adjustUnitPrefix: Adjust Value With Different Decimal Prefixes To Single Prefix...

View source: R/adjustUnitPrefix.R

adjustUnitPrefixR Documentation

Adjust Value With Different Decimal Prefixes To Single Prefix Plus Unit


This function provides help converting values with with different unit-prefixes to a single prefix-unit type. This can be used to convert a vector of mixed prefixes like 'p' and 'n'. Any text to the right of the unit will be ignored.


  pref = c("z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "u", "m", "", "k", "M", "G"),
  unit = "sec",
  sep = c("_", ".", " ", ""),
  minTrimNChar = 0,
  returnType = c("NAifInvalid", "allText"),
  silent = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  callFrom = NULL



(character) vector containing digit uunit-prefix and unit terms


(character) multiplicative unit-prefixes, assumes as increasing factors of 1000


(character) unit name, the numeric part may be sepatated by one space-character


(character) separator characters that may appear between integer numeric value and unit description


(integer) min number of text characters when trimming adjacent text on left and right of main numeric+prefix+unit


(character) set options for retuning results : 'NAifInvalid' .. return NA for invalid parts,'allText' .. return initial text if problem, 'trim'


(logical) suppress messages


(logical) additional messages for debugging


(character) allow easier tracking of messages produced


The aim of this function if to allow adjusting a vector containing '100pMol' and '1nMol' to '100pMol' and '1000pMol' for better downstream analysis. Please note that the current version recognizes and converts only interger values; decimals or scientific writing won't be recognized properly. The resultant numeric vector expresses all values as lowest prefix unit level. In case of invalid entries NAs will be returned.

Please note that decimal/comma digits will not be recognized properly, since the function will consider (by default) the decimal sign as just another separator.

To avoid special characters (which may not work on all operating-systems) the letter 'u' is used for 'micro'.


This function returns a character vector (same length as input) with adjusted unified decimal prefix and adjusted numeric content, the numeric content only is also giben in the names of the output

See Also

convToNum; checkUnitPrefix; trimRedundText


adjustUnitPrefix(c("2.psec abc","20 fsec etc"), unit="sec")

x1 <- c("50_amol", "5_fmol","250_amol","100_amol", NA, "500_amol", "500_amol", "1_fmol")
adjustUnitPrefix(x1, unit="mol")                   

x2 <- c("abCc 500_nmol ABC", "abEe5_umol", "", "abFF_100_nmol_G", "abGg 2_mol", "abH.1 mmol")
rbind( adjustUnitPrefix(x2, unit="mol", returnType="allText") , 
  adjustUnitPrefix(x2, unit="mol", returnType="trim"),
  adjustUnitPrefix(x2, unit="mol", returnType=""))

wrMisc documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:10 p.m.