
#' Update EnergyPlus Schedules
#' The analytic models produce schedules. We need to update the EnergyPlus schedule files with the new end-uses.
#' @param analytic_schedule_path Path to the analytical schedule files
#' @param analytic_schedule_filename Name of the file, including .csv
#' @keywords EnergyPlus, Parametrics, Calibration
#' @export
#' @examples
#' update_schedule("L:/P/1631/Schedules/Final", "FCZ12_ALL_Usage_Level_LOW_GAS_Schedules.csv")

update_schedule <- function(analytic_schedule_path, analytic_schedule_filename){
  energyplus_schedule <- read_csv("Residential_sch.csv") %>%
    mutate(date = as_date(mdy_hm(Schedule)))
  energyplus_start_date = min(energyplus_schedule$date)
  energyplus_end_date   = max(energyplus_schedule$date)
  analytic_schedule_path <- "L:/P/1631/Task 4 - Baseline Profiles/Residential Pre-Processor 091417/Results/Schedules/Final" 
  #analytic_schedule_files <- dir(analytic_schedule_path)
  #analytic_schedule <- read_csv(str_c(analytic_schedule_path, analytic_schedule_files[1], sep = "/")) %>% 
  analytic_schedule <- read_csv(str_c(analytic_schedule_path, analytic_schedule_filename, sep = "/")) %>% 
    # select(which(names(analytic_schedule) %in% names(energyplus_schedule))) %>% 
    filter(date >= energyplus_start_date, date <= energyplus_end_date)
  if(sum(analytic_schedule$date == energyplus_schedule$date) != 8760) stop("Schedule update failure... dates may not match")
  # In the analytic model, the hdd_base and cdd_base column are regression change point values. 
  # In the energy plus schedule, they are actual setpoints. 
  # John said not to update these. 
  do_not_update <- c("date", "hdd_base", "cdd_base")
  cols_to_update <- names(energyplus_schedule)[names(energyplus_schedule) %in% names(analytic_schedule)]
  cols_to_update <- cols_to_update[!(cols_to_update %in% do_not_update)]
  analytic_schedule <- analytic_schedule[, cols_to_update]
  #Check that no schedule values are outside zero and one
  fix_schedule_bounds <- function(vector){
    if(max(vector) > 1){
      warning("Analytic schedule had values > 1. They were set to 1.")
      vector[vector > 1] <- 1
    if(min(vector) < 0){
      warning("Analytic schedule had values < 0. They were set to 0.")
      vector[vector < 0] <- 0

  analytic_schedule <- as_tibble(apply(analytic_schedule, 2, fix_schedule_bounds))
  # Remember not to change the column order of the EnergyPlus file columns! They are referenced in the .idf file
  energyplus_schedule[, cols_to_update] <- analytic_schedule[, cols_to_update]
  write_csv(energyplus_schedule, "Residential_sch.csv")
07engineer/FCZ12.Residential documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:40 p.m.