
Defines functions vi_model.xgb.Booster vi_model.workflow vi_model.model_fit vi_model.lm vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_classification vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_regression vi_model.ml_model_linear_regression vi_model.ml_model_generalized_linear_regression vi_model.ml_model_gbt_classification vi_model.ml_model_gbt_regression vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_classification vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_regression vi_model.mlp vi_model.rpart vi_model.ranger vi_model.randomForest vi_model.Learner vi_model.WrappedModel vi_model.mixo_pls vi_model.mvr vi_model.cforest vi_model.constparty vi_model.RandomForest vi_model.nnet vi_model.nn vi_model.Learner vi_model.WrappedModel vi_model.mixo_pls vi_model.lgb.Booster vi_model.H2ORegressionModel vi_model.H2OMultinomialModel vi_model.H2OBinomialModel vi_model.cv.glmnet vi_model.glmnet vi_model.gbm vi_model.earth vi_model.cubist vi_model.train vi_model.C5.0 vi_model.default vi_model

Documented in vi_model vi_model.C5.0 vi_model.cforest vi_model.constparty vi_model.cubist vi_model.cv.glmnet vi_model.default vi_model.earth vi_model.gbm vi_model.glmnet vi_model.H2OBinomialModel vi_model.H2OMultinomialModel vi_model.H2ORegressionModel vi_model.Learner vi_model.lgb.Booster vi_model.lm vi_model.mixo_pls vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_classification vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_regression vi_model.ml_model_gbt_classification vi_model.ml_model_gbt_regression vi_model.ml_model_generalized_linear_regression vi_model.ml_model_linear_regression vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_classification vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_regression vi_model.mlp vi_model.model_fit vi_model.mvr vi_model.nn vi_model.nnet vi_model.randomForest vi_model.RandomForest vi_model.ranger vi_model.rpart vi_model.train vi_model.workflow vi_model.WrappedModel vi_model.xgb.Booster

