
test_that("xml_name() returns the name", {
  x <- read_xml("<body>
    <p>Some <b>text</b>.</p>
    <p>Some <i>other</i>.</p>
    <p>No bold text</p>

  children <- xml_children(x)
  x <- xml_find_first(children, ".//b|.//i")

  expect_equal(xml_name(x[[1]]), "b")
  expect_equal(xml_name(x[[2]]), "i")
  expect_equal(xml_name(x[[3]]), NA_character_)

  expect_equal(xml_name(x), c("b", "i", NA_character_))

test_that("qualified names returned when ns given", {
  x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
  ns <- xml_ns(x)

  bars <- xml_children(xml_children(x))
  expect_equal(xml_name(bars), c("bar", "bar"))
  expect_equal(xml_name(bars, ns), c("d1:bar", "d2:bar"))

test_that("error if missing ns spec", {
  x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
  ns <- xml_ns(x)[1]

  bars <- xml_children(xml_children(x))
  expect_snapshot_error(xml_name(bars, ns))

test_that("xml_name<- modifies the name", {
  x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
  ns <- xml_ns(x)

  bars <- xml_children(xml_children(x))
  bar <- bars[[1]]

  xml_name(bar) <- "foo"
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar), "foo")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar, ns), "d1:foo")

  # ns is ignored
  xml_name(bar, ns) <- "bar"
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar), "bar")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar, ns), "d1:bar")

  xml_name(bars) <- "foo"
  expect_equal(xml_name(bars), c("foo", "foo"))

  old_mss <- mss <- xml_missing()
  xml_name(mss) <- "foo"
  expect_identical(old_mss, mss)

test_that("xml_set_name modifies the name", {
  x <- read_xml(test_path("ns-multiple-default.xml"))
  ns <- xml_ns(x)

  bars <- xml_children(xml_children(x))
  bar <- bars[[1]]

  xml_set_name(bar, "foo")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar), "foo")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar, ns), "d1:foo")

  # ns is ignored
  xml_set_name(bar, "bar", ns)
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar), "bar")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bar, ns), "d1:bar")

  xml_set_name(bars, "foo")
  expect_equal(xml_name(bars), c("foo", "foo"))

  old_mss <- mss <- xml_missing()
  xml_set_name(mss, "foo")
  expect_identical(old_mss, mss)

Try the xml2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xml2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:28 a.m.