
# the build query function takes a named list of attributes that are
# to be used to filter an api endpoint. Thhese tests confirm that the
# function works as expected.

test_that("empty list return empty query string", {
  filters <- list()
  expected <- ""
  expect_equal(build_query_string(filters), expected)

test_that("single value returned as key-value pair", {
  filters <- list(lake = "HU")
  expected <- "?lake=HU"
  expect_equal(build_query_string(filters), expected)

test_that("vector of values concetnated as csv", {
  filters <- list(lake = c("HU", "ER"))
  expected <- "?lake=HU,ER"
  expect_equal(build_query_string(filters), expected)

test_that("multiple keys present as multiple key-value pairs", {
  filters <- list(lake = "HU", year = 2020)
  expected <- "?lake=HU&year=2020"
  expect_equal(build_query_string(filters), expected)
AdamCottrill/glfishr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 5:47 p.m.