#' Model-specific variable importance
#' Compute model-specific variable importance scores for the predictors in a
#' fitted model.
#' @param object A fitted model object (e.g., a
#' [randomForest][randomForest::randomForest] object). See the details section
#' below to see how variable importance is computed for supported model types.
#' @param type Character string specifying the type of variable importance to
#' return (only used for some models). See the details section below for which
#' methods this argument applies to.
#' @param lambda Numeric value for the penalty parameter of a
#' [glmnet][glmnet::glmnet] model (this is equivalent to the `s`
#' argument in [coef.glmnet][glmnet::coef.glmnet()]). See the section on
#' [glmnet][glmnet::glmnet] in the details below.
#' @param ncomp An integer for the number of partial least squares components
#' to be used in the importance calculations. If more components are requested
#' than were used in the model, all of the model's components are used.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed on to other methods.
#' See the details section below for arguments that can be passed to specific
#' object types.
#' @return A tidy data frame (i.e., a [tibble][tibble::tibble] object) with two
#' columns:
#' * `Variable` - the corresponding feature name;
#' * `Importance` - the associated importance, computed as the average change in
#' performance after a random permutation (or permutations, if `nsim > 1`) of
#' the feature in question.
#' For [lm][stats::lm]/[glm][stats::glm]-like objects, the sign (i.e., POS/NEG)
#' of the original coefficient is also included in a column called `Sign`.
#' @details
#' Computes model-specific variable importance scores depending on the class of
#' `object`:
#' * [C5.0][C50::C5.0] - Variable importance is measured by determining
#' the percentage of training set samples that fall into all the terminal nodes
#' after the split. For example, the predictor in the first split automatically
#' has an importance measurement of 100 percent since all samples are affected
#' by this split. Other predictors may be used frequently in splits, but if the
#' terminal nodes cover only a handful of training set samples, the importance
#' scores may be close to zero. The same strategy is applied to rule-based
#' models and boosted versions of the model. The underlying function can also
#' return the number of times each predictor was involved in a split by using
#' the option `metric = "usage"`. See [C5imp][C50::C5imp()] for
#' details.
#' * [cubist][Cubist::cubist.default] - The Cubist output contains variable usage
#' statistics. It gives the percentage of times where each variable was used in
#' a condition and/or a linear model. Note that this output will probably be
#' inconsistent with the rules shown in the output from summary.cubist. At each
#' split of the tree, Cubist saves a linear model (after feature selection) that
#' is allowed to have terms for each variable used in the current split or any
#' split above it. Quinlan (1992) discusses a smoothing algorithm where each
#' model prediction is a linear combination of the parent and child model along
#' the tree. As such, the final prediction is a function of all the linear
#' models from the initial node to the terminal node. The percentages shown in
#' the Cubist output reflects all the models involved in prediction (as opposed
#' to the terminal models shown in the output). The variable importance used
#' here is a linear combination of the usage in the rule conditions and the
#' model. See [summary.cubist][Cubist::summary.cubist()] and
#' [varImp][caret::varImp()] for details.
#' * [glmnet][glmnet::glmnet] - Similar to (generalized) linear models,
#' the absolute value of the coefficients are returned for a specific model.
#' It is important that the features  (and hence, the estimated coefficients) be
#' standardized prior to fitting the model. You can specify which coefficients
#' to return by passing the specific value of the penalty parameter via the
#' `lambda` argument (this is equivalent to the `s` argument in
#' [coef.glmnet][glmnet::coef.glmnet()]). By default, `lambda = NULL` and the coefficients
#' corresponding to the final penalty value in the sequence are returned; in
#' other words, you should ALWAYS SPECIFY `lambda`! For [cv.glmnet][glmnet::cv.glmnet]
#' objects, the largest value of lambda such that the error is within one standard
#' error of the minimum is used by default. For a multinomial response, the
#' coefficients corresponding to the first class are used; that is, the first
#' component of [coef.glmnet][glmnet::coef.glmnet()].
#' * [cforest][partykit::cforest] - Variable importance is measured in a
#' way similar to those computed by [importance][randomForest::importance()].
#' Besides the standard version, a conditional version is available that
#' adjusts for correlations between predictor variables. If
#' `conditional = TRUE`, the importance of each variable is computed by
#' permuting within a grid defined by the predictors that are associated (with
#' 1 - *p*-value greater than threshold) to the variable of interest. The
#' resulting variable importance score is conditional in the sense of beta
#' coefficients in regression models, but represents the effect of a variable in
#' both main effects and interactions. See Strobl et al. (2008) for details.
#' Note, however, that all random forest results are subject to random
#' variation. Thus, before interpreting the importance ranking, check whether
#' the same ranking is achieved with a different random seed - or otherwise
#' increase the number of trees ntree in [ctree_control][partykit::ctree_control()].
#' Note that in the presence of missings in the predictor variables the
#' procedure described in Hapfelmeier et al. (2012) is performed. See
#' [varimp][partykit::varimp()] for details.
#' * [earth][earth::earth] - The [earth][earth::earth] package uses
#' three criteria for estimating the variable importance in a MARS model (see
#' [evimp][earth::evimp] for details):
#'   - The `nsubsets` criterion (`type = "nsubsets"`) counts the
#'   number of model subsets that include each feature. Variables that are
#'   included in more subsets are considered more important. This is the
#'   criterion used by [summary.earth][earth::summary.earth] to print variable
#'   importance. By "subsets" we mean the subsets of terms generated by
#'   `earth()`'s backward pass. There is one subset for each model size
#'   (from one to the size of the selected model) and the subset is the best set
#'   of terms for that model size. (These subsets are specified in the
#'   `$prune.terms` component of `earth()`'s return value.) Only
#'   subsets that are smaller than or equal in size to the final model are used
#'   for estimating variable importance. This is the default method used by
#'   [vi_model][vip::vi_model].
#'   - The `rss` criterion (`type = "rss"`) first calculates the
#'   decrease in the RSS for each subset relative to the previous subset during
#'   `earth()`’s backward pass. (For multiple response models, RSS's are
#'   calculated over all responses.) Then for each variable it sums these
#'   decreases over all subsets that include the variable. Finally, for ease of
#'   interpretation the summed decreases are scaled so the largest summed
#'   decrease is 100. Variables which cause larger net decreases in the RSS are
#'   considered more important.
#'   - The `gcv` criterion (`type = "gcv"`) is similar to the
#'   `rss` approach, but uses the GCV statistic instead of the RSS. Note
#'   that adding a variable can sometimes increase the GCV. (Adding the variable
#'   has a deleterious effect on the model, as measured in terms of its
#'   estimated predictive power on unseen data.) If that happens often enough,
#'   the variable can have a negative total importance, and thus appear less
#'   important than unused variables.
#' * [gbm][gbm::gbm] - Variable importance is computed using one of
#' two approaches (See [summary.gbm][gbm::summary.gbm] for details):
#'   - The standard approach (`type = "relative.influence"`) described
#'   in Friedman (2001). When `distribution = "gaussian"` this returns the
