
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++      example: VanderpolMuTimeControl.R
# This is a modification of the original Vanderpol.R script
# In this version, we will add tha ability of setting mu and time lapse.
# This example is also shown in the Matlab help guide

setClass("VanderPol", slots = c(
    mu = "numeric"
contains = c("ODE")

setMethod("initialize", "VanderPol", function(.Object, ...) {
    .Object@mu <- 1.0                 # gravitation constant times combined mass
    .Object@state <- vector("numeric", 3)  # y1, y2, t

setMethod("getState", "VanderPol", function(object, ...) {
    # Gets the state variables.

setMethod("getRate", "VanderPol", function(object, state, ...) {
    # Computes the rate using the given state.
    object@rate[1] <- state[2]
    object@rate[2] <-  object@mu * (1 - state[1]^2) * state[2] - state[1]
    object@rate[3] <- 1

# constructor
VanderPol <- function(y1, y2, mu = 1.0) {
    VanderPol <- new("VanderPol")
    VanderPol@state[1] = y1
    VanderPol@state[2] = y2
    VanderPol@state[3] = 0
    VanderPol@mu       = mu

# run the application
VanderpolMuTimeControlApp <- function(verbose = FALSE) {
    # set the orbit into a predefined state.
    y1 <- 2; y2 <- 0; mu <- 10; tmax <- mu * 3; dt <- 0.01
    rigid_body <- VanderPol(y1, y2, mu)
    solver <- RK45(rigid_body)
    rowVector <- vector("list")
    i <- 1
    while (rigid_body@state[3] <= tmax) {
        rowVector[[i]] <- list(t =  rigid_body@state[3],
                               y1 = rigid_body@state[1],
                               y2 = rigid_body@state[2]
        solver <- step(solver)
        rigid_body <- solver@ode
        i <-  i + 1
    DT <- data.table::rbindlist(rowVector)

# show solution
solution <- VanderpolMuTimeControlApp()
AlfonsoRReyes/rODE documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:48 p.m.