
Defines functions addEEtoUnmarked_multi

Documented in addEEtoUnmarked_multi

#' Add Google Earth Engine covariate data to a multi-season Unmarked frame
#' @description Google Earth Engine (GEE) data for each pentad can be extracted
#' to a data frame using ABAP's \code{\link{addVarEEcollection}} and \code{\link{addVarEEimage}}
#' functions. `addEEtoUnmarked_multi` can then be used to add these types of
#' data to a multi-season Unmarked frame. In multi-season (dynamic) occupancy
#' models, the GEE data can either be used as covariates that vary at the site
#' (`siteCovs`) level or covariates that vary at the site-year level (`yearlySiteCovs`).
#' More information on this data structure can be found by looking at
#' \code{\link[unmarked]{unmarkedMultFrame}}.
#' @param umf a multi-season `unmarked` frame containing ABAP detection/non-detection
#' data returned by \code{\link{abapToUnmarked_multi}}.
#' @param ee_assign  "site" if the covariate only varies between sites or "site-year"
#' if the covariate varies across sites and between years.
#' @param ee_data if `ee_assign` = "site" then a user-formatted data frame with
#' GEE data extracted using \code{\link{addVarEEcollection}} or \code{\link{addVarEEimage}}.
#' If `ee_assign` = "site-year" then the input is user-formatted list where each
#' element contains a GEE variable that varies across years. See details below
#' for the formatting requirements of `ee_data`.
#' @details The data frame used when `ee_assign` = "site" needs to contain a
#' column called `pentads` with the pentad ID from data extracted using the GEE
#' functions. The remaining columns should only contain the GEE covariate values
#' that are intended to be added to the `unmarked` frame. For ease of use in
#' occupancy model formula notation it's recommended that the variable names
#' in the data frame are concise and informative, and don't contain spaces.  \cr
#' Each element in the list used when `ee_assign` = "site-year" is a data frame
#' that needs to have a column called `pentads` with the pentad ID followed by a
#' GEE variable column for each year (primary survey period) defined in the
#' \code{\link{abapToUnmarked_multi}} call. \cr
#'See the examples below for how to create these  data frame and list `ee_data`
#'objects after extracting GEE data.
#' @return an object of class \code{\link[unmarked]{unmarkedMultFrame}} with
#' survey, site, and site-year covariates.
#' @note The numeric ranges of various GEE data can be vastly different so it
#' is advised that you scale your covariate data before running an occupancy
#' model. This can be done within the formula notation of the \code{\link[unmarked]{colext}}
#' function. Note that `year` is automatically added as a site-year covariate
#' in order to model changes in colonisation/extinction purely as a function of
#' year (in terms of notation, the first year is coded as `01`, the second year
#' as `02`, etc).
#' @seealso \code{\link{abapToUnmarked_multi}}, \code{\link[ABDtools]{addVarEEimage}},
#' \code{\link[ABDtools]{addVarEEcollection}}