#'   reduction of squared error attributable to each variable. For other loss
#'   functions this returns the reduction attributable to each variable in sum
#'   of squared error in predicting the gradient on each iteration. It describes
#'   the *relative influence* of each variable in reducing the loss
#'   function. This is the default method used by [vi_model][vip::vi_model].
#'   - An experimental permutation-based approach
#'   (`type = "permutation"`). This method randomly permutes each predictor
#'   variable at a time and computes the associated reduction in predictive
#'   performance. This is similar to the variable importance measures Leo
#'   Breiman uses for random forests, but [gbm][gbm::gbm] currently computes using
#'   the entire training dataset (not the out-of-bag observations).
#' * [H2OModel][h2o::H2OModel] - See [h2o.varimp][h2o::h2o.varimp] or visit
#' \url{https://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-docs/variable-importance.html}
#' for details.
#' * [nnet][nnet::nnet] - Two popular methods for constructing variable
#' importance scores with neural networks are the Garson algorithm
#' (Garson 1991), later modified by Goh (1995), and the Olden algorithm
#' (Olden et al. 2004). For both algorithms, the basis of these importance
#' scores is the network’s connection weights. The Garson algorithm determines
#' variable importance by identifying all weighted connections between the nodes
#' of interest. Olden’s algorithm, on the other hand, uses the product of the
#' raw connection weights between each input and output neuron and sums the
#' product across all hidden neurons. This has been shown to outperform the
#' Garson method in various simulations. For DNNs, a similar method due to
#' Gedeon (1997) considers the weights connecting the input features to the
#' first two hidden layers (for simplicity and speed); but this method can be
#' slow for large networks.. To implement the Olden and Garson algorithms, use
#' `type = "olden"` and `type = "garson"`, respectively. See
#' [garson][NeuralNetTools::garson] and [olden][NeuralNetTools::olden]
#' for details.
#' * [lm][stats::lm]/[glm][stats::glm] - In (generalized) linear models,
#' variable importance is typically based on the absolute value of the
#' corresponding *t*-statistics (Bring, 1994). For such models, the sign of the
#' original coefficient is also returned. By default, `type = "stat"` is used;
#' however, if the inputs have been appropriately standardized then the raw
#' coefficients can be used with `type = "raw"`. Note that Bring (1994)
#' provides motivation for using the absolute value of the associated
#' *t*-statistics.
#' * [sparklyr][sparklyr::ml_feature_importances] - The Spark ML
#' library provides standard variable importance measures for tree-based methods
#' (e.g., random forests). See
#' [ml_feature_importances][sparklyr::ml_feature_importances] for details.
#' * [randomForest][randomForest::randomForest] Random forests typically
#' provide two measures of variable importance.
#'   - The first measure is computed from permuting out-of-bag (OOB) data: for
#'   each tree, the prediction error on the OOB portion of the data is recorded
#'   (error rate for classification and MSE for regression). Then the same is
#'   done after permuting each predictor variable. The difference between the
#'   two are then averaged over all trees in the forest, and normalized by the
#'   standard deviation of the differences. If the standard deviation of the
#'   differences is equal to 0 for a variable, the division is not done (but the
#'   average is almost always equal to 0 in that case).
#'   - The second measure is the total decrease in node impurities from
#'   splitting on the variable, averaged over all trees. For classification, the
#'   node impurity is measured by the Gini index. For regression, it is measured
#'   by residual sum of squares.
#'   See [importance][randomForest::importance] for details, including
#' additional arguments that can be passed via the `...` argument in
#' [vi_model][vip::vi_model].
#' * [cforest][party::cforest] - Same approach described in
#' [cforest][partykit::cforest] (from package **partykit**) above. See
#' [varimp][party::varimp] and [varimpAUC][party::varimpAUC] (if `type = "auc"`)
#' for details.
#' * [ranger][ranger::ranger] - Variable importance for
#' [ranger][ranger::ranger] objects is computed in the usual way for random
#' forests. The approach used depends on the `importance` argument provided
#' in the initial call to [ranger][ranger::ranger]. See
#' [importance][ranger::importance] for details.
#' * [rpart][rpart::rpart] - As stated in one of the [rpart][rpart::rpart]
#' vignettes. A variable may appear in the tree many times, either as a primary
#' or a surrogate variable. An overall measure of variable importance is the sum
#' of the goodness of split measures for each split for which it was the primary
#' variable, plus "goodness" * (adjusted agreement) for all splits in which it
#' was a surrogate. Imagine two variables which were essentially duplicates of
#' each other; if we did not count surrogates, they would split the importance
#' with neither showing up as strongly as it should. See
#' [rpart][rpart::rpart] for details.
#' * [caret][caret::train] - Various model-specific and model-agnostic
#' approaches that depend on the learning algorithm employed in the original
#' call to [caret][caret::train]. See [varImp][caret::varImp] for details.
#' * [xgboost][xgboost::xgboost] - For linear models, the variable
#' importance is the absolute magnitude of the estimated coefficients. For that
#' reason, in order to obtain a meaningful ranking by importance for a linear
#' model, the features need to be on the same scale (which you also would want
#' to do when using either L1 or L2 regularization). Otherwise, the approach
#' described in Friedman (2001) for [gbm][gbm::gbm]s is used. See
#' [xgb.importance][xgboost::xgb.importance] for details. For tree models, you
#' can obtain three different types of variable importance:
#'   - Using `type = "gain"` (the default) gives the fractional contribution of
#'   each feature to the model based on the total gain of the corresponding
#'   feature's splits.
#'   - Using `type = "cover"` gives the number of observations related to each
#'   feature.
#'   - Using `type = "frequency"` gives the percentages representing
#'   the relative number of times each feature has been used throughout each
#'   tree in the ensemble.
#' * [lightgbm][lightgbm::lightgbm] - Same as for [xgboost][xgboost::xgboost]
#' models, except [lgb.importance][lightgbm::lgb.importance] (which this method
#' calls internally) has an additional argument, `percentage`, that defaults to
#' `TRUE`, resulting in the VI scores shown as a relative percentage; pass
#' `percentage = FALSE` in the call to `vi_model()` to produce VI scores for
#' [lightgbm][lightgbm::lightgbm] models on the raw scale.
#' @source
#' Johan Bring (1994) How to Standardize Regression Coefficients, The American
#' Statistician, 48:3, 209-213, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.1994.10476059.
#' @note Inspired by the [caret](https://cran.r-project.org/package=caret)'s
#' [varImp][caret::varImp] function.
#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Basic example using imputed titanic data set
#' t3 <- titanic_mice[[1L]]
#' # Fit a simple model
#' set.seed(1449)  # for reproducibility
#' bst <- lightgbm::lightgbm(
#'   data = data.matrix(subset(t3, select = -survived)),
#'   label = ifelse(t3$survived == "yes", 1, 0),
#'   params = list("objective" = "binary", "force_row_wise" = TRUE),
#'   verbose = 0
#' )
#' # Compute VI scores
#' vi(bst)  # defaults to `method = "model"`
#' vi_model(bst)  # same as above
#' # Same as above (since default is `method = "model"`), but returns a plot
#' vip(bst, geom = "point")
#' vi_model(bst, type = "cover")
#' vi_model(bst, type = "cover", percentage = FALSE)
#' # Compare to
#' lightgbm::lgb.importance(bst)
#' }
vi_model <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.default <- function(object, ...) {
  stop("Model-specific variable importance scores are currently not available ",
       "for this type of model.", call. = FALSE)

