
#' Gives the Dragstedt-Behrens estimate of median effective dose (ED50)
#' Data input may either be a formula and data frame, or variables may be input
#' directly (see example).
#' The Dragstedt-Behrens method estimates the median effective dose by
#' interpolating between the two doses that bracket the dose producing median
#' response. It accumulates sums in both directions by assuming that those that
#' responded at a lower dose would respond at a higher dose, and those that did
#' not respond at a higher dose would not respond at a lower dose. The
#' hypothetical fraction that would have responded at a particular dose is
#' estimated from the cumulative sums at that dose. The ED50 is estimated by
#' interpolation on the line that connects the hypothetical fractions of the
#' bracketing doses.
#' @title Dragstedt-Behrens estimator
#' @param formula a formula of the form \code{cbind(y,n) ~ x}
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param y the number responding (response should be monotone increasing)
#' @param n the group size
#' @param x log dilution or dose
#' @param warn.me boolean to give warning message
#' @param show boolean to display extended summary
#' @return object of \code{skrmdb} class with slots: \cr \item{ed}{Estimated
#'   median effective dose (ED50)} \item{eval}{Evaluation method: 'DragBehr'}
#' @note Many microbiology texts mistakenly present the Dragstedt-Behrens method
#'   as the Reed-Muench method.\cr
#'   And yes, it is absurd to have an R function for an archaic method developed
#'   to avoid complex calculations. \cr\cr
#'   Input data is expected to be sorted by x (either increasing or decreasing).
#'   Use of unsorted data will result in error.
#' @seealso The function \link{ReedMuench} gives the Reed-Muench estimate of
#'   ED50, \code{\link{skrmdb-class}}
#' @references Miller, Rupert G. (1973). Nonparametric estimateors of the mean
#'   tolerance in bioassay. \emph{Biometrika.} \bold{60: 535 - 542}. \cr \cr
#'   Behrens, B. (1929) Zur Auswertung der Digitalisblatter im Froschversuch.
#'   \emph{Arkiv fur Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie.} \bold{140:
#'   237-256}. \cr \cr Dragstedt, CA., Lang, VF. (1928). Respiratory Stimulants
#'   in acute poisoning in rabbits. \emph{J. of Pharmacology} \bold{32:
#'   215--222}.
#' @author \link{skrmdb-package}
#' @examples
#' X <- data.frame(dead=c(0, 3, 5, 8, 10, 10), total=rep(10, 6), dil=1:6)
#' DragBehr(cbind(dead, total) ~ dil, X)
#' # or
#' DragBehr(y=c(0, 3, 5, 8, 10, 10), n=rep(10, 6), x=1:6)
#' #           db
#' #     2.906593
#' \dontrun{
#' ## unordered data
#' X2 <- data.frame(dead = c(10, 8, 5, 3, 0),
#'                  total = rep(10, 5),
#'                  dil = c(1, 3, 2, 4, 5))
#' DragBehr(cbind(dead, total) ~ dil, X2)
#' DragBehr(y = X2$dead, n = X2$total, x = X2$dil)
#' ## monotone decreasing (note that x variable direction is ignored!!)
#' reverse <- data.frame(dead = c(10, 8, 5, 3, 0),
#'                       total = rep(10, 5),
#'                       dil = 5:1)
#' DragBehr(cbind(dead, total) ~ dil, reverse)
#' DragBehr(y = reverse$dead,
#'          n = reverse$total,
#'          x = reverse$dil)
#' ## not monotone
#' X3 <- data.frame(dead = c(1:3, 5, 4), total = rep(10, 5), dil = 1:5 )
#' DragBehr(cbind(dead, total) ~ dil, X3)
#' DragBehr(y = X3$dead, n = X3$total, x = X3$dil)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
DragBehr <- function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, y, n, x,
                     warn.me = TRUE, show = FALSE) {
  A <- .checkdata(data = data, formula = formula)
 if (is.null(A)) {
    A <- .checkvars(y, n, x)
  y <- A[, 1]
  n <- A[, 2]
  x <- A[, 3]

  d <- unique(diff(zapsmall(x)))
  p <- y / n
  a <- cumsum(y)
  b <- rev(cumsum(rev(n - y)))
  h <- length(y)
  if (length(unique(n)) > 1) {
    a <- cumsum(p)
    b <- rev(cumsum(rev(1 - p)))
  P <- a / (a + b)
  i <- max(c(1:h)[P <= 0.5])
 if (length(d) > 1) {
    d <- x[i + 1] - x[i]
   if (warn.me)
      warning("Uneven dilution scheme")
  ed <- x[i] + ((d * (1 / 2 - P[i])) / (P[i + 1] - P[i]))
  names(ed) <- "db"
 if (show)
    print(cbind(y, n, p, a, b, P = round(P, 2), x, d))
  return(new("skrmdb", ed = ed, eval = "DragBehr"))
ABS-dev/skrmdb documentation built on April 21, 2024, 5:58 p.m.