genoRxK: Genotypic marker data for RAC875 x Kukri doubled haploid...

genoRxKR Documentation

Genotypic marker data for RAC875 x Kukri doubled haploid population in R/qtl format


Linkage map marker data for the RAC875 x Kukri doubled haploid population in the form of an R/qtl cross object.




This data relates to a linkage map of 500 genetic markers genotyped on 368 individuals from the RAC875 x Kukri population. The linkage map consists of 21 linkage groups with varying numbers of markers. Map distances have been estimated using read.cross() with the kosambi mapping function. The data is therefore an R/qtl cross object. See read.cross() documentation for more details on the format of this object.


data(genoRxK, package = "wgaim")
linkMap(genoRxK, cex = 0.5)

wgaim documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:31 p.m.