# Package: C50 -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.C5.0 <- function(object, type = c("usage", "splits"), ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("C50", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"C50\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Consruct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- C50::C5imp(object, metric = type, ...)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[["Overall"]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: caret ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.train <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"caret\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- caret::varImp(object, ...)
  if (inherits(vis, "varImp.train")) {
    vis <- vis$importance
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[["Overall"]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "caret"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: Cubist --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.cubist <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("Cubist", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"Cubist\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Consruct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- caret::varImp(object, ...)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[["Overall"]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "usage"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: earth ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.earth <- function(object, type = c("nsubsets", "rss", "gcv"), ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("earth", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"earth\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- earth::evimp(object, trim = FALSE, ...)[, type, drop = TRUE]
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0
  tib$Variable <- gsub("-unused$", replacement = "", x = tib$Variable)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: gbm -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.gbm <- function(object, type = c("relative.influence", "permutation"),
                         ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("gbm", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"gbm\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- if (type == "relative.influence") {
    gbm::summary.gbm(object, plotit = FALSE, order = TRUE,
                     method = gbm::relative.influence, ...)
  } else {
    gbm::summary.gbm(object, plotit = FALSE, order = TRUE,
                     method = gbm::permutation.test.gbm, ...)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = vis$var,
    "Importance" = vis$rel.inf

