
Defines functions Simulation Application

Documented in Application Simulation

#' Simulation
#' Simulate heterogeneous datasets of censored observations to be model by three different
#' Bayesian nonparametric methods. It writes the results in a csv.
#' @param seed
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Simulation(seed=1)
#' }
#' @export
Simulation <- function(seed,replications=1,iterations=55000,burnin=5000,thinning=50,L=35,K=20, frailty=T,
                       n=10,J=10,case="1",factor=1, Prior = c(0, 0.1, 2*1/3, 2*1/3, rep(c(5, 0.1), 2)), val_prop=0, nb_cores=4){
  options(gsubfn.engine = "R")
  case <- toString(case)
  weights <- switch(case,
                    "1"=matrix(c(0.6, 0.4, 0, 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.25, 0, 0.75), ncol=3),
                    "2"=matrix(c(rep(0,6), rep(1,3)), ncol=3, byrow = T))
  filename = paste0("n", n, "J", J, "case", case, "seed", seed, ".csv")
  colnames_cov <- c("model", "n", "curve", "0.05","0.15","0.25","0.35","0.45","0.55","0.65","0.75","0.85", "0.95" )
  colnames_res <- c("n", "RMSE_DP", "LP_DP", "CI_DP", "RMSE_NDP", "LP_NDP", "CI_NDP", "RMSE_HDP", "LP_HDP", "CI_HDP", "RMSE_ParFM", "LP_ParFM", "CI_ParFM")
  write.table(t(colnames_res), file = paste0("res",filename), sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  write.table(t(colnames_cov), file = paste0("cov",filename), sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  scores <- parallel::mclapply(1:replications, function(i){
    data <- sim.data(n=n, J=J, weights=weights, frailty=frailty, validation_prop = val_prop)
    Prior[1] <- log(median(data@presentation$data))
    # This line is commented out, since it depends on a modified version of parfm
    # to get confidence interval on the survival curves
    #score_parFM <- fitParfm(data)
    score_parFM <- list(score=c(0, 0, 0), coverage=matrix(rep(0, 30), nrow = 3))
    print(paste("DP", i, sep=" "))
    G <- init.DP(prior=Prior, K=L, J=3*J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations, DataStorage =  data)
    G <- MCMC.DP(G, data, iterations)
    score_DP <- validate.DP(G, data)
    #score_DP <- list(coverage=matrix(rep(0,30),nrow=3), score=c(0,0,0))
    print(paste("NDP", i, sep=" "))
    G <- init.NDP(prior=Prior, K=K, L=L, J=3*J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations)
    G <- MCMC.NDP(G, data, iterations)
    score_NDP <- validate.DP(G, data)
    #score_NDP <- score_DP
    print(paste("HDP", i, sep=" "))
    G <- init.HDP(prior=Prior, L=L, J=3*J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations)
    G <- MCMC.HDP(G, data, iterations)
    score_HDP <- validate.DP(G, data)
    #score_HDP <- score_NDP
    toRet <- c(n, score_DP$score, score_NDP$score, score_HDP$score, score_parFM$score)
    write.table(t(toRet), file = paste0("res", filename), sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names=F, append=TRUE)
    toRet <- rbind(score_DP$coverage, score_NDP$coverage, score_HDP$coverage, score_parFM$coverage)
    write.table(cbind(rep(c("DP","NDP", "HDP", "GFM"),each=3), rep(n, 12), rep(c(1,2,3), 4), toRet), file = paste0("cov",filename), sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names=F, append=TRUE)
  }, mc.cores = nb_cores )

#' Application
#' Produce the experiment on the performance art dataset.
#' @param seed
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Application(seed=1)
#' }
#' @export
Application <- function(seed,iterations=25000,burnin=5000,thinning=50,L=35,K=25){
  options(gsubfn.engine = "R")
  filename = paste0("applications", "seed", seed, ".csv")
  write.table(t(c("Dataset", "Log_DP", "Log_NDP", "Log_HDP")), file = filename, sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names = F)

  myData <- c("performArt")
  #for(dataset in myData){
  data <- init.DataStorage.simple(performArt, 0, weights=0, application=T)
  data@validation$Sample <- data@validation$zeta
  data@presentation$Sample <- data@validation$zeta
  Prior = c(median(log(data@presentation$data)), 0.1, 2*1/3, 2*1/3, 5, 0.1, 5, 0.1)
  parallel::mclapply(1:4, function(i){
    J <- length(unique(data@presentation$zeta))
    if(i == 1){
      G <- init.DP(prior=Prior, K=L, J=J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations, DataStorage =  data)
      G1 <- MCMC.DP(G, data, iterations)
      score_DP <- validate.DP(G1, data, App=T)
      save(G1, file="G1.RData")
      print(paste("DP", score_DP))
    }else if (i == 2){
      G <- init.NDP(prior=Prior, K=K, L=L, J=J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations)
      G2 <- MCMC.NDP(G, data, iterations)
      score_NDP <- validate.DP(G2, data, App=T)
      save(G2, file="G2.RData")
      print(paste("NDP", score_NDP))
    } else if(i == 3) {
      G <- init.HDP(prior=Prior, L=L, 
                    J=J, thinning=thinning, burnin=burnin, max_iter=iterations)
      G3 <- MCMC.HDP(G, data, iterations)
      score_HDP <- validate.DP(G3, data, App=T)
      save(G3, file="G3.RData")
      print(paste("HDP", score_HDP))
    } else {
      data@presentation$Sample <- as.numeric(as.factor(data@presentation$Sample))
      parFM_model <- fitParfm(data, App=T)
    #toRet <- c(dataset, score_DP, score_NDP, score_HDP, T)
    #write.table(t(toRet), file = filename, sep = ",", col.names = F, row.names=F, append=TRUE)
  }, mc.cores = 4
AlexPiche/DPsurv documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:52 a.m.