
Defines functions download_wos one_pull wok_search

download_wos <- function(query_result, ...) {

  # Make sure query didn't return more than 100,000 results. The API doesn't
  # allow you to download a data set that is more than 100,000 records in size
  rec_cnt <- query_result$rec_cnt
  if (rec_cnt >= 100000) {
        "Can't download result sets that have 100,000 or more records.
        Try breaking your query into pieces using the PY tag
        (see FAQs at https://vt-arc.github.io/wosr/articles/faqs.html#how-do-i-download-data-for-a-query-that-returns-more-than-100000-records for details)"

  # Return NA if no pubs matched the query
  if (rec_cnt == 0) return(NA)

  from <- seq(1, to = rec_cnt, by = 100)
  count <- rep(100, times = length(from))
  count[length(count)] <- rec_cnt - from[length(count)] + 1

  pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(length(from)), function(x, ...) {
    response <- one_pull(
      first_record = from[x],
      count = count[x],
      sid = query_result$sid,



one_pull <- function(query_id, first_record, count, sid, ...) {

  # Create body of HTTP request, which asks for data for a given number of records
  # (count), starting at record number first_record. This allows paginated
  # download of results. Also note that you are passing along the ID for a
  # particular query, so that the server knows which result set to look in.
  body <- paste0(
    '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <ns2:retrieve xmlns:ns2="http://woksearch.v3.wokmws.thomsonreuters.com">
    <queryId>', query_id, '</queryId>
    <firstRecord>', first_record, '</firstRecord>
    <count>', count, '</count></retrieveParameters>

  # If you run into throttling error (2 calls per second per SID), just sleep
  # for a second and try again (up to three tries)
  for (i in 1:3) {
    response <- wok_search(body, sid, ...)
    if (httr::http_error(response)) {
      er <- parse_er(response)
      if (grepl("throttle", er, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    } else {


wok_search <- function(body, sid, ...) {
    body = body,
    httr::add_headers("cookie" = paste0("SID=", sid)),

Try the wosr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

wosr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:18 p.m.