#' Simple Slopes Analysis
#' @description Computes simple slopes for objects fit with
#' the class \code{"lm"}
#' @param fit \code{"lm"} object.
#' Object from a model fit using a regression model
#' @param variable1name Character.
#' Name of the first variable in interaction from \code{fit}
#' @param variable1values Numeric.
#' Values to be used when first variable is the moderator.
#' If \code{variable1type = "dichotomous"}, then
#' defaults to values 0 and 1.
#' If \code{variable1type = "continuous"}, then
#' defaults to values -1 SD, M, and +1 SD
#' @param variable2name Character.
#' Name of the second variable in interaction from \code{fit}
#' @param variable2values Numeric.
#' Values to be used when second variable is the moderator.
#' If \code{variable2type = "dichotomous"}, then
#' defaults to values 0 and 1.
#' If \code{variable2type = "continuous"}, then
#' defaults to values -1 SD, M, and +1 SD
#' @param plot_slopes Boolean.
#' Should simple slopes be plotted?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' \item{fit}{Returns \code{fit} object back}
#' \item{results}{Data frame with variable, moderator, values of moderator
#' betas of simple slopes, \emph{t} values, \emph{p}-values, and significance level}
#' \item{parameters}{A list containing degrees of freedom (\code{df}),
#' betas (from \code{fit}), interaction name, variance-covariance matrix
#' of the variables involved, and data from \code{fit}}
#' \item{plot_args}{Internal use only. Arguments for plots}
#' @examples
#' # Generate data
#' df <- data.frame(
#' y = rnorm(100),
#' x1 = rnorm(100),
#' x2 = rnorm(100)
#' )
#' # Estimate linear model
#' fit <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2, data = df)
#' # Estimate simple slopes
#' simple_slopes(
#' fit = fit,
#' variable1name = "x1", # must be name as it appears in 'fit' object
#' variable2name = "x2", # must be name as it appears in 'fit' object
#' plot = TRUE
#' )
#' @references
#' Preacher, K. J., Curran, P. J., & Bauer, D. J. (2006).
#' Computational tools for probing interactions in multiple linear regression, multilevel modeling, and latent curve analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics}, \emph{31}(4), 437-448.
#' @author Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom stats pt rnorm
#' @export
# Simple Slopes function
# Updated 05.02.2022
simple_slopes <- function(
variable1values = NULL,
variable2values = NULL,
plot_slopes = TRUE
# Check for names
if(missing(variable1name) | missing(variable2name)){
stop("Variable name is missing for variable 1: 'variable1name'")
}else if(missing(variable2name)){
stop("Variable name is missing for variable 2: 'variable2name'")
# Obtain regression parameters and variance-covariance matrix
parameters <- regression_parameters(
# Set up variable for plots
plot_args <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
names(plot_args) <- c(variable1name, variable2name)
# Check for values
if(parameters$variable1type == "continuous"){
# Check if values is null
# Message user
message("Values for variable 1 were not set using 'variable1values'. Using default continuous values: -1 SD, M, and +1 SD")
# Obtain values
variable1values <- obtain_values(
name = variable1name,
parameters = parameters
# Variable 1 defaults
plot_args[[variable1name]]$default <- TRUE
# Sort values
variable1values <- sort(variable1values)
# Variable 1 defaults
plot_args[[variable1name]]$default <- FALSE
}else if(parameters$variable1type == "dichotomous"){
# Check if values is null
# Message user
message("Values for variable 1 were not set using 'variable1values'. Using default dichotomous values: 0 and 1")
# Obtain values
variable1values <- c(0, 1)
# Variable 1 defaults
plot_args[[variable1name]]$default <- TRUE
# Sort values
variable1values <- sort(variable1values)
# Variable 1 defaults
plot_args[[variable1name]]$default <- FALSE
# Variable 1 type
plot_args[[variable1name]]$type <- parameters$variable1type
# Check for values
if(parameters$variable2type == "continuous"){
# Check if values is null
# Message user
message("Values for variable 2 were not set using 'variable2values'. Using default continuous values: -1 SD, M, and +1 SD")
# Obtain values
variable2values <- obtain_values(
name = variable2name,
parameters = parameters
# Variable 2 defaults
plot_args[[variable2name]]$default <- TRUE
# Sort values
variable2values <- sort(variable2values)
# Variable 2 defaults
plot_args[[variable2name]]$default <- FALSE
}else if(parameters$variable2type == "dichotomous"){
# Check if values is null
# Message user
message("Values for variable 2 were not set using 'variable2values'. Using default dichotomous values: 0 and 1")
# Obtain values
variable2values <- c(0, 1)
# Variable 2 defaults
plot_args[[variable2name]]$default <- TRUE
# Sort values
variable2values <- sort(variable2values)
# Variable 2 defaults
plot_args[[variable2name]]$default <- FALSE
# Variable 2 type
plot_args[[variable2name]]$type <- parameters$variable2type
# Compute simple slopes
## Variable 1
variable1slopes <- parameters$betas[variable1name] +
parameters$betas[parameters$interactionName] * variable2values
## Variable 2
variable2slopes <- parameters$betas[variable2name] +
parameters$betas[parameters$interactionName] * variable1values
# Compute variances
## Variable 1
variable1variances <- diag(parameters$varCov)[variable1name] +
2 * variable2values * parameters$varCov[variable1name, parameters$interactionName] +
variable2values^2 * diag(parameters$varCov)[parameters$interactionName]
## Variable 2
variable2variances <- diag(parameters$varCov)[variable2name] +
2 * variable1values * parameters$varCov[variable2name, parameters$interactionName] +
variable1values^2 * diag(parameters$varCov)[parameters$interactionName]
# Compute t-values
## Variable 1
variable1ts <- variable1slopes / sqrt(variable1variances)
## Variable 2
variable2ts <- variable2slopes / sqrt(variable2variances)
# Compute p-values
## Variable 1
variable1ps <- (1 - pt(abs(variable1ts), df = parameters$df)) * 2
## Variable 2
variable2ps <- (1 - pt(abs(variable2ts), df = parameters$df)) * 2
# Set up results data frame
results_df <- data.frame(
Variable = c(
rep(variable1name, length(variable2values)),
rep(variable2name, length(variable1values))
Moderator = c(
rep(variable2name, length(variable2values)),
rep(variable1name, length(variable1values))
ModeratorValue = round(
), 5
SimpleSlope = round(
), 5
t = round(
p = round(
# Add significance
sig <- character(length = nrow(results_df))
sig <- ifelse(results_df$p > .05, "n.s.", sig)
sig <- ifelse(results_df$p <= .10 , ".", sig)
sig <- ifelse(results_df$p <= .05 , "*", sig)
sig <- ifelse(results_df$p <= .01 , "**", sig)
sig <- ifelse(results_df$p <= .001 , "***", sig)
results_df$sig <- sig
# Set up results list
results_list <- list()
results_list$fit <- fit
results_list$results <- results_df
results_list$parameters <- parameters
results_list$plot_args <- plot_args
# Class
class(results_list) <- "simpleRslopes"
# Obtain plots
results_list$plots <- plot(results_list, one_plot = FALSE)
# Check printing plots
# Return results
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