
# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of RanitidineCancerRisk
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

createAnalysesDetails <- function(workFolder) {
  maxCohortSizeForFitting = 250000
  covarSettings <- FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = TRUE,
                                              useDemographicsAge = TRUE, 
                                              useDemographicsAgeGroup = TRUE,
                                              useDemographicsRace = TRUE, 
                                              useDemographicsEthnicity = TRUE,
                                              useDemographicsIndexYear = TRUE, 
                                              useDemographicsIndexMonth = TRUE,
                                              useConditionOccurrenceAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                              useConditionGroupEraAnyTimePrior = TRUE,
                                              useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useConditionGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE,
                                              useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useDrugGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE,
                                              useDrugGroupEraOverlapping = TRUE,
                                              useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useMeasurementLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useMeasurementShortTerm = TRUE,
                                              useMeasurementRangeGroupLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useObservationLongTerm = TRUE,
                                              useCharlsonIndex = TRUE, 
                                              useVisitCountLongTerm = TRUE, 
                                              longTermStartDays = -365,
                                              mediumTermStartDays = -180, 
                                              shortTermStartDays = -30, 
                                              endDays = 0,
                                              excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(19011685,
                                              addDescendantsToExclude = TRUE,
                                              includedCovariateIds = c()
  # covarSettings <- FeatureExtraction::createDefaultCovariateSettings(excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(19011685,
  #                                                                                                    961047,
  #                                                                                                    950696, 
  #                                                                                                    43009003,
  #                                                                                                    953076,
  #                                                                                                    997276),
  #                                                                    addDescendantsToExclude = TRUE)
  getDbCmDataArgs <- CohortMethod::createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgs(washoutPeriod = 365,
                                                                   restrictToCommonPeriod = TRUE,
                                                                   firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
                                                                   removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
                                                                   studyStartDate = "",
                                                                   studyEndDate = "",
                                                                   excludeDrugsFromCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                   covariateSettings = covarSettings)
  OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 1,
                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 0,
                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 30,
  #                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 0,
  #                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 365,
  #                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 0,
  #                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 1,
  #                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 365,
  #                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 30,
  #                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 365,
  #                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
  OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                                    minDaysAtRisk = 1,
                                                                                    riskWindowStart = 365,
                                                                                    startAnchor  = "cohort start",
                                                                                    riskWindowEnd = 365,
                                                                                    endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                              minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                              riskWindowStart = 1,
  #                                                                                              startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                              riskWindowEnd = 1095,
  #                                                                                              endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 30,
  #                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 1095,
  #                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 365,
  #                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 1095,
  #                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
  ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                              minDaysAtRisk = 1,
                                                                              riskWindowStart = 1,
                                                                              startAnchor  = "cohort start",
                                                                              riskWindowEnd = 9999,
                                                                              endAnchor = "cohort end")
  # ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
  #                                                                             minDaysAtRisk = 1,
  #                                                                             riskWindowStart = 30,
  #                                                                             startAnchor  = "cohort start",
  #                                                                             riskWindowEnd = 9999,
  #                                                                             endAnchor = "cohort end")
  ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
                                                                               minDaysAtRisk = 1,
                                                                               riskWindowStart = 365,
                                                                               startAnchor  = "cohort start",
                                                                               riskWindowEnd = 9999,
                                                                               endAnchor = "cohort end")
  createPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreatePsArgs(control = Cyclops::createControl(cvType = "auto",
                                                                                    startingVariance = 0.01,
                                                                                    noiseLevel = "quiet",
                                                                                    tolerance = 2e-07,
                                                                                    cvRepetitions = 10),
                                                   errorOnHighCorrelation = TRUE,
                                                   stopOnError = F, 
                                                   maxCohortSizeForFitting = maxCohortSizeForFitting)
