auth_twitter_app: Twitter App API authentication

auth_twitter_appR Documentation

Twitter App API authentication


If an individual has applied for and been granted Twitter API access they will also have a bearer token associated with their app. This token allows read-only access to the API but higher rate-limits so it is the most suited method for this package and data collection.


auth_twitter_app(bearer, verbose = FALSE, ...)



Character string. Twitter app bearer token.


Logical. Output additional information. Default is FALSE.


Additional parameters passed to function. Not used in this method.


A credential object containing an access token $auth and social media type descriptor $socialmedia set to "twitter". Object has the class names "credential" and "twitter".


vosonSML uses the rtweet package for twitter data collection and also gratefully acknowledges the techniques and code written by its authors reproduced in this package for creating twitter API access tokens.


## Not run: 
# twitter API access using an app bearer token
auth <- auth_twitter_app("xxxxxxxxxxxx")

## End(Not run)

vosonSML documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 5:14 p.m.