
Defines functions projection_onto_simplex volnmf_simplex_row volnmf_simplex_col

Documented in projection_onto_simplex volnmf_simplex_col volnmf_simplex_row

#' Update of a matrix in NMF with equality contstraints on columns.
#' \code{volnmf_simplex_col} finds non-negative matrix \code{C} that minimizes the objective \code{||X-C*R||^2}
#' under constraints that columns of C equal to 1 using local approximation with extrapolation.
#' @param X Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. 
#' @param R Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. 
#' @param C.prev Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. Matrix \code{C.prev} serves as initialization. (default=NULL)
#' @param bound A numeric. Equality constraint on columns of matrix \code{C}. (default=1)
#' @param extrapolate A boolean. Use extrapolation after local approximation. (default=TRUE)
#' @param err.cut A numeric. Stop iterations if relative error between iterations is less than \code{err.cut} (parameter is not active now). (default=1e-10)
#' @param n.iter An integer. Number of iterations. (default=1000)
#' @param qmax A numeric. Maximum asymptotic (1 - 1/qmax) of extrapolation step.
#' @return An updated matrix \code{C}.
#' @export
volnmf_simplex_col <- function(X, R, C.prev = NULL, bound = 1, extrapolate = TRUE,
                               err.cut = 1e-10, n.iter = 1e+4, qmax = 1e+2){
  if (is.null(C.prev)){
    ft <- lm( t(X) ~ t(R) - 1) # estimate in a closed form!
    C.prev <- t(ft$coefficients)
    C.prev[C.prev < 0] <- 0
    C.prev <- apply(C.prev, 2, function(x) x / sum(x) )

  # precalculate matrices
  S <- R %*% t(R)
  K <- X %*% t(R)
  Lip <- sqrt(sum(S^2))

  err <- 1e+6
  iter <- 1
  C.update <- C <- C.prev
  q <- c(1,(1+sqrt(5))/5)
  obj <- vector()
  while(err > err.cut & iter < n.iter){
    G <- C.update %*% S - K
    Chat <- C.update - G / Lip
    C.prev <- C
    C <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(C), function(i){
      projection_onto_simplex(Chat[, i], bound)

    if (extrapolate == TRUE){
      extr <- (q[iter] - 1) / q[iter+1]
      C.update <- C + extr * (C - C.prev)

    obj <- c(obj, sqrt(sum((C-C.prev)^2))/sqrt(sum(C^2)) )
    iter <- iter + 1
    q[iter+1] <- min(qmax, (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * q[iter]^2))/2 )


#' Update of a matrix in NMF with equality contstraints on rows.
#' \code{volnmf_simplex_row} finds non-negative matrix \code{C} that minimizes the objective \code{||X-C*R||^2}
#' under constraints that rows of C equal to 1 using per-row quadratic programming.
#' @param X Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. 
#' @param R Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. 
#' @param C.prev Numeric Matrices. Matrices involved in the objective function. Matrix \code{C.prev} serves as initialization. (default=NULL)
#' @param meq An integer 0 or 1. Require equality (\code{meq=1}) or inequality (\code{meq=0}) constratint on rows (by default 1).
#' @return An updated matrix \code{C}.
#' @export
volnmf_simplex_row <- function(X, R, C.prev = NULL, meq = 1){

  Dmat <- R %*% t(R)
  C.upd <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(X), function(irow){
    dvec <- R %*% X[irow, ]
    Amat <- cbind(rep(-1, nrow(R)), diag(1, nrow(R)))
    bvec <- c(-1, rep(0, nrow(R)))
    ft <- quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq = meq)


#' Project vector onto a probabilistic simplex.
#' \code{projection_onto_simplex} projects a vector \code{unproj} onto a probabilistic simplex of sum \code{bound}.
#' @param unproj A numeric vector. An unprojected vector
#' @param bound A numeric. Sum of projected vector elements.
#' @return A projected vector.
#' @export
projection_onto_simplex <- function(unproj, bound){
  q <- sort(unproj, decreasing = TRUE, method = "quick")
  qcum <- cumsum(q)
  mu <- (qcum - bound) / 1:length(qcum)
  cond1 <- (mu[-length(mu)] - q[-1]) > 0
  if (max(cond1) == 0) {
    ind <- length(mu)
    ind <- which.max(cond1)
  return( pmax(0, unproj - mu[ind]) )

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vrnmf documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:11 p.m.