
#' Output files from the make functions using the package dummy data (for
#' testing)
#' @description Contains a list of output files from each "make" script which
#'   can be called by testthat tests to ensure refactoring doesn't change output
#'   inappropriately
#' @format A list of dataframes: one dataframe per make script
#' @details General list-creation code is commented out in the
#'   test-part-outputs.R script; uncomment and run/add as needed if a df needs a
#'   legitimate update (e.g. IPEDS rules change, dummy data includes new use
#'   case)
#' @examples part_outputs$com_partD
#' @keywords internal

AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 10:54 a.m.