##' Traditional two-level Monte Carlo estimator of EVPPI.
##' Traditional two-level Monte Carlo estimator of the expected value of partial
##' perfect information from a decision-analytic model. Only useful in the
##' simplest of examples. For realistically complex examples, the methods
##' implemented in the \code{\link{evppi}} function, based on regression,
##' will usually be much more computationally efficient.
##' See the \href{}{package overview / Get Started vignette} for an example of using this function.
##' @param pars A character vector giving the parameters of interest, for which
##' the EVPPI is required. This should correspond to an explicit argument to
##' \code{model_fn}.
##' The parameters of interest are assumed to have uncertainty distributions
##' that are independent of those of the other parameters.
##' @param model_fn A function to evaluate a decision-analytic model at a given
##' set of parameters. This should have one argument per parameter, and return either:
##' (net benefit format) a vector giving the net benefit for each decision
##' option, or
##' (cost-effectiveness analysis format) a matrix or data frame with two rows,
##' and one column for each decision option. If the rows have names
##' \code{"e"} and \code{"c"} then these are assumed to be the effects and
##' costs respectively.
##' Otherwise, the first row is assumed to be the effects, and the second the
##' costs.
##' @param par_fn A function to generate a random sample of values for the
##' parameters of \code{model_fn}. This should return a matrix or a data frame
##' with named columns matching the arguments of \code{model_fn}.
##' If any required arguments to \code{model_fn} are not supplied in this
##' return value, then \code{evppi_mc} looks for them in the list supplied as
##' the \code{mfargs} argument.
##' If any required arguments are not found in the results of \code{par_fn} or
##' \code{mfargs}, and if \code{model_fn} defines default values for those
##' arguments, then those default values are used.
##' The first argument of \code{par_fn} should be an integer \code{n} denoting
##' the number of random values to draw for each parameter. The object
##' returned by \code{par_fn} should then have \code{n} rows, and one column
##' for each parameter. If one value is drawn, then \code{par_fn} is also
##' allowed to return a vector, but this should still be named.
##' The parameters may be correlated. If we wish to compute the EVPPI for a
##' parameter which is correlated with a different parameter q, then `par_fn`
##' must have an argument with the name of that parameter. If that argument
##' is set to a fixed value, then `par_fn` should return a sample drawn
##' conditionally on that value. If that argument is not supplied, then
##' `par_fn` must return a sample drawn from the marginal distribution. See
##' the vignette for an example.
##' @param nouter Number of outer samples
##' @param ninner Number of inner samples
##' @param k Vector of willingness-to-pay values. Only used if
##' \code{model_fn} is in cost-effectiveness analyis format.
##' @param mfargs Named list of additional arguments to supply to
##' \code{model_fn}.
##' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print some additional messages to
##' help with debugging.
##' @return A data frame with a column \code{pars}, indicating the parameter(s),
##' and a column \code{evppi}, giving the corresponding EVPPI.
##' If \code{outputs} is of "cost-effectiveness analysis" form, so that there is
##' one EVPPI per willingness-to-pay value, then a column \code{k} identifies the
##' willingness-to-pay.