  unConditionedCox <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                              modelType = "cox",
                                                              stratified = FALSE)
  conditionedCox <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                            modelType = "cox",
                                                            stratified = TRUE)
  oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createMatchOnPsArgs(maxRatio = 1)
  variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createMatchOnPsArgs(maxRatio = 100)
  stratificationMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createStratifyByPsArgs(numberOfStrata = 10)
  description1 = "No PS matching, on-treatment"
  # description2 = "No PS matching, On-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  # description3 = "No PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year blanking period"
  description4 = "1:1 PS matching, on-treatment"
  # description5 = "1:1 PS matching, On-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  # description6 = "1:1 PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year blanking period"
  description7 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, on-treatment"
  # description8 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, with blanking period of 30 days"
  # description9 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year blanking period"
  description10 = "PS stratification, On-treatment"
  # description11 = "PS stratification, On-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  # description12 = "PS stratification, on-treatment, with 1-year blanking period"
  # description13 = "No PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year lag period"
  # description14 = "No PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description15 = "No PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year lag period"
  # description16 = "1:1 PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment"
  # description17 = "1:1 PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description18 = "1:1 PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year lag period"
  # description19 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment"
  # description20 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description21 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, on-treatment, with 1-year lag period"
  # description22 = "PS stratification, 1 Year added to on-treatment"
  # description23 = "PS stratification, 1 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description24 = "PS stratification, on-treatment, with 1-year lag period"
  #  description25 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment"
  #  description26 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  #  description27 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 1 year"
  #  description28 = "1:1 PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment"
  #  description29 = "1:1 PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  #  description30 = "1:1 PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 1 year"
  #  description31 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment"
  #  description32 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  #  description33 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 1 year"
  #  description34 = "PS stratification, 3 Year added to on-treatment"
  #  description35 = "PS stratification, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
  #  description36 = "PS stratification, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 1 year"
  description37 = "No PS matching, ITT"
  # description38 = "No PS matching, ITT, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description39 = "No PS matching, ITT, with 1-year lag period"
  description40 = "1:1 PS matching, ITT"
  # description41 = "1:1 PS matching, ITT, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description42 = "1:1 PS matching, ITT, with 1-year lag period"
  description43 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, ITT"
  # description44 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, ITT, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description45 = "Variable-ratio PS matching, ITT, with 1-year lag period"
  description46 = "PS stratification, ITT"
  # description47 = "PS stratification, ITT, with blanking period of 30 days"
  description48 = "PS stratification, ITT, with 1-year lag period"
  #Without matching
  cmAnalysis1 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 1,
                                                description = description1,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis2 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 2,
  #                                               description = description2,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis3 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 3,
  #                                               description = description3,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #1:1 PS matching
  cmAnalysis4 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 4,
                                                description = description4,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis5 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 5,
  #                                               description = description5,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis6 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 6,
  #                                               description = description6,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #Variable-ratio PS matching
  cmAnalysis7 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 7,
                                                description = description7,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis8 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 8,
  #                                               description = description8,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis9 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 9,
  #                                               description = description9,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  #PS stratification
  cmAnalysis10 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 10,
                                                description = description10,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis11 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 11,
  #                                               description = description11,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis12 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 12,
  #                                               description = description12,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)

  #Without matching
  # cmAnalysis13 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 13,
  #                                               description = description13,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis14 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 14,
  #                                               description = description14,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis15 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 15,
                                                description = description15,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #1:1 PS matching
  # cmAnalysis16 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 16,
  #                                               description = description16,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis17 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 17,
  #                                               description = description17,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis18 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 18,
                                                description = description18,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #Variable-ratio PS matching
  # cmAnalysis19 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 19,
  #                                               description = description19,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis20 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 20,
  #                                               description = description20,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis21 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 21,
                                                description = description21,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  #PS stratification
