Man pages for wgaim
Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R

cross2intConvert a cross genetic object to an interval object
genoCxRGenotypic marker data for Cascades x RAC875-2 doubled haploid...
genoRxKGenotypic marker data for RAC875 x Kukri doubled haploid...
genoSxTGenotypic marker data for Sunco x Tasman doubled haploid...
linkMap.crossPlot a genetic linkage map
linkMap.defaultPlot a genetic linkage map with QTL for multiple traits
linkMap.wgaimPlot a genetic linkage map with QTL
outStatA faceted ggplot of the chromosome outlier statistics or the...
phenoCxRPhenotypic Cascades x RAC875-2 zinc experiment data frame
phenoRxKPhenotypic RAC875 x Kukri trial data frame
phenoSxTPhenotypic Sunco x Tasman trial data frame
qtlTableStack QTL summary information into a super table
summary.wgaimSummary and print methods for the class '"wgaim"'
tr.wgaimDisplay diagnostic information about the QTL detected.
wgaim.asremlwgaim method for class "asreml"
wgaim-internalInternal wgaim functions
wgaim-packageWhole Genome Average Interval Mapping (wgaim) for QTL...
wgaim documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:31 p.m.