
micInt is an R package designed for analyzing microbial co-occurences. It takes in OTU tables was either pure dataFrames or as experiment-level phyloseq objects. Roughly, the package is composed of three major parts: * CoNet-based analysis of pairwise co-occurences. Primary functions: runAnalysis (high level) and ccrepe (low level) * Lotka-Volterra modelling of time dynamics. Primary functions: integralSystem, cv.LV and ridge_fit * Utility functions, includes refine_data, subset_by_environment, similarity_measures and scale_by_column.


This package have the following dependencies which must be installed prior to installing this package:

From CRAN: * infotheo * matrixStats * magrittr * deSolve * igraph * dplyr * rlang * glue * viridis * RhpcBLASctl * ggplot2 * ggfortify

From Bioconductor: * phyloseq

If all dependencies are satisfied, the package can we installed from GitHub as follows:


For a quit start automatically installing all dependencies, consider:



Please read the article "Robust bacterial co-occurence community structures are independent of r- and K-selection history" ( where this package is used. The source code for the article is available on

Unfortunately, I have not yet taken the effort to write a proper vignette. However, if you are interested in using the package, don`t hasitate asking me for help, either as a github issue or directly (

AlmaasLab/micInt documentation built on April 1, 2022, 10:37 a.m.