
Defines functions FastLM_stat

FastLM_stat <-
    y <- as.matrix(y); y1 <- (y-mean(y))^2; n <- nrow(y) 
    vr <- FastVR(y,k)
    tem1 <- 2*(2*k-1)*(k-1); tem2 <- 3*k
    m1 <- sqrt(n)*(vr-1)/sqrt( tem1/tem2 )
    w <- 4*as.matrix((1-(1:(k-1))/k)^2,nrow=k-1)
    dvec <- matrix(NA, nrow=(k-1), ncol=1)
    for (j in 1:(k-1))
    dvec[j] <- sum(y1[(j+1):n] * y1[1:(n-j)])/( sum(y1)^2 )
    summ <- crossprod(w,dvec)
    m2 <- sqrt(n)*(vr-1)*((n*summ)^(-.5) )

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vrtest documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 9:08 a.m.