

filename <- function(options)
  options <- gsub("'"     , ""  , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("-"     , "_" , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("&"     , ""  , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub(":"     , ""  , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("("     , ""  , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub(")"     , ""  , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("  "    , " " , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub(" "     , "_" , options, fixed=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("\u00FC", "ue", options, fixed=TRUE)
  if (options=="_LABOV_I")  options <- " Labov-I"
  if (options=="_LABOV_II") options <- " Labov-II"

# data

vowelTab <- read.table("data/table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

# vowelScale

Scales <- c(" Hz",
            " bark I",
            " bark II",
            " bark III",
            " ERB I",
            " ERB II",
            " ERB III",
            " ln",
            " mel I",
            " mel II",
            " ST")

for (i in 1:length(Scales))
  fn <- substr(filename(Scales[i]), 2, nchar(Scales[i]))
  vowelScale1 <- read.table(paste0("data/", fn, ".csv"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
  vowelScale2 <- vowelScale(vowelTab, Scales[i], 50)

  for (j in (1:nrow(vowelScale1)))
    for (k in c(5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13))
      test_that(paste0("Scaling to ", Scales[i], " is performed correctly"),
                expect_equal(vowelScale1[j,k], vowelScale2[j,k], tolerance = 0.000000001, scale = 1)

# vowelNormF

replyTimesN <- c("1","2")

vL1 <- vowelLong1(vowelTab,replyTimesN)
vL2 <- vowelLong2(vL1)
vL3 <- vowelLong3(vL1)
vL4 <- vowelLong4(vL1)
vLD <- vowelLongD(vL1)

NormsF <- c("",
            " Peterson",
            " Sussman",
            " Syrdal & Gopal",
            " Miller",
            " Thomas & Kendall",
            " Gerstman",
            " Lobanov",
            " Watt & Fabricius",
            " Fabricius et al.",
            " Bigham",
            " Heeringa & Van de Velde I",
            " Heeringa & Van de Velde II",
            " Nearey I",
            " Nearey II",
            " Barreda & Nearey I",
            " Barreda & Nearey II",
            " Labov I",
            " LABOV I",
            " Labov II",
            " LABOV II",
            " Johnson")

for (i in 1:length(NormsF))
  fn <- substr(filename(NormsF[i]), 2, nchar(NormsF[i]))
  vowelNorm11 <- read.table(paste0("data/", fn, "F.csv"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
  vowelNorm12 <- vowelNormF(vowelTab, vL1, vL2, vL3, vL4, vLD, NormsF[i])

  for (j in (1:nrow(vowelNorm11)))
    for (k in c(5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13))
      test_that(paste0(NormsF[i]," is performed correctly"),
                expect_equal(vowelNorm11[j,k], vowelNorm12[j,k], tolerance = 0.000000001, scale = 1)

# vowelNormD

NormsD <- c("",
            " Lobanov")

for (i in 1:length(NormsD))
  fn <- substr(filename(NormsD[i]), 2, nchar(NormsD[i]))
  vowelNorm21 <- read.table(paste0("data/", fn, "D.csv"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
  vowelNorm22 <- vowelNormD(vowelTab, NormsD[i])

  for (j in (1:nrow(vowelNorm21)))
    test_that(paste0(NormsD[i]," is performed correctly"),
              expect_equal(vowelNorm21[j,3], vowelNorm22[j,3], tolerance = 0.000000001, scale = 1)

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visvow documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 5:06 p.m.