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: glmnet --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.glmnet <- function(object, lambda = NULL, ...) {

  # Extract coefficients
  #s <- list(...)$s
  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    lambda <- min(object$lambda)
  coefs <- stats::coef(object, s = lambda)
  if (inherits(coefs, what = "list")) {  # "multnet" objects
    coefs <- coefs[[1L]]
  coefs <- coefs[, 1L, drop = TRUE]

  # Remove intercept (if it's there)
  if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(coefs)) {
    coefs <- coefs[setdiff(x = names(coefs), y = "(Intercept)")]

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(coefs),
    "Importance" = unname(abs(coefs)),  # per tibble 3.0.0
    "Sign" = ifelse(sign(coefs) == 1, yes = "POS", no = "NEG")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "|coefficient|"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.cv.glmnet <- function(object, lambda = NULL, ...) {

  # Extract coefficients
  #s <- list(...)$s
  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    lambda <- "lambda.1se"
  coefs <- stats::coef(object, s = lambda)
  if (inherits(coefs, what = "list")) {  # "multnet" objects
    coefs <- coefs[[1L]]
  coefs <- coefs[, 1L, drop = TRUE]

  # Remove intercept (if it's there)
  if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(coefs)) {
    coefs <- coefs[setdiff(x = names(coefs), y = "(Intercept)")]

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(coefs),
    "Importance" = unname(abs(coefs)),
    "Sign" = ifelse(sign(coefs) == 1, yes = "POS", no = "NEG")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "|coefficient|"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: h2o -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.H2OBinomialModel <- function(object, ...) {

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(h2o::h2o.varimp(object))
  if (object@algorithm == "glm") {
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance", "Sign")
    # FIXME: Extra row at the bottom?
  } else {
    tib <- tib[1L:2L]
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "h2o"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.H2OMultinomialModel <- function(object, ...) {

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(h2o::h2o.varimp(object))
  if (object@algorithm == "glm") {
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance", "Sign")
    # FIXME: Extra row at the bottom?
  } else {
    tib <- tib[1L:2L]
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "h2o"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.H2ORegressionModel <- function(object, ...) {

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(h2o::h2o.varimp(object))
  if (object@algorithm == "glm") {
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance", "Sign")
    # FIXME: Extra row at the bottom?
  } else {
    tib <- tib[1L:2L]
    names(tib) <- c("Variable", "Importance")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "h2o"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: lightgbm ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.lgb.Booster <- function(object, type = c("gain", "cover", "frequency"),
                                 ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"xgboost\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  imp <- lightgbm::lgb.importance(model = object, ...)
  names(imp) <- tolower(names(imp))
  # if ("weight" %in% names(imp)) {
  #   type <- "weight"  # gblinear
  # }
  vis <- tibble::as_tibble(imp)[, c("feature", type)]
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = vis$feature,
    "Importance" = vis[[2L]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: mixOmics  -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mixo_pls <- function(object, ncomp = NULL, ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("mixOmics", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Bioconductor package \"mixOmics\" needed for this function to work. ",
         "Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(ncomp)) {
    ncomp <- object$ncomp
  } else {
    if (length(ncomp) != 1) {
      stop("'ncomp' should be a single integer.")
    if (!is.integer(ncomp)) {
      ncomp <- as.integer(ncomp)

  vis <- mixOmics::vip(object)
  if (ncomp > ncol(vis)) {
    warning(ncomp, " components were requested but only ", ncol(vis),
            " are available. Results are for ", ncol(vis), ".")
    ncomp <- ncol(vis)

  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[,ncomp]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "mixOmics"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mixo_spls <- vi_model.mixo_pls

# Package: mlr -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.WrappedModel <- function(object, ...) {
  vi_model(object$learner.model, ...)

