
Defines functions trendHomog

Documented in trendHomog

#' Trend homogeneity test
#' Tests for homogeneity of seasonal trends using method proposed by van Belle
#' and Hughes (1984). Seasons with insufficient data as defined in
#' \code{\link{mannKen}} are ignored.
#' @param x A vector time series with frequency > 1
#' @return \item{chisq.trend}{"Trend" chi-square.}
#' \item{chisq.homog}{"Homogeneous" chi-square.} \item{p.value}{For null
#' hypothesis that trends are homogeneous.} \item{n}{Number of seasons used.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{seaKen}}
#' @references van Belle, G. and Hughes, J.P. (1984) Nonparametric tests for
#' trend in water quality. \emph{Water Resources Research} \bold{20,} 127-136.
#' @keywords ts
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @author 
#' Alan Jassby, James Cloern
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Apply to a monthly vector time series to test homogeneity
#' ## of seasonal trends.
#' x <- sfbayChla[, 's27']
#' trendHomog(x)
trendHomog <-
function(x) {

  # validate args
  if (!is.ts(x) || is.mts(x))
    stop("'x' must be a vector time series")
  if (frequency(x) < 2)
    stop("'x' must be a seasonal time series")

  # Use only seasons with enough data
  w <- seasonTrend(x)
  x0 <- tsSub(x, seas = as.numeric(w$season[w$miss<.5]))

  # functions to extract S and varS
  kens <- function(y) mannKen(y)$S
  kenvars <- function(y) mannKen(y)$varS

  # find S and varS for each season
  fr <- frequency(x0)
  x1 <-window(x0, s = start(x0)[1], end = c(end(x0)[1], fr), extend = TRUE)
  x1 <- matrix(x1, byrow = TRUE, ncol = fr)
  S <- apply(x1, 2, kens)
  varS <- apply(x1, 2, kenvars)

  Z <- S / varS ^ .5
  chi2.tot <- sum(Z ^ 2)
  Zbar <- mean(Z)
  chi2.trend <- fr * Zbar ^ 2
  chi2.homog <- chi2.tot - chi2.trend
  p.value <- pchisq(chi2.homog, fr - 1, 0, FALSE)

  list(chi2.trend = chi2.trend,
       chi2.homog = chi2.homog,
       p.value = p.value,
       n = fr)

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