
Defines functions all_interactions check_stats_gam check_plot_gam fitted_rep_gam default_gam_formula fitted_gam

Documented in all_interactions

fitted_gam <- function(y, inputs, pars, verbose=FALSE, ...){
    opts <- list(...)
    gam_formula <- opts$gam_formula
    pars <- clean_pars(pars)
    colnames(inputs) <- clean_pars(colnames(inputs))
    if (is.null(gam_formula))
        gam_formula <- default_gam_formula(pars)
    gam_formula <- formula(sprintf("y ~ %s", gam_formula))
    model <- mgcv::gam(gam_formula, data = inputs)
    res <- model$fitted
    attr(res, "model") <- model

default_gam_formula <- function(pars){
    karg <- if (length(pars) >=4) ", k=4" else ""
    sprintf("te(%s, bs='cr'%s)", paste(pars, collapse=", "), karg)

fitted_rep_gam <- function(model, B) { 
    beta_rep <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(B, coef(model), vcov(model))
    fitted_rep <- beta_rep %*% t(predict(model,type="lpmatrix"))

check_plot_gam <- function(mod){
  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)

check_stats_gam <- function(mod){
    list(AIC = stats::AIC(mod)) 

#' Generate a string with all interactions of a certain degree, to be used in a GAM formula
#' @param x Character vector of variable names
#' @param degree Maximum interaction degree
#' @return A string looking like the right hand side of a GAM formula with tensor product interactions.
#' For example, if `x` is `c("x1","x2","x3")`, then `all_interactions(x, degree=2)` should return
#' `"te(x1,x2) + te(x1,x3) + te(x1,x3)"`
#' @examples
#' x <- c("x1","x2","x3")
#' all_interactions(x, 2)
#' @export
all_interactions <- function(x, degree=2){
  c_mat <- utils::combn(x, degree)
  c_comma <- apply(c_mat, 2, function(y) paste(y, collapse = ","))
  c_tevec <- paste0("te(",c_comma,")")
  form_str <- paste(c_tevec, collapse = " + ")

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