  # cmAnalysis22 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 22,
  #                                               description = description22,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis23 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 23,
  #                                               description = description23,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis24 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 24,
                                                description = description24,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # ####25-36####
  # #Without matching
  # cmAnalysis25 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 25,
  #                                               description = description25,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis26 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 26,
  #                                               description = description26,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis27 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 27,
  #                                               description = description27,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # #1:1 PS matching
  # cmAnalysis28 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 28,
  #                                               description = description28,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis29 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 29,
  #                                               description = description29,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis30 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 30,
  #                                               description = description30,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # #Variable-ratio PS matching
  # cmAnalysis31 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 31,
  #                                               description = description31,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis32 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 32,
  #                                               description = description32,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis33 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 33,
  #                                               description = description33,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # #PS stratification
  # cmAnalysis34 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 34,
  #                                               description = description34,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis35 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 35,
  #                                               description = description35,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis36 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 36,
  #                                               description = description36,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  #Without matching
  cmAnalysis37 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 37,
                                                description = description37,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis38 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 38,
  #                                               description = description38,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis39 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 39,
                                                description = description39,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #1:1 PS matching
  cmAnalysis40 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 40,
                                                description = description40,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis41 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 41,
  #                                               description = description41,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis42 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 42,
                                                description = description42,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
  #Variable-ratio PS matching
  cmAnalysis43 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 43,
                                                description = description43,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis44 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 44,
  #                                               description = description44,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               matchOnPs = TRUE,
  #                                               matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis45 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 45,
                                                description = description45,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                matchOnPsArgs = variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  #PS stratification
  cmAnalysis46 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 46,
                                                description = description46,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  # cmAnalysis47 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 47,
  #                                               description = description47,
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  cmAnalysis48 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 48,
                                                description = description48,
                                                getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
                                                createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                createPs = TRUE,
                                                createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                stratifyByPs = TRUE,
                                                stratifyByPsArgs = stratificationMatchOnPsArgs,
                                                fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                fitOutcomeModelArgs = conditionedCox)
  ####Interaction terms####
  subGroupCovariateSettings <- RanitidineCancerRisk::createSubgroupCovariateSettings(windowStart = -365, 
                                                                                     windowEnd = -1,
                                                                                     shortTermWindowStart = -7,
                                                                                     MaintenanceWindowEnd = 365,
                                                                                     analysisId = 998)

  interactionDbCmDataArgs <- CohortMethod::createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgs(washoutPeriod = 365,
                                                                           restrictToCommonPeriod = TRUE,
                                                                           firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
                                                                           removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
                                                                           studyStartDate = "",
                                                                           studyEndDate = "",
                                                                           excludeDrugsFromCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                           covariateSettings = list(covarSettings, subGroupCovariateSettings))
  fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                      modelType = "cox",
                                                                      stratified = FALSE,
                                                                      #prior = defaultPrior,
                                                                      interactionCovariateIds = 1998)
  fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                      modelType = "cox",
                                                                      stratified = FALSE,
                                                                      #prior = defaultPrior,
                                                                      interactionCovariateIds = 2998)
  fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                      modelType = "cox",
                                                                      stratified = FALSE,
                                                                      #prior = defaultPrior,
                                                                      interactionCovariateIds = 3998)
  fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                      modelType = "cox",
                                                                      stratified = FALSE,
                                                                      #prior = defaultPrior,
                                                                      interactionCovariateIds = 4998)
  fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
                                                                      modelType = "cox",
                                                                      stratified = FALSE,
                                                                      #prior = defaultPrior,
                                                                      interactionCovariateIds = 5998)
  cmAnalysis1998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 1998,
                                                   description = paste0(description42,", interaction:female"),
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                   matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs)
  cmAnalysis2998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 2998,
                                                   description = paste0(description42,", interaction:elderly (age >= 65)"),
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                   matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs)
  cmAnalysis3998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 3998,
                                                   description = paste0(description42,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 365 unit"),
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                   matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs)
  cmAnalysis4998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 4998,
                                                   description = paste0(description42,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 730 unit"),
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                   matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs)
  cmAnalysis5998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 5998,
                                                   description = paste0(description42,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 1095 unit"),
                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998,
                                                   createPs = TRUE,
                                                   createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
                                                   matchOnPs = TRUE,
                                                   matchOnPsArgs = oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs)
  # interactionCovariateIds <- c(8532001, 201826210, 21600960413) # Female, T2DM, concurent use of antithrombotic agents
  # fitOutcomeModelArgs3 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(modelType = "cox",
  #                                                                 stratified = TRUE,
  #                                                                 useCovariates = FALSE,
  #                                                                 interactionCovariateIds = interactionCovariateIds)
  # cmAnalysis5 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 5,
  #                                               description = "Stratification with interaction terms",
  #                                               getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = getDbCmDataArgs,
  #                                               createStudyPopArgs = createOnTreatmentStudyPopArgs,
  #                                               createPs = TRUE,
  #                                               createPsArgs = createPsArgs,
  #                                               stratifyByPs = TRUE,
  #                                               stratifyByPsArgs = stratifyByPsArgs,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
  #                                               fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgs3)
  #paste0("cmAnalysis",1:48,collapse=", ")
  cmAnalysisList <- list(cmAnalysis1, #cmAnalysis2, cmAnalysis3, 
                         cmAnalysis4, #cmAnalysis5, cmAnalysis6, 
                         cmAnalysis7, #cmAnalysis8, cmAnalysis9, 
                         cmAnalysis10, #cmAnalysis11, cmAnalysis12, 
                         #cmAnalysis13, #cmAnalysis14, 
                         cmAnalysis15, #cmAnalysis16, cmAnalysis17, 
                         cmAnalysis18, #cmAnalysis19, cmAnalysis20, 
                         cmAnalysis21, #cmAnalysis22, cmAnalysis23, 
                         #cmAnalysis25, cmAnalysis26, cmAnalysis27, cmAnalysis28, cmAnalysis29, cmAnalysis30, cmAnalysis31, cmAnalysis32, cmAnalysis33, cmAnalysis34, cmAnalysis35, cmAnalysis36, 
                         cmAnalysis37, #cmAnalysis38, 
                         cmAnalysis39, cmAnalysis40, #cmAnalysis41, 
                         cmAnalysis42, cmAnalysis43, 
                         cmAnalysis45, cmAnalysis46, #cmAnalysis47, 
                         cmAnalysis1998, cmAnalysis2998, cmAnalysis3998, cmAnalysis4998, cmAnalysis5998)
  CohortMethod::saveCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisList, file.path(workFolder, "cmAnalysisList.json"))

createPositiveControlSynthesisArgs <- function(workFolder) {
  settings <- list(
    outputIdOffset = 10000,
    firstExposureOnly = TRUE,
    firstOutcomeOnly = TRUE,
    removePeopleWithPriorOutcomes = TRUE,
    modelType = "survival",
    washoutPeriod = 365,
    riskWindowStart = 0,
    riskWindowEnd = 30,
    addExposureDaysToEnd = TRUE,
    effectSizes = c(1.5, 2, 4),
    precision = 0.01,
    prior = Cyclops::createPrior("laplace", exclude = 0, useCrossValidation = TRUE),
    control = Cyclops::createControl(cvType = "auto",
                                     startingVariance = 0.01,
                                     noiseLevel = "quiet",
                                     cvRepetitions = 1,
                                     threads = 1),
    maxSubjectsForModel = 250000,
    minOutcomeCountForModel = 50,
    minOutcomeCountForInjection = 25,
    covariateSettings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsAgeGroup = TRUE,
                                                                   useDemographicsGender = TRUE,
                                                                   useDemographicsIndexYear = TRUE,
                                                                   useDemographicsIndexMonth = TRUE,
                                                                   useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
                                                                   useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
                                                                   useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = TRUE,
                                                                   useMeasurementLongTerm = TRUE,
                                                                   useObservationLongTerm = TRUE,
                                                                   useCharlsonIndex = TRUE,
                                                                   useDcsi = TRUE,
                                                                   useChads2Vasc = TRUE,
                                                                   longTermStartDays = -365,
                                                                   endDays = 0) 
  ParallelLogger::saveSettingsToJson(settings, file.path(workFolder, "positiveControlSynthArgs.json"))