# Package: mlr3 ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.Learner <- function(object, ...) {
  if (is.null(object$model)) {
    stop("No fitted model found. Did you forget to call ",
         deparse(substitute(object)), "$train()?",
         call. = FALSE)
  vi_model(object$model, ...)

# Package: neuralnet -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.nn <- function(object, type = c("olden", "garson"), ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("NeuralNetTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"NeuralNetTools\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
         "install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- if (type == "olden") {  # Olden's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::olden(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$importance
  } else {  # Garson's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::garson(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$rel_imp

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: nnet ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.nnet <- function(object, type = c("olden", "garson"), ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("NeuralNetTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"NeuralNetTools\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
         "install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- if (type == "olden") {  # Olden's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::olden(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$importance
  } else {  # Garson's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::garson(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$rel_imp

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: party ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.RandomForest <- function(object, type = c("accuracy", "auc"), ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("party", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"party\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- if (type == "auc") {
    # Check for dependency
    if (!requireNamespace("varImp", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"varImp\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
           "install it.", call. = FALSE)
    party::varimpAUC(object, ...)  # rm ... for now
  } else {
    party::varimp(object, ...)  # rm ... for now
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: partykit ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.constparty <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("partykit", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"partykit\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- partykit::varimp(object, ...)
  features <- attr(stats::terms(object), which = "term.labels")
  unused <- setdiff(features, names(vis))
  unused <- stats::setNames(rep(0, times = length(unused)), nm = unused)
  vis <- c(vis, unused)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "permutation"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.cforest <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("partykit", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"partykit\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- partykit::varimp(object, ...)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "permutation"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: pls -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mvr <- function(object, ...) {
  # FIXME: For now, just default to using caret.
  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"caret\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
         "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  vis <- caret::varImp(object, ...)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[["Overall"]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "caret"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: mixOmics  -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mixo_pls <- function(object, ncomp = NULL, ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("mixOmics", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Bioconductor package \"mixOmics\" needed for this function to work. ",
         "Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(ncomp)) {
    ncomp <- object$ncomp
  } else {
    if (length(ncomp) != 1) {
      stop("'ncomp' should be a single integer.")
    if (!is.integer(ncomp)) {
      ncomp <- as.integer(ncomp)

  vis <- mixOmics::vip(object)
  if (ncomp > ncol(vis)) {
    warning(ncomp, " components were requested but only ", ncol(vis),
            " are available. Results are for ", ncol(vis), ".")
    ncomp <- ncol(vis)

  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(vis),
    "Importance" = vis[,ncomp]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "mixOmics"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mixo_spls <- vi_model.mixo_pls

# Package: mlr -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.WrappedModel <- function(object, ...) {  # package: mlr
  vi_model(object$learner.model, ...)

# Package: mlr3 ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.Learner <- function(object, ...) {  # package: mlr3
  if (is.null(object$model)) {
    stop("No fitted model found. Did you forget to call ",
         deparse(substitute(object)), "$train()?",
         call. = FALSE)
  vi_model(object$model, ...)

# Package: randomForest --------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.randomForest <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"randomForest\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- randomForest::importance(object, ...)
  matched_cols <- intersect(
    x = colnames(vis),
    y = c("MeanDecreaseAccuracy", "MeanDecreaseGini", "%IncMSE", "IncNodePurity")
  vis <- vis[, matched_cols, drop = FALSE]
  type <- colnames(vis)[1L]
  vis <- vis[, 1L, drop = TRUE]
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: ranger --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ranger <- function(object, ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("ranger", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"ranger\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
         "install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- ranger::importance(object)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(vis),
    "Importance" = unname(vis)  # per tibble 3.0.0

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- object$importance.mode

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: rpart ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.rpart <- function(object, ...) {

