
Maintaining atlasplot

The atlasplot package and all its associated data packages were created using the devtools. As such, it is highly recommended that all package edits and updates are done through devtools.

Basic Structure

The package contains a few important components


The basic workflow of atlasplot is as follows

1) Create new R script and place in R

2) Open R and setwd to the location of atlasplot

> setwd("/path_to_package/atlasplot")

3) Load all functions via devtools::load_all() and test new functions. Repeat this step often.

> # example of testing new cool_plots function
> devtools::load_all()
> cool_plots()  # A REALLY COOL PLOT APPEARS
> # after adding a new parameter `cool_factor`
> devtools::load_all()
> cool_plots(cool_factor = ">9000")

4) Once satisfied with your new addition, add ROxygen2 docstrings in front of user functions. Then document with devtools

> devtools::document()

5) Finally, run to update This file will be located in data-raw. To run, open a bash shell and go to the directory above atlasplot. Then run

$ bash atlasplot

This is the basic process of updating atlasplot. Additionally, I highly suggest commiting early and often. For a good resource on using git see Pro Git.

Imporant Notes

Avoid using library in any functions

Reference them directly using :: notation


> jsonlite::fromJSON("my_json.json")
> atlasplot::mouse_subregions_plot("Shh", "DevMouse", save_pdf = FALSE)

Export user functions

Functions are only available to users if you specify @export in the ROxygen2 docstring. In general, user functions should be snake_case and package functions should begin with a dot.


# file fun_function.R

#' fun_function
#' @param name name of the person who will have fun!
#' @export
fun_function <- function(name) {
    msg <- .my_hidden_function(name, "do some science!")

.my_hidden_function <- function(name, activity) {
    paste("Hi", name, "lets", activity)

fun_function will be exported and user accessible in the final package while .my_hidden_function will only be internal accessible.

sysdata.rda for small internal objects

sysdata.rda is located in the R directory and hold important local pieces of data.

Be careful not to overwrite it when adding new internal data!

Additional Resources

I highly recommend Hadley Wickham's book R Packages. It is comprehensive and very readible.

AllenInstitute/atlasplot documentation built on Aug. 11, 2021, 1:52 a.m.