
#' Run model by unique trial for one set of parameter values
#' @author Alexander Fengler, \email{alexanderfengler@@gmx.de}
#' @title Run model by unique trial
#' @return numeric variable storing the negative log likelihood for given parameter set
#' \code{addm_run_by_trial_dynamic}
#' @export
#' @param eye.dat data.table storing eyetracking data by trial. Fixation location (fixloc), Fixation number (fixnr), Fixation duration (fixdur) and a unique trial ids (id).
#' @param choice.dat data.table storing the item valuations (v1,v2...), reaction times in ms (rt), decisions (decision) and unique trial ids (id).
#' @param model.parameters vector with the four core addm parameters in order (non.decision.time, drift, sd, theta, gamma, boundary-parameters).
#' @param nr.attributes integer providing the amount of attributes we consider per item
#' @param timestep integer number that provides the timestep-size that is used in the simulations (in ms).
#' @param state.step numeric variable between 0 and 1, that indicate how finegrained the vertial grid is supposed to be

addm_run_by_trial_dynamic = function(choice.dat = data.table(v1 = 0,v2 = 0, decision = 0, id = 0),
                                     eye.dat = data.table(fixloc = 0, fixdur = 0, fixnr = 1, id = 0),
                                     model.parameters = c(0,0.002,0.07,0.6),
                                     nr.attributes = 1,
                                     boundaryfun = 1,
                                     timestep = 10,
                                     state.step = 0.1){

  # Compute Boundaries -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (class(boundaryfun) == 'function'){
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Initialize parameter theta ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # only for readability, because it is used later on
  theta = model.parameters[4]
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # OTHER INITIALIZATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Get set size of current data set
  cur.set_size = length(grep("^v[0-9]",names(choice.dat)))

  if ((cur.set_size / nr.attributes) != 2) {
    stop('You attempted to run a set of > 2 items which have multiple attributes each (dynamic): This is not yet implemented!')

  # Initialize amount of trials supplied
  len.trials = length(choice.dat[,id])

  # Matrix that stores all valuations by trial
  valuations = matrix(rep(0,len.trials*cur.set_size),nrow=cur.set_size,ncol=length(choice.dat[,id]))

  # Define position of vector where valuations start
  start.pos = grep("^v1",names(choice.dat))[1]

  # fill up valuations matrix
  for (i in seq_len(cur.set_size)){
    valuations[i,] = choice.dat[[start.pos + i - 1]]

  # Decision Vector
  decisions = choice.dat[,decision]

  # RUN MODEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  likelihoods = rep(0.5,len.trials)
  trial.cnt = 1
  eye.row.cnt = 1
  len.eye = length(eye.dat[,fixloc])
  eye.mat = as.matrix(eye.dat %>% select(-id,-condition_id))
  eye.mat[,5] = eye.mat[,5] / timestep
  cur.maxfix = 0

  rts = choice.dat[,rt]
  rts = rts / timestep

  if (nr.attributes == 1){
    if (theta == 1){
      aevacc = dynamicddm
    } else{
      aevacc = dynamicaddm
  } else {
    aevacc = dynamicmaaddm

  while(eye.row.cnt < len.eye){
    cur.maxfix[1] = eye.mat[eye.row.cnt,4]

    # Run Model
    likelihoods[trial.cnt] = aevacc(model.parameters,
                                    eye.mat[eye.row.cnt:(eye.row.cnt + cur.maxfix - 1),1], # fixation locations
                                    eye.mat[eye.row.cnt:(eye.row.cnt + cur.maxfix - 1),5], # fixation durations

    trial.cnt[1] = trial.cnt + 1
    eye.row.cnt[1] = eye.row.cnt + cur.maxfix
  # CONTINUE BY CALCULATING LOG LIKELIHOOD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (nr.attributes == 1){
    total.log.lik = c(model.parameters,
  } else {
    total.log.lik = c(model.parameters,

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AlexanderFengler/addmtoolbox documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:53 a.m.