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  importance_scores <- object$variable.importance
  if (is.null(importance_scores)) {
    stop("Cannot extract variable importance scores from a tree with no ",
         "splits.", call. = FALSE)

  # Place variable importance scores in a tibble (the first and second columns
  # should always be labelled "Variable" and "Importance", respectively)
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = names(importance_scores),
    "Importance" = unname(importance_scores)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "GoodnessOfSplit"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: RSNNS ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.mlp <- function(object, type = c("olden", "garson"), ...) {

  # Check for dependency
  if (!requireNamespace("NeuralNetTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"NeuralNetTools\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
         "install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  tib <- if (type == "olden") {  # Olden's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::olden(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$importance
  } else {  # Garson's algorithm
    vis <- NeuralNetTools::garson(object, bar_plot = FALSE)
      "Variable" = rownames(vis),
      "Importance" = vis$rel_imp

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: sparklyr ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_regression <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_decision_tree_classification <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_gbt_regression <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_gbt_classification <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_generalized_linear_regression <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::tidy(object, ...)[, c("term", "statistic")]
  if (vis$term[1L] == "(Intercept)") {
    vis <- vis[-1L, ]
  vis$Sign <- ifelse(sign(vis$statistic) == 1, yes = "POS", no = "NEG")
  vis$statistic <- abs(vis$statistic)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance", "Sign")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "|z-statistic|"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_linear_regression <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::tidy(object, ...)[, c("term", "statistic")]
  if (vis$term[1L] == "(Intercept)") {
    vis <- vis[-1L, ]
  vis$Sign <- ifelse(sign(vis$statistic) == 1, yes = "POS", no = "NEG")
  vis$statistic <- abs(vis$statistic)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance", "Sign")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "|t-statistic|"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_regression <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.ml_model_random_forest_classification <- function(object, ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("sparklyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"sparklyr\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  vis <- sparklyr::ml_feature_importances(object, ...)
  names(vis) <- c("Variable", "Importance")
  tib <- tibble::as_tibble(vis)

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- "impurity"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# Package: stats ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.lm <- function(object, type = c("stat", "raw"), ...) {

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # pattern to match based on type
  if (type == "stat") {
    type_pattern <- "^(t|z) value"
  } else {
    type_pattern <- "Estimate"

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  coefs <- summary(object)$coefficients
  if (attr(object$terms, "intercept") == 1) {
    coefs <- coefs[-1L, , drop = FALSE]
  pos <- grep(type_pattern, x = colnames(coefs))
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = rownames(coefs),
    "Importance" = unname(abs(coefs[, pos])),
    "Sign" = ifelse(sign(coefs[, "Estimate"]) == 1, yes = "POS", no = "NEG")

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  if (type == "stat") {
    label <- colnames(coefs)[pos]
    label <- substr(label, start = 1, stop = 1)  # strip off t or z
    attr(tib, which = "type") <- paste0("|", label, "-statistic|")
  } else {
    attr(tib, which = "type") <- "|raw coefficients|"

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results


# tidymodels ===================================================================

# Package: parsnip -------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.model_fit <- function(object, ...) {
  vi_model(parsnip::extract_fit_engine(object), ...)

# Package: workflows -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.workflow <- function(object, ...) {
  vi_model(workflows::extract_fit_engine(object), ...)


# Package: xgboost -------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname vi_model
#' @export
vi_model.xgb.Booster <- function(object, type = c("gain", "cover", "frequency"),
                                 ...) {

  # # Check for dependency
  # if (!requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("Package \"xgboost\" needed for this function to work. Please ",
  #        "install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  # Determine which type of variable importance to compute
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Construct model-specific variable importance scores
  imp <- xgboost::xgb.importance(model = object, ...)
  names(imp) <- tolower(names(imp))
  if ("weight" %in% names(imp)) {
    type <- "weight"  # gblinear
  vis <- tibble::as_tibble(imp)[, c("feature", type)]
  tib <- tibble::tibble(
    "Variable" = vis$feature,
    "Importance" = vis[[2L]]

  # Add variable importance type attribute
  attr(tib, which = "type") <- type

  # Add "vi" class
  class(tib) <- c("vi", class(tib))

  # Return results

AFIT-R/vip documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 8:59 a.m.