# createFeasibilityAnalysesDetails <- function(workFolder) {
#   maxCohortSizeForFitting = 1000
#   minCovarSettings <- FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsAge = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsAgeGroup = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsRace = TRUE, 
#                                                                  useDemographicsEthnicity = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsIndexYear = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsPriorObservationTime = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsPostObservationTime = TRUE,
#                                                                  useDemographicsTimeInCohort = TRUE)
#   minDbCmDataArgs <- CohortMethod::createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgs(washoutPeriod = 365,
#                                                                    restrictToCommonPeriod = TRUE,
#                                                                    firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
#                                                                    removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
#                                                                    studyStartDate = "",
#                                                                    studyEndDate = "",
#                                                                    excludeDrugsFromCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                    covariateSettings = minCovarSettings)
#   OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                                minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                                riskWindowStart = 1,
#                                                                                startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                                riskWindowEnd = 0,
#                                                                                endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                               minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                               riskWindowStart = 30,
#   #                                                                               startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                               riskWindowEnd = 0,
#   #                                                                               endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 365,
#                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 0,
#                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 1,
#                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 365,
#                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 30,
#   #                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 365,
#   #                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                                    minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                                    riskWindowStart = 365,
#                                                                                    startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                                    riskWindowEnd = 365,
#                                                                                    endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 1,
#   #                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 1095,
#   #                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                                  minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                                  riskWindowStart = 30,
#   #                                                                                  startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                                  riskWindowEnd = 1095,
#   #                                                                                  endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                                   minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                                   riskWindowStart = 365,
#   #                                                                                   startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                                   riskWindowEnd = 1095,
#   #                                                                                   endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                               minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                               riskWindowStart = 1,
#                                                                               startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                               riskWindowEnd = 9999,
#                                                                               endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#   #                                                                              minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#   #                                                                              riskWindowStart = 30,
#   #                                                                              startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#   #                                                                              riskWindowEnd = 9999,
#   #                                                                              endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreateStudyPopulationArgs(removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
#                                                                                 minDaysAtRisk = 1,
#                                                                                 riskWindowStart = 365,
#                                                                                 startAnchor  = "cohort start",
#                                                                                 riskWindowEnd = 9999,
#                                                                                 endAnchor = "cohort end")
#   # createPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createCreatePsArgs(control = Cyclops::createControl(cvType = "auto",
#   #                                                                                   startingVariance = 0.01,
#   #                                                                                   noiseLevel = "quiet",
#   #                                                                                   tolerance = 2e-07,
#   #                                                                                   cvRepetitions = 10),
#   #                                                  errorOnHighCorrelation = TRUE,
#   #                                                  stopOnError = F, 
#   #                                                  maxCohortSizeForFitting = maxCohortSizeForFitting)
#   unConditionedCox <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                               modelType = "cox",
#                                                               stratified = FALSE)
#   conditionedCox <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                             modelType = "cox",
#                                                             stratified = TRUE)
#   oneToOneMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createMatchOnPsArgs(maxRatio = 1)
#   variableRatioMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createMatchOnPsArgs(maxRatio = 100)
#   stratificationMatchOnPsArgs <- CohortMethod::createStratifyByPsArgs(numberOfStrata = 10)
#   description1 = "No PS matching, On-treatment"
#   #description2 = "No PS matching, On-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
#   description3 = "No PS matching, On-treatment, with 1-year blanking period"
#   description13 = "No PS matching, On-treatment with 1-year lag period"
#   #description14 = "No PS matching, 1 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
#   description15 = "No PS matching, On-treatment, with 1-year lag period, with 1-year blanking period"
#   #description25 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment"
#   #description26 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 30 days"
#   #description27 = "No PS matching, 3 Year added to on-treatment, with blanking period of 1 year"
#   description37 = "No PS matching, ITT"
#   #description38 = "No PS matching, ITT, with blanking period of 30 days"
#   description39 = "No PS matching, ITT, with 1-year blanking period"
#   ####1-12####
#   #Without matching
#   cmAnalysis991 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 991,
#                                                   description = description1,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to0StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   # cmAnalysis992 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 