
Defines functions find_magic shrink_one shrink resize_one resize

Documented in resize shrink

#' Resize an image
#' This does not change size of the image in pixels, nor does it affect
#' appearance -- it is lossless compression. This requires GraphicsMagick
#' (recommended) or ImageMagick to be installed.
#' @param filename Character vector containing the path of images to resize.
#' @param geometry Scaling specification. Can be a percent, as in \code{"50\%"},
#'   or pixel dimensions like \code{"120x120"}, \code{"120x"}, or \code{"x120"}.
#'   Any valid ImageMagick geometry specification can be used. If \code{filename}
#'   contains multiple images, this can be a vector to specify distinct sizes
#'   for each image.
#' @return The `filename` supplied but with a class value of `"webshot"`.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # Can be chained with webshot() or appshot()
#'   webshot("https://www.r-project.org/", "r-small-1.png") %>%
#'     resize("75%")
#'   # Generate image that is 400 pixels wide
#'   webshot("https://www.r-project.org/", "r-small-2.png") %>%
#'     resize("400x")
#' }
#' @export
resize <- function(filename, geometry) {
  mapply(resize_one, filename = filename, geometry = geometry,
  structure(filename, class = "webshot")

resize_one <- function(filename, geometry) {
  # Handle missing phantomjs
  if (is.null(filename)) return(NULL)

  # First look for graphicsmagick, then imagemagick
  prog <- Sys.which("gm")

  if (prog == "") {
    # ImageMagick 7 has a "magick" binary
    prog <- Sys.which("magick")

  if (prog == "") {
    if (is_windows()) {
      prog <- find_magic()
    } else {
      prog <- Sys.which("convert")

  if (prog == "")
    stop("None of `gm`, `magick`, or `convert` were found in path. GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick must be installed and in path.")

  args <- c(filename, "-resize", geometry, filename)

  if (names(prog) %in% c("gm", "magick")) {
    args <- c("convert", args)

  res <- system2(prog, args)

  if (res != 0)
    stop("Resizing with `gm convert`, `magick convert` or `convert` failed.")


#' Shrink file size of a PNG
#' This does not change size of the image in pixels, nor does it affect
#' appearance -- it is lossless compression. This requires the program
#' \code{optipng} to be installed.
#' If other operations like resizing are performed, shrinking should occur as
#' the last step. Otherwise, if the resizing happens after file shrinking, it
#' will be as if the shrinking didn't happen at all.
#' @param filename Character vector containing the path of images to resize.
#'   Must be PNG files.
#' @return The `filename` supplied but with a class value of `"webshot"`.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   webshot("https://www.r-project.org/", "r-shrink.png") %>%
#'     shrink()
#' }
#' @export
shrink <- function(filename) {
  mapply(shrink_one, filename = filename, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  structure(filename, class = "webshot")

shrink_one <- function(filename) {
  # Handle missing phantomjs
  if (is.null(filename)) return(NULL)

  optipng <- Sys.which("optipng")
  if (optipng == "")
    stop("optipng not found in path. optipng must be installed and in path.")

  res <- system2("optipng", filename)

  if (res != 0)
    stop("Shrinking with `optipng` failed.")


# Borrowed from animation package, with some adaptations.
find_magic <- function() {
  # try to look for ImageMagick in the Windows Registry Hive, the Program Files
  # directory and the LyX installation
  if (!inherits(try({
    magick_path <- utils::readRegistry("SOFTWARE\\ImageMagick\\Current")$BinPath
  }, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
    if (nzchar(magick_path)) {
      convert <- normalizePath(
        file.path(magick_path, "convert.exe"), "/",
        mustWork = FALSE
  } else if (
    nzchar(prog <- Sys.getenv("ProgramFiles")) &&
      length(magick_dir <- list.files(prog, "^ImageMagick.*")) &&
      length(magick_path <- list.files(
        file.path(prog, magick_dir), pattern = "^convert\\.exe$",
        full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
  ) {
    convert <- normalizePath(magick_path[1], "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  } else if (!inherits(try({
    magick_path <- utils::readRegistry(
  }, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
    convert <- file.path(
      dirname(gsub("(^\"|\" \"%1\"$)", "", magick_path[[1]])),
      c("..", "../etc"),
    convert <- convert[file.exists(convert)]
    if (length(convert)) {
      convert <- normalizePath(convert, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
    } else {
      warning("No way to find ImageMagick!")
  } else {
    warning("ImageMagick not installed yet!")

  if (!file.exists(convert)) {
    # Found an ImageMagick installation, but not the convert.exe binary.
    warning("ImageMagick's convert.exe not found at ", convert)

Try the webshot2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

webshot2 documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:05 a.m.