
Defines functions wkb_to_hex as.character.wk_wkb format.wk_wkb is.na.wk_wkb `[<-.wk_wkb` is_wk_wkb validate_wk_wkb new_wk_wkb as_wkb.WKB as_wkb.blob as_wkb.wk_wkb as_wkb.character as_wkb.default as_wkb wk_platform_endian parse_wkb wkb

Documented in as_wkb as_wkb.blob as_wkb.character as_wkb.default as_wkb.WKB as_wkb.wk_wkb is_wk_wkb new_wk_wkb parse_wkb validate_wk_wkb wkb wkb_to_hex wk_platform_endian

#' Mark lists of raw vectors as well-known binary
#' @param x A [list()] of [raw()] vectors or `NULL`.
#' @inheritParams new_wk_wkb
#' @param ... Unused
#' @return A [new_wk_wkb()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_wkb("POINT (20 10)")
wkb <- function(x = list(), crs = wk_crs_auto(), geodesic = FALSE) {
  crs <- wk_crs_auto_value(x, crs)
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  wkb <- new_wk_wkb(x, crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic_attr(geodesic))

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
parse_wkb <- function(x, crs = wk_crs_auto(), geodesic = FALSE) {
  crs <- wk_crs_auto_value(x, crs)
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  wkb <- new_wk_wkb(x, crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic_attr(geodesic))
  parse_base(wkb, wk_problems(wkb))

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
wk_platform_endian <- function() {
  match(.Platform$endian, c("big", "little")) - 1L

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb.default <- function(x, ...) {
    new_wk_wkb(crs = wk_crs_inherit(), geodesic = wk_geodesic_inherit()),

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb.character <- function(x, ..., crs = NULL, geodesic = FALSE) {
  as_wkb(wkt(x, crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic), ...)

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb.wk_wkb <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb.blob <- function(x, ..., crs = NULL, geodesic = FALSE) {
  as_wkb(wkb(x, crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic), ...)

#' @rdname wkb
#' @export
as_wkb.WKB <- function(x, ..., crs = NULL, geodesic = FALSE) {
  as_wkb(wkb(x, crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic), ...)

#' S3 Details for wk_wkb
#' @param x A (possibly) [wkb()] vector
#' @param crs A value to be propagated as the CRS for this vector.
#' @inheritParams wk_is_geodesic
#' @export
new_wk_wkb <- function(x = list(), crs = NULL, geodesic = NULL) {
  if (typeof(x) != "list" || !is.null(attributes(x))) {
    stop("wkb input must be a list without attributes",  call. = FALSE)

  structure(x, class = c("wk_wkb", "wk_vctr"), crs = crs, geodesic = geodesic)

#' @rdname new_wk_wkb
#' @export
validate_wk_wkb <- function(x) {
  if (typeof(x) != "list") {
    stop("wkb() must be of type list()", call. = FALSE)

  good_types <- .Call(wk_c_wkb_is_raw_or_null, x)
  if (!all(good_types)) {
    stop("items in wkb input must be raw() or NULL", call. = FALSE)

  if (!inherits(x, "wk_wkb") || !inherits(x, "wk_vctr")) {
    attributes(x) <- NULL
    problems <- wk_problems(new_wk_wkb(x))
  } else {
    problems <- wk_problems(x)



#' @rdname new_wk_wkb
#' @export
is_wk_wkb <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "wk_wkb")

#' @export
`[<-.wk_wkb` <- function(x, i, value) {
  replacement <- as_wkb(value)
  crs_out <- wk_crs_output(x, replacement)
  geodesic_out <- wk_is_geodesic_output(x, replacement)
  x <- unclass(x)
  x[i] <- replacement
  attr(x, "crs") <- NULL
  attr(x, "geodesic") <- NULL
  new_wk_wkb(x, crs = crs_out, geodesic = geodesic_attr(geodesic_out))

#' @export
is.na.wk_wkb <- function(x) {
  .Call(wk_c_wkb_is_na, x)

#' @export
format.wk_wkb <- function(x, ...) {
  paste0("<", wk_format(x), ">")

# as far as I can tell, this is the only way to change
# how the object appears in the viewer
#' @export
as.character.wk_wkb <- function(x, ...) {
  format(x, ...)

#' Convert well-known binary to hex
#' @param x A [wkb()] vector
#' @return A hex encoded [wkb()] vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as_wkb(xyz(1:5, 6:10, 11:15))
#' wkb_to_hex(x)
wkb_to_hex <- function(x) {
  .Call(wk_c_wkb_to_hex, as_wkb(x))

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wk documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:27 p.m.