words, keepNA = FALSE)))
#   if (i==2 & !is.na(non.legal.chars[2])) return(substring(words, non.legal.chars[1]+1, non.legal.chars[2]-1)) else return(character(0))
# }
# word <- function (string, start = 1L, end = start, sep = fixed(" ")) {
#   n <- max(length(string), length(start), length(end))
#   string <- rep(string, length.out = n)
#   start <- rep(start, length.out = n)
#   end <- rep(end, length.out = n)
#   breaks <- str_locate_all(string, sep)
#   words <- lapply(breaks, invert_match)
#   len <- vapply(words, nrow, integer(1))
#   neg_start <- !is.na(start) & start < 0L
#   start[neg_start] <- start[neg_start] + len[neg_start] + 1L
#   neg_end <- !is.na(end) & end < 0L
#   end[neg_end] <- end[neg_end] + len[neg_end] + 1L
#   start[start > len] <- NA
#   end[end > len] <- NA
#   starts <- mapply(function(word, loc) word[loc, "start"], words, start)
#   ends <- mapply(function(word, loc) word[loc, "end"], words, end)
#   str_sub(string, starts, ends)
# }
# x <-  c('Tortula acaulon (With.) R. H.Zander var. acaulon', 'Phascum cuspidatum Hedw. v. cuspidatum', 'Tortula acaulon var. papillosa (Lindb.) R. H. Zander', 'Phascum cuspidatum subsp. papillosum (Lindb.) J. Guerra & Ros', 'Tortula SP.')

rbind.df <- function(df1, df2) {
  cols1 <- names(df1); cols2 <- names(df2)
  All <- union(cols1, cols2)
  miss1 <- setdiff(All, cols1)
  miss2 <- setdiff(All, cols2)
  df1[, c(as.character(miss1))] <- NA
  df2[,c(as.character(miss2))] <- NA
  out <- rbind(df1, df2)

cbind.df <- function(df1, df2, by) {
  cols1 <- names(df1); cols2 <- names(df2)
  inters <- intersect(cols1, cols2)
  df.m <- df2[match(df1[,by], df2[,by]), ]
  for(i in inters) {
    df1[,i][is.na(df1[,i])] <- df.m[,i][is.na(df1[,i])]

# as.data.frame.list
# Convert a list of vectors to a data frame.
as.data.frame.list <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...) {
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(x, class)) %in%
          c('raw','character','complex','numeric','integer','logical'))) {
    warning('All elements of the list must be a vector.')
    NextMethod(x, row.names=row.names, optional=optional, ...)
  allequal <- all(unlist(lapply(x, length)) == length(x[[1]]))
  havenames <- all(unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(x) !is.null(names(x)))))
  if(havenames) { #All the vectors in the list have names we can use
    colnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, names)))
    df <- data.frame(matrix(
      unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(x) { x[colnames] })),
      nrow=length(x), byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(df) <- colnames
  } else if(allequal) { #No names, but are of the same length
    df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(x), nrow=length(x), byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
    hasnames <- which(unlist(lapply(x, FUN=function(x) !is.null(names(x)))))
    if(length(hasnames) > 0) { #We'll use the first element that has names
      names(df) <- names(x[[ hasnames[1] ]])
  } else { #No names and different lengths, we'll make our best guess here!
    warning(paste("The length of vectors are not the same and do not ",
                  "are not named, the results may not be correct.", sep=''))
    #Find the largest
    lsizes <- unlist(lapply(x, length))
    start <- which(lsizes == max(lsizes))[1]
    df <- x[[start]]
    for(i in (1:length(x))[-start]) {
      y <- x[[i]]
      if(length(y) < length(x[[start]])) {
        y <- c(y, rep(NA, length(x[[start]]) - length(y)))
      if(i < start) {
        df <- rbind(y, df)
      } else {
        df <- rbind(df, y)
    df <- as.data.frame(df, row.names=1:length(x))
    names(df) <- paste('Col', 1:ncol(df), sep='')
  if(missing(row.names)) {
    row.names(df) <- names(x)
  } else {
    row.names(df) <- row.names

Try the vegdata package in your browser

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vegdata documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:39 a.m.