
Defines functions sort_colms

Documented in sort_colms

#' Sort columns in a more intuitive order
#' \code{sort_colms} sorts selection table columns in a more intuitive order.
#' @usage sort_colms(X)
#' @param X Data frame containing columns for sound file (sound.files), selection
#' (selec), start and end time of signals ('start' and 'end') and low and high
#' frequency ('bottom.freq' and 'top.freq', optional). See the example data 'lbh_selec_table'.
#' @return  The same data as in the input data frame but with the most relevant information
#' for acoustic analysis located in the first columns.
#' @details The function returns the data from the input data frame with the most relevant information
#' for acoustic analysis located in the first columns. The priority order for column names is: "sound.files", "channel", "selec", "start", "end", "top.freq", and "bottom.freq".
#' @export
#' @name sort_colms
#' @examples
#' library(warbleR)
#' data("selec.table")
#' # mess column order
#' selec.table <- selec.table[, sample(seq_len(ncol(selec.table)))]
#' # check names
#' names(selec.table)
#' selec.table <- sort_colms(X = selec.table)
#' # check names again
#' names(selec.table)
#' @author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on mar-10-2018

sort_colms <- function(X) {
  if (any(duplicated(names(X)))) stop(" Duplicated column names must be fixed first")

  mtch <- match(c("sound.files", "channel", "selec", "start", "end", "top.freq", "bottom.freq"), names(X))

  mtch <- mtch[!is.na(mtch)]

  X <- X[, c(mtch, setdiff(seq_len(ncol(X)), mtch))]


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warbleR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:49 a.m.