  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

To use the produce_hr_report function, your data must be in the format described below

  • One row per person
  • One IPEDS Unitid per file
  • Columns with values and types as described below (additional columns are allowed)


Starting in the 2022-2023 reporting cycle, we only report New Hires who are still 11/1 Current Employees. In other words, everyone in your starting data should have a CurrentEmployee flag of 1. In future years, we may drop the requirement of the CurrentEmployee column since it no longer carries valuable information. For this year, we have left it to avoid further structural changes.

specs_HR$ACCEPTABLE_VALUES <- stringr::str_replace_all(specs_HR$ACCEPTABLE_VALUES, pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>")
            format = 'html',
             escape = FALSE,
             col.names = c('Column Name', 'Column Type', 'Acceptable Value - Definition')) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
  kableExtra::column_spec(2, italic = TRUE, width = '8em')


AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:25 a.m.