
Defines functions MFSubj

Documented in MFSubj

#' Estimates the subject components of the mitigated fraction.
#' The mitigated fraction is an estimator that quantifies an intervention's
#' effect on reducing the severity of a condition. Since its units are on the
#' probability scale, it is often a good idea to accompany it with an estimator
#' on the original scale of measurement. \cr \cr The subject components are the
#' individual contributions of the treated subjects to \emph{MF}, which is the
#' average of the subject components.
#' @title Subject components of mitigated fraction
#' @param formula Formula of the form \code{y ~ x}, where y is a continuous
#'   response and x is a factor with two levels
#' @param data Data frame
#' @param compare Text vector stating the factor levels - \code{compare[1]} is
#'   the control or reference group to which \code{compare[2]} is compared
#' @return a \code{\link{mfcomponents-class}} data object
#' @export
#' @references Siev D. (2005). An estimator of intervention effect on disease
#'   severity. \emph{Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods.}
#'   \bold{4:500--508}
#' @author \link{MF-package}
#' @examples
#' x <- MFSubj(lesion ~ group, calflung)
#' x
#' #  MF = 0.44 comparing vac to con
#' #
#' #  MF Subject Components
#' #
#' #    mf.j freq    min.y   max.y
#' #    1.00    6 0.000030 0.00970
#' #    0.84    1 0.012500 0.01250
#' #    0.76    3 0.016650 0.02030
#' #    0.68    6 0.023250 0.03190
#' #    0.04    1 0.132100 0.13210
#' #   -0.04    3 0.144575 0.16325
#' #   -0.20    2 0.210000 0.21925
#' #   -0.36    1 0.292000 0.29200
#' #   -0.52    1 0.356500 0.35650
#' #   -0.84    1 0.461500 0.46150
#' mean(x$subj[,'mf.j'])
#' # [1] 0.44
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
MFSubj <- function(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac")) {
  # formula of form response~treatment
  # x=response for compare[1]
  # y=response for compare[2]
  # compare y to x

  df <- data.frame(model.frame(formula = formula, data = data))
  resp <- df[, 1]
  tx <- df[, 2]
  x <- resp[tx == compare[1]]
  y <- resp[tx == compare[2]]
  n_x <- length(x)
  n_y <- length(y)
  nn <- n_x + n_y
  x_y <- c(x, y)
  rank_xy <- rank(x_y)
  w <- sum(rank_xy[1:n_x])
  mf <- ((2. * w - n_x * (1. + n_x + n_y)) / (n_x * n_y))
  # unused? u <- w - (n_x * (n_x + 1)) / 2
  u.j <- rep(NA, n_y)
  for (j in 1:n_y) {
    u.j[j] <- mean(c(sum(y[j] < x), sum(y[j] <= x)))
  # unused? r <- u / (n_x * n_y)
  r.j <- u.j / n_x
  mf.j <- 2 * r.j - 1
  subj <- cbind(y, rank = rank_xy[(n_x + 1):nn], u.j, r.j, mf.j)
  subj <- subj[order(subj[, "rank"]), ]
  return(mfcomponents$new(mf = mf, x = sort(x), y = sort(y), subj = subj,
                          compare = compare))
ABS-dev/MF documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:28 p.m.