#' @author Dominic Henry <dominic.henry@gmail.com> \cr
#' Pachi Cervantes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## rgee and ABDtools are required to annotate data with Google Earth Engine
#' library(rgee)
#' library(ABDtools)
#' library(unmarked)
#' library(dplyr)
#' ## Extract ABAP pentad data
#' abap_pentads <- getRegionPentads(.region_type = "province",
#'                                  .region = "Eastern Cape")
#' ## Extract multi-season ABAP bird data
#' abap_multi <- getAbapData(.spp = 212,
#'                           .region_type = "province",
#'                           .region = "Eastern Cape",
#'                           .years = c(2009,2010,2011,2012))
#' ## Create unmarked frame (with X & Y coords as site covariates)
#' umf_multi <- abapToUnmarked_multi(abap_multi, abap_pentads)
#' summary(umf_multi)
#' ## Start up GEE
#' ee_check()
#' ee_Initialize(drive = TRUE)
#' ## Create assetId for pentads of interest
#' assetId <- file.path(ee_get_assethome(), 'EC_pentads')
#' ## Upload to pentads to GEE (only run this once per asset)
#' uploadFeaturesToEE(pentads = abap_pentads,
#'                    asset_id = assetId,
#'                    load = FALSE)
#' ## Load the remote asset into R session
#' pentads <- ee$FeatureCollection(assetId)
#' ## Create a multi-band image with mean NDVI for each year
#' ndvi_multiband <- EEcollectionToMultiband(collection = "MODIS/006/MOD13A2",
#'                                           dates = c("2009-01-01", "2012-12-31"),
#'                                           band = "NDVI",
#'                                           group_type = "year",
#'                                           groups = 2009:2012,
#'                                           reducer = "mean",
#'                                           unmask = FALSE)
#' ## Find mean and standard deviation of NDVI value for each pentad and year from the multi-band image
#' ndvi_mean <- addVarEEimage(pentads, ndvi_multiband, "mean")
#' ndvi_sd <- addVarEEimage(pentads, ndvi_multiband, "stdDev")
#' ## Format the data to include the pentad column and GEE values for each year
#' ndvi_mean <- ndvi_mean %>%
#'     select(pentad, paste0("NDVI_", as.character(2009:2012)))
#' ndvi_sd <- ndvi_sd %>%
#'     select(pentad, paste0("NDVI_", as.character(2009:2012)))
#' ## Create a list where each named element is a multi-season GEE variable which can then be used in addEEtoUnmarked_multi()
#' ee_siteyear <- list(ndvi_mean = ndvi_mean,
#'                     ndvi_SD = ndvi_sd)
#' ## Add GEE site-year data to unmarked frame
#' umf_multi_ee1 <- addEEtoUnmarked_multi(umf_multi,
#'                                        ee_assign = "site-year",
#'                                        ee_siteyear)
#' summary(umf_multi_ee1)
#' ## Extract spatial minimum land surface temperature for each pentad
#' lst_min <- addVarEEcollection(ee_feats = pentads,
#'                               collection = "MODIS/061/MOD11A1",
#'                               dates = c("2010-01-01", "2012-12-31"),
#'                               temp_reducer = "mean",
#'                               spt_reducer = "min",
#'                               bands = "LST_Day_1km")
#' ## Extract spatial maximum land surface temperature for each pentad
#' lst_max <- addVarEEcollection(ee_feats = pentads,
#'                               collection = "MODIS/061/MOD11A1",
#'                               dates = c("2010-01-01", "2012-12-31"),
#'                               temp_reducer = "mean",
#'                               spt_reducer = "max",
#'                               bands = "LST_Day_1km")
#' ## Create a site covariate data frame for input into addEEtoUnmarked_multi().
#' ## Again, note the first column is called "pentad" which is a requirement for
#' ## the function to work properly.
#' ee_site <- bind_cols(pentad = lst_min$pentad,
#'                      temp_MIN = lst_min$LST_Day_1km_min,
#'                      temp_MAX = lst_max$LST_Day_1km_max)
#' ## Add GEE site data to unmarked frame
#' umf_multi_ee2 <- addEEtoUnmarked_multi(umf_multi,
#'                                        ee_assign = "site",
#'                                        ee_site)
#' summary(umf_multi_ee2)
#' ## Add GEE site-year data to the unmarked frame that already has site data
#' ## (using addEEtoUnmarked_multi, site-year or site only data can be added sequentially).
#' umf_multi_ee3 <- addEEtoUnmarked_multi(umf_multi_ee2,
#'                                        ee_assign = "site-year",
#'                                        ee_siteyear)
#' summary(umf_multi_ee3)
#' ## A slightly different example:
#' ## Annotate ABAP data with multiple bands from a GEE collection
#' pentads_tc <- addVarEEcollection(ee_pentads = pentads,
#'                                  collection = "IDAHO_EPSCOR/TERRACLIMATE",
#'                                  dates = c("2010-01-01", "2011-01-01"),
#'                                  temp_reducer = "mean",
#'                                  spt_reducer = "mean",
#'                                  bands = c("tmmx", "tmmn"))
#' ## Select the variables to transfer to the unmarked frame, making sure
#' ## 'pentad' is amongst them
#' ee_site_tc <- pentads_tc %>%
#'     select(pentad, tmmx_mean, tmmn_mean)
#' ## Add GEE site data to unmarked frame
#' umf_multi_ee4 <- addEEtoUnmarked_multi(umf_multi,
#'                                        ee_assign = "site",
#'                                        ee_site_tc)
#' summary(umf_multi_ee4)
#'  }
addEEtoUnmarked_multi <- function(umf, ee_assign, ee_data) {

    if(!requireNamespace("unmarked", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package unmarked doesn't seem to be installed. Please install before using this function.",
             call. = FALSE)

    umf_pentads <- dimnames(umf@y)[[1]]

    if (ee_assign == "site-year") {
        for (i in seq_along(ee_data)) {
            if (isFALSE("pentad" %in% names(ee_data[[i]]))) {
                stop("ee_data does not contain the required 'pentad' variable. See function documentation.")

            attr(ee_data[[i]], "metadata") <- NULL

            year_cov <- ee_data[[i]] %>%
                as.data.frame() %>%
                dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of("geometry")) %>%
                dplyr::filter(pentad %in% umf_pentads) %>%
                dplyr::arrange(match(pentad, umf_pentads))

            # check that pentads in unmarked data and covariate data are the same
            if(!identical(year_cov$pentad, umf_pentads)){
                stop("Pentads in unmarked data and covariate data don't match")

            year_cov <- year_cov %>%

            umf@yearlySiteCovs$new_year_cov <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(year_cov)))
            name_ref <- length(names(umf@yearlySiteCovs))
            names(umf@yearlySiteCovs)[[name_ref]] <- names(ee_data)[[i]]
    } else if (ee_assign == "site") {
        if (isFALSE("pentad" %in% names(ee_data))) {
            stop("ee_data does not contain the required 'pentad' variable. See function documentation.")

        attr(ee_data, "metadata") <- NULL

        site_cov <- ee_data %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
            dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of("geometry")) %>%
            dplyr::filter(pentad %in% umf_pentads) %>%
            dplyr::arrange(match(pentad, umf_pentads))

        # check that pentads in unmarked data and covariate data are the same
        if(!identical(site_cov$pentad, umf_pentads)){
            stop("Pentads in unmarked data and covariate data don't match")

        site_cov <- site_cov %>%

        if (is.null(umf@siteCovs)) {
            umf@siteCovs <- site_cov
        } else {
            umf@siteCovs <- dplyr::bind_cols(umf@siteCovs, site_cov)

AfricaBirdData/ABAP documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 4:41 p.m.