Man pages for Alice-MacQueen/CDBNgenomics
Genomics Using the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery Dataset

anno_infoAnnotation information
BLUPsBest Linear Unbiased Predictors for 21 phenotypes from the...
cdbn_bigsnp2mashrConvert bigsnpr output to mashr input dataframes.
cdbn_gwasWrapper for bigsnpr for GWAS on Phaseolus vulgaris (the...
cdbn_standard_gwasWrapper for my standard GWAS functions for the CDBN.
expand_covCreate expanded list of covariance matrices expanded by grid,...
gapit_model_selectionSelect the best number of PCs using BIC.
gapit_results_in_filepathIdentify trait names for GAPIT results.
get_annotationsCreate a Table of Annotated Top SNPs for Phaseolus vulgaris
get_best_PC_dfReturn best number of PCs in terms of lambda_GC for the CDBN.
get_colnamesGet column names from a mash object
get_date_filenameGet current date-time in a filename-appropriate format.
get_estimated_piReturn the estimated mixture proportions. Use...
get_GxEGet data frames of types of GxE from a mash object
get_kinshipFind a kinship matrix using the van Raden method.
get_lambdagcFind lambda_GC value for non-NA p-values
get_lambda_GCReturn lambda_GC for different numbers of PCs for GWAS on any...
get_log10bfReturn the Bayes Factor for each effect
get_marker_dfGet mash marker_df
get_ncondGet number of conditions
get_n_significant_conditionsCount number of conditions each effect is significant in
get_pairwise_sharingCompute the proportion of (significant) signals shared by...
get_qqplotCreate a quantile-quantile plot with ggplot2.
get_results_in_folderIdentify phenotype names from bigsnpr results in a folder.
get_significant_resultsFrom a mash result, get effects that are significant in at...
get_SVDWrapper for the snp_autoSVD function for the CDBN.
get_top_effects_log10pStep One of bigsnp2mashr
get_U_by_massGet the positions of objects in a mash object Ulist that are...
load_g2m_dfRead in the random and the strong datasets
mash_plot_covarggplot of covariance matrix masses
mash_plot_effectsggplot of single mash effect
mash_plot_manhattan_by_conditionManhattan plot in ggplot colored by significant conditions
mash_plot_pairwise_sharingCreate a ggplot of pairwise sharing of mash effects
mash_plot_sig_by_conditionSignificant SNPs per number of conditions
mash_plot_Ulistggplot of specific covariance matrix patterns
mash_standard_runA standard run of mashr
metadataMetadata for 327 entries in the CDBN panel.
pipePipe operator
Pv_GOPhaseolus vulgaris gene ontology information
Pv_keggPhaseolus vulgaris kegg information
reorder_cormatReorder correlation matrix
round2Return a number rounded to some number of digits
round_xyReturn a dataframe binned into 2-d bins by some x and y.
scale_covScale each covariance matrix in list Ulist by a scalar in...
s_hat_bigsnpStep Two of bigsnp2mashr
theme_oecoOeco ggplot theme
txdbAnnotation genomic ranges for Phaseolus vulgaris
Alice-MacQueen/CDBNgenomics documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 4:39 p.m.