
## Create basic example data frame to check LR with. 15 SNPs over 5 chromosomes.


## test that LR is calculated correctly

test_that("LR calculates LR statistic correctly", {

  expect_equal(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = NULL),

## Test the function with a different window size

test_that("LR calculates LR statistic correctly with a different window size", {

  expect_equal(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 1100, X = NULL),

## Test the function with X supplied as a parameter

test_that("LR calculates LR statistic correctly with X supplied", {

  expect_equal(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = c(700,900)),

## Test the function with X supplied as a parameter outside of the region defined in pos

test_that("LR fails with an X supplied outside of the region defined in pos", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = c(7000,9000)),
               "The region specified by X is outside the region contained in the pos vector")

## Test the function with X supplied as character

test_that("LR fails with an X supplied as a character", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = c("700bp","900bp")),
               "X should be a numeric vector of length 2 e.g. c(100,200)",

## Test the function with X supplied as only one number

test_that("LR fails with an X supplied as only one number", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = 700),
               "X should be a numeric vector of length 2 e.g. c(100,200)",

## Test the function with X supplied with too many numbers

test_that("LR fails with an X supplied with too many numbers", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 3000, X = c(700,900,1100)),
               "X should be a numeric vector of length 2 e.g. c(100,200)",

## Test the function with ws non-numeric

test_that("LR fails when ws is non-numeric", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = "3000bp", X = NULL),
               "ws must be a number greater than 0")

## Test the function with ws = 0

test_that("LR fails when ws is zero", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = df$POS, ws  = 0, X = NULL),
               "ws must be a number greater than 0")

## Test the function with positions non-numeric

test_that("LR fails when pos is non-numeric", {

  expect_error(LR(pos = paste0(df$POS,"bp"), ws  = 3000, X = NULL),
               "pos must be a numeric vector")

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zalpha documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 9:06 a.m.