#' Plots brains in 3D
#' \code{brainconn} plots and returns a interactive plotly object of plotted brain connectivity matrix..
#' @author Sidhant Chopra
#' @param atlas Either a string of one of the included atlases \code{brainconn::list_atlases() or a .data.frame that meets specifications, see \code{vignette("brainconn")}
#' @param conmat A adjacency matrix. Has ti be binary and undirected (i.e. symetric). see example_* data.
#' @param all.nodes f \code{TRUE}, then all nodes will be shown be hemisphere without ticks. If \code{FALSE}, then only nodes with connecting edges will be shown.
#' @param node.color A string that sets the node color. e.g. "blue". If set to "network", then nodes will be colored according to the network column of the atlas
#' @param node.size A integer that determines the diameter of the nodes. Can also be a vector of integers with a length equal to the number of ROIs in the atlas
#' @param edge.width Number to set the width of the edges.
#' @param edge.color A string that sets the edge color. e.g. "blue".
#' @param opacity Number between 0-1 to set the transparency of the mesh brain
#' @param d.factor An int to change the distance between the nodes and brain surface.
#' @param show.legend if \code{TRUE}, legend will be shown. If \code{FALSE}, then no legend will be shown
#' @param thr a optional value to set a threshold on the conmat (e.g. edges with a weighted value lower than the one set here will not be shown)
#' @param uthr a optional value to set a upper threshold on the conmat (e.g. edges with a weighted value higher than the one set here will not be shown)
#' @return a plotly object
#' @import scales
#' @rawNamespace import(plotly, except = last_plot)
#' @rawNamespace import(igraph, except = groups)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(brainconn)
#' brainconn3D(atlas ="schaefer300_n7", conmat=example_unweighted_undirected, show.legend = F)
#' }
#' @export
brainconn3D <- function(atlas=NULL,
uthr=NULL) {
#list.atlas <- sub('\\.rda$', '', list.files(pattern = "*.rda"))
#if(any(grepl(atlas, list.atlas, fixed=TRUE))) {data <- get(atlas)} else
# {stop(paste(paste('please select a valid atlas: '), paste(list.atlas, " ", collapse="")))
ifelse(is.character(atlas), data <- get(atlas), data <- atlas)
#convert conmat to matrix
# conmat <- as.matrix(conmat)
#if no conmat is provided, build nparc x nparc empty one
nparc <- dim(data)[1]
if (!exists("conmat")){conmat <- matrix(0L, nrow=nparc, ncol=nparc)
#convert conmat to matrix
conmat <- as.matrix(conmat)
#make sure the col and row names of the supplied conmat are indexed correctly
rownames(conmat) <- colnames(conmat) <- 1:dim(conmat)[1]
#Remove nodes with no edges
if(all.nodes==FALSE) {
include.vec <- vector(length=dim(data)[1])
for (i in 1:dim(conmat)[1]){
ifelse(any(conmat[i, ] > 0), include.vec[i] <- 1, include.vec[i] <- 0)
data <- data[as.logical(include.vec), ,drop=F]
conmat <- conmat[which(rowSums(conmat) > 0), which(colSums(conmat) > 0), drop = F]
if (!exists("conmat")) stop(print("Please enter a valid connectivity matrix"))
if (!is.null(thr)) {conmat[conmat < thr] <- 0} #lower threshold graph
if (!is.null(uthr)) {conmat[conmat > thr] <- 0} #upper threshold graph
#set up mesh
vb <- get("ICBM152_mesh_vb")
it <- get("ICBM152_mesh_it")
x <- vb[1,]
y <- vb[2,]
z <- vb[3,]
m <- matrix(c(x,y,z), ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL,c("x","y","z")))
zmean <- apply(t(it), MARGIN=1, function(row){mean(m[row,3])})
facecolor = colour_ramp(
p1 <- plot_ly(
x = x, y = y, z = z,
i = it[1,]-1, j = it[2,]-1, k = it[3,]-1,
facecolor = facecolor,
type = "mesh3d",
opacity = opacity)
p1 <- layout(p1, scene = list(xaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE),
yaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE),
zaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE)))
##make edgeplot to overlay
g <- graph.adjacency(as.matrix(conmat))
edge.list <- get.edgelist(g)
size <- rep(0.1,length(data$index))
ifelse(node.color=="network", node.color <- as.factor(data$network), node.color <- node.color)
if (!is.character(node.color)) {
p <- plot_ly(data, marker = list(size = node.size),
x = data$x.mni*d.factor,
y = data$y.mni*d.factor,
z = data$z.mni*d.factor,
color= ~node.color,
name = data$ROI.Name,
type = "scatter3d") } else {
p <- plot_ly(data, x = data$x.mni*d.factor,
y = data$y.mni*d.factor,
z = data$z.mni*d.factor,
color = node.color,
colors = node.color,
marker = list(size = node.size))
p <- add_markers(p)
ifelse(show.legend==T, p <- layout(p, showlegend = TRUE), p <- layout(p, showlegend = FALSE))
elength = length(edge.list)/2
xx <- yy <- zz <- vector()
for (e in 1:elength) {
from <- data$x.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,1])]
to <- data$x.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,2])]
xx[1:length(data$x.mni)] <- NA
xx[1:2] <- c(from, to)
from <- data$y.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,1])]
to <- data$y.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,2])]
yy[1:length(data$y.mni)] <- NA
yy[1:2] <- c(from, to)
from <- data$z.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,1])]
to <- data$z.mni[which(data$index == edge.list[e,2])]
zz[1:length(data$z.mni)] <- NA
zz[1:2] <- c(from, to)
# p <- add_trace(p, x = xx*d.factor,
# y = yy*d.factor,
# z = zz*d.factor,
# type = "scatter3d",
# mode = "lines",
# line = list(width = "5", color = "black"),
# name = paste0(data$ROI.Name[edge.list[e,1]], "to",data$ROI.Name[edge.list[e,2]], sep=" "),
# showlegend = FALSE,
# inherit = F)
p <- add_trace(p, x = xx*d.factor,
y = yy*d.factor,
z = zz*d.factor,
type = "scatter3d",
mode = 'lines',
line = list(width = edge.width, color= edge.color),
inherit = F, showlegend = FALSE)
p1p <- subplot(p1, p)
# remove axis
ax <- list(
title = "",
zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE,
showticklabels = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE
scene = list(xaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE),
yaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE),
zaxis = list(title = '', autorange = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, autotick = TRUE, ticks = '', showticklabels = FALSE))
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