
Defines functions capitalize match_case_sub replace_one_template is_template praise

Documented in praise

#' @title Praise Users
#' @name praise
#' @description Build friendly R packages that
#' praise their users if they have done something
#' good, or they just need it to feel better.
#' @docType package
#' @aliases praise praise-package


#' Parts of speech for praising
#' @format
#' Named list of character vertors. List entries: \describe{
#'   \item{adjective}{Words and phrases to be used as positive adjectives.
#'     Most of them are from \url{https://github.com/sindresorhus/superb}.}
#'   \item{adverb}{Adverbs.}
#'   \item{adverb_manner}{Adverbs of manner, with positive meanings.}
#'   \item{created}{Synonyms of \sQuote{create} in paste tense.}
#'   \item{creating}{Synonyms of \sQuote{create}, in present participle
#'     form.}
#'   \item{exclamation}{Positive exclamations.}
#'   \item{rpackage}{Synonyms for the term \sQuote{R package}.}
#' }
#' @include adjective.R adverb.R exclamation.R rpackage.R smiley.R verb.R
#' @export

praise_parts <- list(
  adjective = adjective,
  adverb = adverb,
  adverb_manner = adverb_manner,
  created = created,
  creating = creating,
  exclamation = exclamation,
  rpackage = rpackage,
  smiley = smiley

#' Randomized praise based on a template
#' @details
#' Replace parts of the template with random words from the praise
#' word lists. See examples below.
#' @param template Character scalar, the template string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' praise()
#' ## Capitalization
#' praise("${Exclamation}! This ${rpackage} is ${adjective}!")
#' ## All upper case
#' praise("${EXCLAMATION}! You have done this ${adverb_manner}!")

praise <- function(template = "You are ${adjective}!") {
  while (is_template(template)) {
    template <- replace_one_template(template)

template_pattern <- "\\$\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"

is_template <- function(x) grepl(template_pattern, x)

replace_one_template <- function(template) {
  match <- regexpr(template_pattern, template, perl = TRUE)

  template1 <- substring(
    match + attr(match, "match.length") - 1L

  part <- substring(
    attr(match, "capture.start"),
    attr(match, "capture.start") + attr(match, "capture.length") - 1L

    sample(praise_parts[[tolower(part)]], 1),

match_case_sub <- function(pattern, part, replacement, text) {
  if (toupper(part) == part) {
    replacement <- toupper(replacement)
  } else if (capitalize(part) == part) {
    replacement <- capitalize(replacement)

  sub(pattern, replacement, text, fixed = TRUE)

capitalize <- function(x) {
    toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)),
    substring(x, 2)
2DegreesInvesting/praise documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 12:01 a.m.