##' @export
evppi_mc <- function(model_fn, par_fn, pars, nouter, ninner,
k=NULL, mfargs=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
model_fn <- check_model_fn(model_fn, par_fn, mfargs, verbose=verbose)
nopt <- attr(model_fn, "nopt")
check_parfnn(par_fn, model_fn)
check_int(nouter, "nouter")
check_int(ninner, "ninner")
pars_rep <- par_fn(n=nouter)
check_evppimc_pars(pars, model_fn, pars_rep)
pars_rep <- pars_rep[,pars,drop=FALSE]
rese <- evppimc(model_fn=model_fn, par_fn=par_fn, pars=pars, pars_rep=pars_rep,
nouter=nouter, ninner=ninner, nopt=nopt, wtp=k, mfargs=mfargs)
if (inherits(model_fn, "cea")){
res <- data.frame(k=k, evppi=rese)
} else res <- data.frame(evppi=rese)
evppimc <- function(model_fn, ...){
UseMethod("evppimc", model_fn)
##' @noRd
evppimc.nb <- function(model_fn, par_fn, pars, pars_rep, nouter, ninner, nopt, mfargs, ...) {
nb_current <- matrix(nrow=nouter, ncol=nopt)
nb_ppi <- numeric(nouter)
nf <- names(formals(model_fn))
defaults <- get_default_args(model_fn, pars_rep)
pars_corr <- intersect(names(formals(par_fn)), nf)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nouter)
for (i in 1:nouter){
nbi <- matrix(nrow=ninner, ncol=nopt)
for (j in 1:ninner){
parsfix <- sample_conditional(par_fn, pars, pars_corr, vals=pars_rep[i,,drop=FALSE])
args <- c(parsfix, mfargs, defaults)[nf]
nbi[j,] <-, args)
nb_ppi[i] <- max(colMeans(nbi))
args <- c(par_fn(1), mfargs, defaults)[nf]
nb_current[i,] <-, args)
mean(nb_ppi) - max(colMeans(nb_current))
##' @noRd
evppimc.cea <- function(model_fn, par_fn, pars, pars_rep, nouter, ninner, nopt, wtp, mfargs, ...) {
nwtp <- length(wtp)
if (nwtp < 1)
stop("If `model_fn` is in cost-effectiveness format, at least one willingness-to-pay should be supplied in `k`")
res <- numeric(nwtp)
ce_current <- array(dim=c(nouter, 2, nopt))
cost_ppi <- eff_ppi <- matrix(nrow=nouter, ncol=nopt)
nf <- names(formals(model_fn))
defaults <- get_default_args(model_fn, pars_rep)
pars_corr <- intersect(names(formals(par_fn)), nf)
for (i in 1:nouter){
cei <- array(dim=c(ninner, 2, nopt))
for (j in 1:ninner){
parsfix <- sample_conditional(par_fn, pars, pars_corr, vals=pars_rep[i,,drop=FALSE])
args <- c(parsfix, mfargs, defaults)[nf]
resj <-, args)
cei[j,,] <- resj
inds <- mfi(res)
eff_ppi[i,] <- colMeans(cei[,inds$c,])
cost_ppi[i,] <- colMeans(cei[,inds$e,])
args <- c(par_fn(1), mfargs, defaults)[nf]
ce_current[i,,] <-, args)
for (k in 1:nwtp){
nb_ppi <- apply(eff_ppi*wtp[k] - cost_ppi, 1, max)
nb_current <- ce_current[,inds$e,]*wtp[k] - ce_current[,inds$c,]
res[k] <- mean(nb_ppi) - max(colMeans(nb_current))
## Sample from the joint distribution defined by `par_fn`, given fixed values
## `vals` for parameters `pars`. If `par_fn` has any arguments other than `n`
## (named in `pars_corr`), these are assumed to be parameters that are
## correlated with other parameters, so that fixing their value will change the
## conditional distribution of the remaining parameters. The values `vals` of
## the parameters fixed in the inner EVPPI loop are then supplied for these
## arguments, to allow par_fn to compute the appropriate conditional
## distribution
sample_conditional <- function(par_fn, pars, pars_corr, vals) {
args_fixed <- if (length(pars_corr) == 0) NULL else as.list(vals[,pars_corr])
parsfix <-"par_fn", c(list(n=1), args_fixed))
parsfix[,pars] <- vals
check_int <- function(n, name){
if (!is.numeric(n) || (n < 2))
stop(sprintf("%s is `%s`, this should be a number greater than 1", name, n))
check_evppimc_pars <- function(pars, model_fn, pars_rep){
badpars <- setdiff(pars, names(formals(model_fn)))
if (length(badpars)>0){
stop(sprintf("parameters of interest `%s` not found in arguments of `model_fn`", paste(badpars,collapse=",")))
badpars <- setdiff(pars, colnames(pars_rep))
if (length(badpars)>0){
stop(sprintf("parameters of interest `%s` not found in columns of object returned by `par_fn`",
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