
Defines functions plotSeason

Documented in plotSeason

#' Plots seasonal patterns for a time series
#' Divides the time range for a monthly time series into different eras and
#' plots composites of seasonal pattern. Can also plot each month separately
#' for the entire record.
#' If \code{num.era} is an integer, the time range is divided into that many
#' equal eras; otherwise, the time range is divided into eras determined by the
#' \code{num.era} vector of years. When plotted \code{"by.era"} and
#' \code{same.plot = FALSE}, the composite patterns are plotted in a horizontal
#' row for easier comparison, which limits the number of periods that can be
#' examined. Boxes based on fewer than half of the maximum possible years
#' available are outlined in red. If \code{same.plot = TRUE}, a single plot is
#' produced with era boxplots arranged by month. When plotted
#' \code{"by.month"}, values for each month are first converted to standardized
#' anomalies, i.e., by subtraction of long-term mean and division by standard
#' deviation. As always, and especially with these plots, experiment with the
#' device aspect ratio and size to get the clearest information.
#' @author
#' Alan Jassby, James Cloern
#' @param x Monthly time series
#' @param type Plot seasonal pattern by era, or each month for the entire
#' record
#' @param num.era Integer number of eras, or vector of era year breaks
#' @param same.plot Should eras be plotted by month?
#' @param ylab Optional character string label for y-axis
#' @param num.col Number of columns when plotted \code{"by.month"}
#' @return A plot (and the corresponding object of class \code{"ggplot"}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{decompTs}}, \code{\link{seasonTrend}}
#' @keywords Graphics ts
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cycle
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_discrete scale_y_continuous
#'     scale_colour_manual geom_linerange
#' @examples
#' chl27 <- sfbayChla[, "s27"]
#' plotSeason(chl27, num.era = c(1978, 1988, 1998, 2008), ylab = "Stn 27 Chl-a")
#' \dontrun{
#' plotSeason(chl27, num.era = 3, same.plot = FALSE, ylab = "Stn 27 Chl-a")
#' plotSeason(chl27, "by.month", ylab = "Stn 27 Chl-a")
#' }
plotSeason <-
  function(x, type = c("by.era", "by.month"), num.era = 4,
           same.plot = TRUE, ylab = NULL, num.col = 3) {

    # Validate args
    if (!is(x, "ts") || is(x, "mts"))
      stop("x must be a single 'ts'")
    type <- match.arg(type)

    # Turn time series into data.frame
    sx <- start(x)[1]
    ex <- end(x)[1]
    x <- window(x, start = sx, end = c(ex, 12), extend = TRUE)
    d <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(x), mon = ordered(month.abb[cycle(x)],
      levels = month.abb), yr = as.numeric(floor(time(x))))

    # Take care of case where num.era is a scalar
    if (length(num.era) == 1) {
      if (num.era < 1 || round(num.era) != num.era) {
        stop("num.era must be a whole number > 0")
      } else {
        num.era <- round((0:num.era) * (ex - sx) / num.era + sx, 0)

    if (type == "by.era") {
      # Break data into eras
      d$era <- cut(d$yr, breaks = num.era, include.lowest = TRUE, dig.lab = 4,
        ordered_result = TRUE)
      colnames(d)[1] <- "value"
      d <- na.omit(d)

      # Find missing fraction by month and era
      t0 <- table(d$mon, d$era)
      t1 <- sweep(t0, 2, diff(num.era), "/")
      t2 <- t1 < 0.5
      t3 <- melt(t2)
      colnames(t3) <- c("mon", "era", "too.few")
      t4 <- within(t3, {
        mon <- ordered(mon, levels = levels(d$mon))
        if (length(unique(era)) > 1)
          era <- ordered(era, levels = levels(d$era))
      d1 <- merge(d, t4)

      if (same.plot) {
        # Nest eras within months
        ggplot(d1, aes_string(x = "mon", y = "value", fill = "era")) +
          geom_boxplot(size = .2, position = "dodge") +
          labs(x = "", y = ylab, fill = "Era")
      } else {
        # Nest months within eras
        cols <- c(`TRUE` = "red", `FALSE` = "blue")
        p1 <- ggplot(d1, aes_string(x = "mon", y = "value", colour = "too.few")) +
          geom_boxplot(size = .2) +
          scale_x_discrete("", breaks = month.abb,
            labels = c("Jan", " ", " ", "Apr", " ", " ", "Jul",
              " ", " ", "Oct", " ", " ")) +
          scale_y_continuous(ylab) +
          scale_colour_manual("", values = cols, guide = "none") +
          theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, colour = "grey50"))
        if (length(num.era) > 2)
          p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~era, nrow = 1)

    } else {
      # Plot standardized anomalies for each month
      x1 <- ts2df(x)
      x2 <- ts(x1, start = start(x))
      plotTsAnom(x2, ylab = ylab, scales = "free_y")

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