
def_parts <- c("name", "notes", "delin_pts", "align_pts", "width", "height", "points", "lines", "closed", "linecolor", "masks")

# tem_def ----
test_that("tem_def", {
  frl <- tem_def()
  expect_equal(names(frl), def_parts)
  expect_equal(frl$delin_pts, c(0, 1, 96))

  frl1 <- tem_def("frl")
  expect_equal(names(frl1), def_parts)
  expect_equal(frl, frl1)

  fpp83 <- tem_def("fpp83")
  expect_equal(names(fpp83), def_parts)
  expect_equal(fpp83$delin_pts, c(63, 81, 82))

  fpp106 <- tem_def("FPP106")
  expect_equal(names(fpp106), def_parts)
  expect_equal(fpp106$delin_pts, c(0, 1, 95))

  # from file
  file <- system.file("extdata/tem_defs/frl.json", package = "webmorphR")
  frl2 <- tem_def(path = file)
  expect_equal(names(frl2), def_parts)
  expect_equal(frl2$delin_pts, c(0, 1, 96))

  expect_equal(frl, frl2)

test_that("online", {

  # no masks in online version
  frl_online <- tem_def(1)
  expect_equal(names(frl_online), def_parts[1:10])
  expect_equal(frl_online$delin_pts, c(0, 1, 96))

# subset_tem ----
test_that("subset_tem", {
  stimuli <- demo_stim()
  # error
  expect_error(subset_tem(stimuli, 0:200))
  # keep
  nt <- subset_tem(stimuli, 0:20)
  expect_equal(stimuli[[1]]$points[, 1:21], nt[[1]]$points)
  # delete
  nt <- subset_tem(stimuli, 0:9, 20:188, keep = FALSE)
  expect_equal(stimuli[[1]]$points[, 11:20], nt[[1]]$points)
  # no tem
  stimuli <- demo_stim() |> remove_tem()
  expect_error(x <- subset_tem(stimuli),
               "No images had templates")

# features ----
test_that("features", {
  expect_error(features("all", tem_id = "nope"))

## frl features ----
test_that("frl", {
  stimuli <- demo_stim(1)
  mouth_pts <- features("mouth", tem_id = "frl")
  mouth <- stimuli |> subset_tem(mouth_pts)
               stimuli[[1]]$points[, mouth_pts+1])

  features <- c("gmm", "oval", "face", "mouth", "nose", "eyes", "brows",
                "left_eye",  "right_eye", "left_brow",  "right_brow",
                "ears", "undereyes", "teeth", "smile_lines", 
                "cheekbones", "philtrum", "chin", "neck", "halo")
  names(features) <- features
    new <- lapply(features, function(ft) {
      stimuli |> subset_tem(features(ft)) |> draw_tem()
    }) |> do.call(what = c)
  # skip("needs visual check")
  # new |> rename_stim(features) |> label()

## dlib70 features ----
test_that("dlib70", {
  stimuli <- demo_tems("dlib70")
  mouth_pts <- features("mouth", tem_id = "dlib70")
  mouth <- stimuli |> subset_tem(mouth_pts)
               stimuli[[1]]$points[, mouth_pts+1])
  features <- c("face", "mouth", "nose", "eyes", "brows",
                "left_eye",  "right_eye", "left_brow", "right_brow",
                "teeth", "gmm")
  names(features) <- features
    new <- lapply(features, function(ft) {
      stimuli |> 
        subset_tem(features(ft, tem_id = "dlib70")) |> 
    }) |>
      do.call(what = c)
  # skip("needs visual check")
  # new |> rename_stim(features) |> label()

# centroid ----
test_that("centroid", {
  stimuli <- demo_stim() |> rep(2)
  ctr <- centroid(stimuli)
  expect_equal(dim(ctr), c(4, 2))
  expect_equal(dimnames(ctr)[[1]], names(stimuli))
  expect_equal(dimnames(ctr)[[2]], c("x", "y"))
  expect_equal(ctr["f_multi", ], 
               c(x = 250.0617, y = 252.1963), 
               tolerance = .0001)
  expect_equal(ctr[2, ], 
               c(x = 248.7498, y = 242.3854), 
               tolerance = .0001)
  # subset of points
  ctr_eyes <- centroid(stimuli, 0:1)
  expect_equal(ctr_eyes["f_multi", ], 
               c(x = 249.4445, y = 226.4352), 
               tolerance = .0001)
  expect_equal(ctr_eyes[2, ], 
               c(x = 248.7963, y = 215.0000), 
               tolerance = .0001)
  # 1 point
  left_eye <- centroid(stimuli, 0)
  expect_equal(left_eye["f_multi", ], 
               stimuli$f_multi$points[, 1], 
               tolerance = .0001)
  expect_equal(left_eye[2, ], 
               stimuli$m_multi$points[, 1], 
               tolerance = .0001)
  # stim
  ctr1 <- centroid(stimuli[[1]])
  expect_equal(dim(ctr1), c(1, 2))
  expect_equal(dimnames(ctr1)[[1]], "f_multi")
  expect_equal(ctr1[1,], ctr[1,])

# change_lines ----
test_that("change_lines", {
  s <- demo_tems("dlib70")
  # remove 1 line
  s1 <- change_lines(s, line_id = 1, pts = NULL)
  expect_equal(s[[1]]$lines[2:13], s1[[1]]$lines)
  # change 1 line
  s2 <- change_lines(s, line_id = 1, pts = 18:1)
  expect_equal(s2[[1]]$lines[[1]], 18:1)
  expect_equal(length(s2[[1]]$lines), length(s[[1]]$lines))
  # remove multiple lines
  s3 <- change_lines(s, line_id = 1:13, pts = NULL)
  expect_equal(s3[[1]]$lines, list())
  # add new lines with names
  s4 <- change_lines(s3, line_id = "face", pts = 2:18)
  expect_equal(s4[[1]]$lines, list(face = 2:18))

# viz_tem_def ----
test_that("viz_tem_def", {
  dlib70 <- tem_def("dlib70")
  vt <- viz_tem_def(dlib70)
  expect_equal(vt[[1]]$points |> rownames(), c("x", "y"))
  expect_equal(vt[[1]]$points |> colnames(), dlib70$points$name)
  expect_equal(vt[[1]]$lines, dlib70$lines)

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webmorphR documentation built on June 2, 2022, 5:07 p.m.