Create.twomode.twitter: Create twitter 2-mode network

View source: R/Create.twomode.twitter.R

Create.twomode.twitterR Documentation

Create twitter 2-mode network


Creates a 2-mode network from tweets returned from the twitter search query. In this network there are two types of nodes, twitter users who authored or were mentioned in collected tweets and hashtags found within tweets. Network edges represent a users tweets that contain hashtags or mention users screen names.

The creation of twitter 2-mode networks requires text processing and the tokenization of tweets. As such this function requires the additional installation of the tidytext package to achieve this.


## S3 method for class 'twomode.twitter'
  removeTermsOrHashtags = NULL,
  rmRetweets = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,



Collected social media data with "datasource" and "twitter" class names.


Character string. Type of network to be created, set to "twomode".


Character vector. Users or hashtags to remove from the twomode network. For example, this parameter could be used to remove the user or hashtag that was used to collect the data by removing any nodes with matching name. Default is NULL to remove none.


Logical. Do not process retweets in the input data. Default is TRUE.


Logical. Output additional information about the network creation. Default is TRUE.


Additional parameters passed to function. Not used in this method.


Network as a named list of two dataframes containing $nodes and $edges.


## Not run: 
# twitter 2-mode network creation additionally requires the tidytext
# package for working with text data
# install.packages("tidytext")

# create a twitter 2-mode network graph with the hashtag "#auspol" removed
net_2mode <- collect_tw |>
  Create("twomode", removeTermsOrHashtags = c("#auspol"), verbose = TRUE)

# network
# net_2mode$nodes
# net_2mode$edges

## End(Not run)

vosonSML documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 5:14 p.m.