Man pages for vosonSML
Collecting Social Media Data and Generating Networks for Analysis

AddTextAdd columns containing text data to network dataframes
AddText.activity.redditAdd columns containing text data to reddit activity network...
AddText.activity.twitterAdd columns containing text data to twitter activity network... columns containing text data to reddit actor network... columns containing text data to twitter actor network... columns containing text data to YouTube activity network...
AddText.semantic.twitterAdd columns containing text data to twitter semantic network...
AddText.twomode.twitterAdd columns containing text data to twitter 2mode network...
AddUserDataAdd columns of user information as node attributes to network... twitter actor network by adding user profile...
AddUserData.twomode.twitterSupplement twitter 2mode network by adding user profile...
AddVideoDataAdd columns of video information to network dataframes video information to youtube actor network dataframes
AuthenticateCreate a credential object to access social media APIs
Authenticate.redditReddit API authentication
Authenticate.twitterTwitter API authentication
Authenticate.webWeb crawler authentication
Authenticate.youtubeYouTube API authentication
auth_twitter_appTwitter App API authentication
auth_twitter_devTwitter Dev API authentication
auth_twitter_userTwitter User API authentication
CollectCollect data from social media for generating networks
Collect.redditCollect comments data from reddit threads tweet data from twitter search
Collect.timeline.twitterCollect tweet data from twitter timelines
Collect.webCollect hyperlinks from web pages
Collect.youtubeCollect comments data for YouTube videos
CreateCreate networks from social media data
Create.activity.redditCreate reddit activity network
Create.activity.twitterCreate twitter activity network
Create.activity.webCreate web activity network
Create.activity.youtubeCreate YouTube activity network reddit actor network twitter actor network web actor network YouTube actor network
Create.semantic.twitterCreate twitter semantic network
Create.twomode.twitterCreate twitter 2-mode network
GraphCreate an igraph graph from network
ImportRtweetImport rtweet collected data
MergeMerge collected data
MergeFilesMerge collected data files
vosonSML-packagevosonSML: Collecting Social Media Data and Generating...
vosonSML documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 5:14 p.m.