992,
#   #                                                 description = description2,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to0StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   cmAnalysis993 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 993,
#                                                   description = description3,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to0StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   ####13-24####
#   #Without matching
#   cmAnalysis913 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 913,
#                                                   description = description13,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   # cmAnalysis914 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 914,
#   #                                                 description = description14,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to365StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   cmAnalysis915 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 915,
#                                                   description = description15,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   ####25-36####
#   #Without matching
#   # cmAnalysis925 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 925,
#   #                                                 description = description25,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment1to1095StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   # cmAnalysis926 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 926,
#   #                                                 description = description26,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment30to1095StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   # cmAnalysis927 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 927,
#   #                                                 description = description27,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = OnTreatment365to1095StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   ####37-48####
#   #Without matching
#   cmAnalysis937 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 937,
#                                                   description = description37,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf1StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   # cmAnalysis938 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 938,
#   #                                                 description = description38,
#   #                                                 getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                 createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf30StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                 fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   cmAnalysis939 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 939,
#                                                   description = description39,
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = minDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = unConditionedCox)
#   ####Interaction terms####
#   subGroupCovariateSettings <- RanitidineCancerRisk::createSubgroupCovariateSettings(windowStart = -365, 
#                                                                windowEnd = -1,
#                                                                shortTermWindowStart = -7,
#                                                                MaintenanceWindowEnd = 365,
#                                                                analysisId = 998)
#   interactionDbCmDataArgs <- CohortMethod::createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgs(washoutPeriod = 365,
#                                                                    restrictToCommonPeriod = TRUE,
#                                                                    firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
#                                                                    removeDuplicateSubjects = "keep first",
#                                                                    studyStartDate = "",
#                                                                    studyEndDate = "",
#                                                                    excludeDrugsFromCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                    covariateSettings = list(minCovarSettings, subGroupCovariateSettings))
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 1998)
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 2998)
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 3998)
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 4998)
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 5998)
#   fitOutcomeModelArgsI6998 <- CohortMethod::createFitOutcomeModelArgs(useCovariates = FALSE,
#                                                                       modelType = "cox",
#                                                                       stratified = FALSE,
#                                                                       #prior = defaultPrior,
#                                                                       interactionCovariateIds = 6998)
#   cmAnalysis1998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 1998,
#                                                   description = paste0(description39,", interaction:female"),
#                                                   getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                   createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                   fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI1998)
#   cmAnalysis2998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 2998,
#                                                    description = paste0(description39,", interaction:elderly (age >= 65)"),
#                                                    getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                    createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI2998)
#   cmAnalysis3998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 3998,
#                                                    description = paste0(description39,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 365 unit"),
#                                                    getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                    createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI3998)
#   cmAnalysis4998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 4998,
#                                                    description = paste0(description39,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 730 unit"),
#                                                    getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                    createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI4998)
#   cmAnalysis5998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 5998,
#                                                    description = paste0(description39,", interaction:cumulative drug dose than 1095 unit"),
#                                                    getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#                                                    createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#                                                    fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI5998)
#   # cmAnalysis6998 <- CohortMethod::createCmAnalysis(analysisId = 6998,
#   #                                                  description = paste0(description39,", interaction:gastric ulcer history within previous 1 year"),
#   #                                                  getDbCohortMethodDataArgs = interactionDbCmDataArgs,
#   #                                                  createStudyPopArgs = ITTBlankingOf365StudyPopArgs,
#   #                                                  fitOutcomeModel = TRUE,
#   #                                                  fitOutcomeModelArgs = fitOutcomeModelArgsI6998)
#   cmAnalysisFeasibilityList <- list(cmAnalysis991, cmAnalysis993, 
#                                     cmAnalysis913, cmAnalysis915, 
#                                     cmAnalysis937, cmAnalysis939,
#                                     cmAnalysis1998, cmAnalysis2998, cmAnalysis3998, cmAnalysis4998, cmAnalysis5998#, cmAnalysis6998
#   )
#   CohortMethod::saveCmAnalysisList(cmAnalysisFeasibilityList, file.path(workFolder, "cmAnalysisFeasibilityList.json"))
# }
ABMI/RanitidineCancerRisk documentation built on March 11, 2021, 9:02 p.m.