
#' General Component for Assignment of data points to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @param assignment_type String which signal which assignment type to be used. Check \code{wc_assign_types} for possible values.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assignment <- function(data, centroids, assignment_type)
  if (!(tolower(assignment_type) %in% tolower(wc_assign_types$Type)))
    stop('Please enter assignment function that is available in wc_assign_types data frame')

  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- eval(call(name = as.character(wc_assign_types$Method[tolower(wc_assign_types$Type) == tolower(assignment_type)]), data, centroids))


#' Assign data points using Euclidean distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_euclidean <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(stats::dist(rbind(data, centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), method = 'euclidean'))[1:nrow(data), (nrow(data) + 1):(nrow(data) + nrow(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using squared Euclidean distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_squared_euclidean <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(stats::dist(rbind(data^2, centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]^2), method = 'euclidean'))[1:nrow(data), (nrow(data) + 1):(nrow(data) + nrow(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Manhattan distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_manhattan <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(stats::dist(rbind(data, centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), method = 'manhattan'))[1:nrow(data), (nrow(data) + 1):(nrow(data) + nrow(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Canberra distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_canberra <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(stats::dist(rbind(data, centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), method = 'canberra'))[1:nrow(data), (nrow(data) + 1):(nrow(data) + nrow(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Chebyshev distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_chebyshev <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(stats::dist(rbind(data, centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), method = 'maximum'))[1:nrow(data), (nrow(data) + 1):(nrow(data) + nrow(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Cosine distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_cosine <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  distances <- (as.matrix(data) %*% as.matrix(t(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))])))/(as.matrix(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sqrt(sum(x^2))})) %*% as.matrix(t(apply(X = centroids, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sqrt(sum(x^2))}))))
  assignment <- apply(X = distances, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Correlation distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_correlation <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  distances <- 1 - (as.matrix(data - 1/ncol(data) * rowSums(data)) %*% as.matrix(t(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))] - 1/ncol(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]))]) * rowSums(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))])))) / (sqrt(as.matrix(data - 1/ncol(data) * rowSums(data))^2) %*% sqrt(as.matrix(t(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))] - 1/ncol(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]) * rowSums(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]))^2)))
  assignment <- apply(X = distances, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Sorensen distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_sorensen <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  upper_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(abs(x))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
  lower_matrix <- matrix(data = rep(x = rowSums(data), times = nrow(centroids)), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = FALSE) + matrix(data = rep(x = t(rowSums(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))])), times = nrow(data)), nrow = nrow(data))

  assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

# #' Assign data points using Soergel distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_soergel <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(abs(x))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
#   lower_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmax(r, c))})}))
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

#' Assign data points using Kulczynski distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_kulczynski <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  upper_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(abs(x))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
  lower_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmin(r, c))})}))

  assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Lorentzian distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_lorentzian <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  dist_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(log(1 + abs(x)))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)

  assignment <- apply(X = dist_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Gower distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_gower <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  dist_matrix <- 1/ncol(data) * matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(abs(x))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)

  assignment <- apply(X = dist_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using intersection distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_intersection <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  dist_matrix <- 0.5 * matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(abs(x))})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)

  assignment <- apply(X = dist_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

# #' Assign data points using Czekanowski distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_czekanowski <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmin(r, c))})}))
#   lower_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '+', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

# #' Assign data points using Motika distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_motika <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmax(r, c))})}))
#   lower_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '+', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

# #' Assign data points using Ruzicka distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_ruzicka <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmin(r, c))})}))
#   lower_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmax(r, c))})}))
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

#' Assign data points using Tanimoto distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_tanimoto <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  upper_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmax(r, c) - pmin(r, c))})}))
  lower_matrix <- t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(pmax(r, c))})}))

  assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Inner product distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_inner_product <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = as.matrix(data) %*% as.matrix(t(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))])), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

# #' Assign data points using Jaccart (numerical version) distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_jaccard_numerical <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x^2)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
#   lower_matrix <- matrix(data = rep(x = rowSums(data^2), times = nrow(centroids)), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = FALSE) + matrix(data = rep(x = t(rowSums(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]^2)), times = nrow(data)), nrow = nrow(data)) - as.matrix(data) %*% as.matrix(t(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]))
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

# #' Assign data points using Dice (numerical version) distance.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
# #' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
# #' @return A vector of assignments.
# #' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
# wc_assign_dice_numerical <- function(data, centroids)
# {
#   if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
#   {
#     stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')
#   }
#   if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
#   {
#     stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')
#   }
#   upper_matrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x^2)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
#   lower_matrix <- matrix(data = rep(x = rowSums(data^2), times = nrow(centroids)), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = FALSE) + matrix(data = rep(x = t(rowSums(centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]^2)), times = nrow(data)), nrow = nrow(data))
#   assignment <- apply(X = upper_matrix / lower_matrix, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
#   assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)
#   return(assignment)
# }

#' Assign data points using Fidelity (numerical version) distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_fidelity_numerical <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = t(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(sqrt(r * c))})})), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Bhattacharyya distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_bhattacharyya_numerical <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = t(-1 * log(apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {apply(X = centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(c) {sum(sqrt(r * c))})}))), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Hellinger (numerical version) distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_hellinger_numerical <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = 2 * sqrt(matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x^2)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Assign data points using Whittaker distance.
#' @param data A dataset for which data points needs to be assigned to Cluster Representatives.
#' @param centroids Cluster representatives.
#' @return A vector of assignments.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_whittaker <- function(data, centroids)
  if(!(class(data) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Data should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(!(class(centroids) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')))
    stop('Centroids should be data.frame or matrix')

  if(ncol(data) != (ncol(centroids) - 1))
    stop('Data and Centroids not compatible')

  assignment <- apply(X = matrix(unlist(lapply(X = apply(X = data/apply(X = data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean), MARGIN = 1, FUN = '-', centroids[, !grepl("WCCluster", colnames(centroids))]/apply(X = data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)), FUN = function(x) {apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {sum(x^2)})})), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {which.min(x)})
  assignment <- as.numeric(assignment)

#' Data frame for possible values of assignment types.
#' @author Sandro Radovanovic \email{sandro.radovanovic@@gmail.com}
wc_assign_types <- data.frame()

wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Euclidean', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_euclidean'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Squared Euclidean', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_squared_euclidean'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Manhattan', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_manhattan'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Canberra', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_canberra'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Chebyshev', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_chebyshev'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Cosine', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_cosine'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Correlation', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_correlation'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Sorensen', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_sorensen'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Soergel', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_soergel'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Kulczynski', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_kulczynski'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Lorentzian', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_lorentzian'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Gower', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_gower'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Inersection', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_intersection'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Czekanowski', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_czekanowski'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Motika', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_motika'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Ruzicka', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_ruzicka'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Tanimoto', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_tanimoto'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Inner Product', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_inner_product'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Jaccard', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_jaccard_numerical'))
# wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Dice', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_dice_numerical'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Fidelity', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_fidelity_numerical'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Bhattacharyya', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_bhattacharyya_numerical'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Hellinger', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_hellinger_numerical'))
wc_assign_types <- rbind.data.frame(wc_assign_types, data.frame('Type' = 'Whittaker', 'Method' = 'wc_assign_whittaker'))

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whiboclustering documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:46 a.m.