  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

To use the produce_om_report function, your data must be in the format described below

  • One row per person
  • One IPEDS Unitid per file
  • Columns with values and types as described below (additional columns are allowed)
#this chunk is only used during interactive session by the package maintainers, if the requirements have been updated

tryCatch(specs_OM <- googlesheets4::read_sheet('1e1o9Omor7jWwxKRncgzvFbz67sUxKqSkPtSW_B-8jr0'),
        error = function(x) message("Google Sheet unavailable"),
        warning = function(y) message("There was a warning"))
#then run 
use_data(specs_OM, overwrite = TRUE) #to save as .rda and replace the old file
#figure out why striped isn't working when format = 'html'
specs_OM$ACCEPTABLE_VALUES <- stringr::str_replace_all(specs_OM$ACCEPTABLE_VALUES, pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>")
            format = 'html',
             escape = FALSE,
             col.names = c('Column Name', 'Column Type', 'Acceptable Value - Definition')) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
  kableExtra::column_spec(2, italic = TRUE, width = '8em')

AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 10:54 a.m.