
class <- attr(hgsc, "class.true")

test_that("missing algorithm parameter means use all", {
  sl_result <- splendid(iris[, -5], iris$Species, n = 1)
  expect_length(sl_result$models, length(ALG.NAME))
  expect_length(sl_result$preds, length(ALG.NAME))
  expect_equal(sum(purrr::map_int(sl_result$evals, nrow)),
               length(ALG.NAME) * 39)

test_that("unsupported algorithm call causes error", {
  expect_error(splendid(hgsc, class, n = 1, algorithms = "random"))

test_that("number of best algorithms equals number of bootstraps reps", {
  n.boot <- 2
  sl_boot <- splendid(hgsc, class, n = n.boot, algorithms = c("lda", "rf"))
  expect_length(sl_boot$bests, n.boot)

test_that("one algorithm means no Rank Aggregation", {
  n.boot <- 1
  sl_boot <- splendid(hgsc, class, n = n.boot, algorithms = "lda")
  expect_length(sl_boot$bests, n.boot)
AlineTalhouk/splendid documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:37 p.m.