test_that("formatEstimateName", {
result <- mockSummarisedResult()
# input 1 ----
result_output <- formatEstimateName(result,
estimateName = c("N (%)" = "<count> (<percentage>%)",
"N" = "<count>"),
keepNotFormatted = TRUE)
# check count as "N"
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "number subjects"]),
# check count (percentage%) as N (%)
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "Medications"]),
"N (%)")
# check keep not formatted
expect_true(result_output |>
dplyr::filter(.data$estimate_name %in% c("mean", "sd")) |>
nrow() > 0)
# check estimates
row_vars <- dplyr::tibble(group_level = "cohort1", strata_name = "overall", strata_level = "overall")
estimates_out <- result_output |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
estimates_in <- result |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
## number subjects
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "number subjects"],
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "number subjects"])
## mean
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "age"],
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "age"])
## count (percentage%)
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "Medications"],
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "Medications" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "count"],
" (",
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "Medications" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "percentage"],
# attributes mantained:
expect_true(nrow(settings(result_output)) == 1)
expect_true(inherits(result_output, "summarised_result"))
# input 2 ----
result_output <- formatEstimateName(result,
estimateName = c("<mean> (<sd>)",
"N%" = "<count> (<percentage> %)"),
keepNotFormatted = FALSE)
# Check not keep formatted
expect_true(result_output |>
dplyr::filter(.data$estimate_name == "number subjects") |>
nrow() == 0)
# Check medications as "N%"
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "Medications"]),
# Check age as median (sd)
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "age"]),
"mean (sd)")
# check estimates
row_vars <- dplyr::tibble(group_level = "cohort2", strata_name = "age_group &&& sex", strata_level = "<40 &&& Male")
estimates_out <- result_output |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
estimates_in <- result |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
## mean
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "age"],
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "age" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "mean"],
" (",
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "age" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "sd"],
## count (percentage%)
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "Medications"],
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "Medications" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "count"],
" (",
estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "Medications" & estimates_in$estimate_name == "percentage"],
" %)"))
# Input 3 ----
result_output <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = c("N (%)" = "<count> (<notAKey>%)",
"N" = "<count>",
"%" = "<percentage>"),
keepNotFormatted = FALSE)
# check count as "N"
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "number subjects"]),
# check count (percentage%) as N (%)
expect_identical(unique(result_output$estimate_name[result_output$variable_name == "Medications"]),
c("N", "%"))
# check keep not formatted
expect_true(result_output |>
dplyr::filter(.data$estimate_name %in% c("mean", "sd")) |>
nrow() == 0)
# check estimates
row_vars <- dplyr::tibble(group_level = "cohort1", strata_name = "overall", strata_level = "overall")
estimates_out <- result_output |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
estimates_in <- result |> dplyr::inner_join(row_vars, by = colnames(row_vars))
## number subjects
expect_identical(estimates_out$estimate_value[estimates_out$variable_name == "number subjects"],
paste0(estimates_in$estimate_value[estimates_in$variable_name == "number subjects"]))
expect_no_error(result |> dplyr::select(-"cdm_name") |> formatEstimateName())
# NA value ---
result <- mockSummarisedResult() |> dplyr::filter(grepl("mean|sd", estimate_name), strata_level == "overall")
result$estimate_value[1] <- NA_character_
res <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = "<mean> (<sd>)",
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = TRUE)
# Class ----
expect_true(inherits(res, "summarised_result"))
class(result) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
res <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = "<mean> (<sd>)",
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = TRUE)
expect_false(inherits(res, "summarised_result"))
# Wrong input ----
expect_error(result |> dplyr::select(-"estimate_name") |> formatEstimateName())
estimateName = c("N" = "count",
"N (%)" = "count (percentage%)"),
keepNotFormatted = FALSE))
estimateName = c("N" = "<count>",
"N (%)" = "count (<lala>%)"),
keepNotFormatted = TRUE),
"has not been formatted.")
estimateName = c("N" = "count",
"N (%)" = "<count> (<percentage>%)"),
keepNotFormatted = FALSE),
"does not contain an estimate name indicated by <...>")
estimateName = NA,
keepNotFormatted = TRUE))
test_that("formatEstimateName, useFormatOrder", {
result <-
# number subjects
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "age",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "number subjects",
"estimate_type" = "numeric",
"estimate_value" = c(100*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
# age - mean
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "age",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "min",
"estimate_type" = "numeric",
"estimate_value" = c(100*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
# age - mean
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "age",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "mean",
"estimate_type" = "numeric",
"estimate_value" = c(100*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
# age - max
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "age",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "max",
"estimate_type" = "numeric",
"estimate_value" = c(100*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
) |>
dplyr::mutate(result_id = "1") |>
settings = dplyr::tibble(
"result_id" = as.integer(1),
"result_type" = "mock_test",
"package_name" = "visOmopResults",
"package_version" = utils::packageVersion("visOmopResults") |>
# FALSE ----
result_output <- formatEstimateName(result,
estimateName = c("<mean>",
"range" = "[<min> - <max>]"),
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = FALSE)
expect_true(all(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "number subjets") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "mean")))
expect_true(all(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "number subjets") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "range")))
expect_true(all(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "range") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "mean")))
# TRUE ----
result_output <- formatEstimateName(result,
estimateName = c("<mean>",
"range" = "[<min> - <max>]"),
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = TRUE)
expect_false(any(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "range") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "mean")))
expect_false(any(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "number subjets") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "mean")))
expect_false(any(which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "number subjets") <
which(result_output$estimate_name %in% "range")))
test_that("empty format",{
result <- mockSummarisedResult()
expect_no_error(res0 <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = character(0),
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = TRUE)
expect_true(res0 |> dplyr::anti_join(result, by = colnames(res0)) |> nrow() == 0)
expect_no_error(res1 <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = NULL,
keepNotFormatted = TRUE,
useFormatOrder = TRUE)
expect_identical(res1, result)
test_that("not a summarised result",{
result <- dplyr::tibble(
variable = "variable",
estimate_type = c("integer", "numeric"),
estimate_name = c("count", "percentage"),
estimate_value = c("100", "50.1")
res0 <- formatEstimateName(
estimateName = c("N (%)" = "<count> (<percentage>%)")
expect_true(nrow(res0) == 1)
expect_equal(class(result), class(res0))
test_that("common key word",{
result <- dplyr::tibble(
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "number subjects",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "count",
"estimate_type" = "integer",
"estimate_value" = round(10000000*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
) |>
# age - mean
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "number subjects",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "count_95CI_lower",
"estimate_type" = "integer",
"estimate_value" = round(10000000*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
res <- formatEstimateName(result, estimateName = "<count> <count_95CI_lower>")
expect_true(unique(res$estimate_name) == "count count_95CI_lower")
result <- dplyr::tibble(
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "number subjects",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "count",
"estimate_type" = "integer",
"estimate_value" = round(10000000*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
) |>
# age - mean
"cdm_name" = "mock",
"group_name" = "cohort_name",
"group_level" = c(rep("cohort1", 9), rep("cohort2", 9)),
"strata_name" = rep(c(
"overall", rep("age_group &&& sex", 4), rep("sex", 2), rep("age_group", 2)
), 2),
"strata_level" = rep(c(
"overall", "<40 &&& Male", ">=40 &&& Male", "<40 &&& Female",
">=40 &&& Female", "Male", "Female", "<40", ">=40"
), 2),
"variable_name" = "number subjects",
"variable_level" = NA_character_,
"estimate_name" = "95CI_lower_count",
"estimate_type" = "integer",
"estimate_value" = round(10000000*stats::runif(18)) |> as.character(),
"additional_name" = "overall",
"additional_level" = "overall"
res <- formatEstimateName(result, estimateName = "<count> <95CI_lower_count>")
expect_true(unique(res$estimate_name) == "count 95CI_lower_count")
test_that("No format in formatEstimateNameInternal", {
result <- mockSummarisedResult()
fen <- formatEstimateNameInternal(result, format = c())
expect_identical(fen, result)
test_that("Empty results warning in formatEstimateNameInternal", {
result <- omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult()
expect_warning(formatEstimateNameInternal(result, format = c("")))
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