
Defines functions plotSiberObject

Documented in plotSiberObject

#' Creates an isotope scatterplot and provides a wrapper to ellipse and hull plotting
#' This function takes a SIBER object as created by 
#' \code{\link{createSiberObject}}, and loops over communities and their groups,
#' creating a scatterplot, and adding ellipses and hulls as desired. Ellipses can be 
#' added to groups, while convex hulls can be added at both the group and 
#' community level (the former for illustrative purposes only, with no 
#' analytical tools in SIBER to fit Bayesian hulls to individual groups. This is
#' not mathematically possible in a Bayesian framework.).
#' @param siber a siber object as created by [createSiberObject()].
#' @param ax.pad a padding amount to apply to the x-axis either side of the 
#'   extremes of the data. Defaults to 1.
#' @param iso.order a vector of length 2, either `c(1,2)` or `c(2,1)`. The order 
#'   determines which of the columns of raw data are plotted on the x (1) or y 
#'   (2) axis. N.B. this will be deprecated in a future release, and plotting 
#'   order will be achieved at point of data-entry.
#' @param hulls a logical defaulting to `TRUE` determining whether or not hulls 
#'   based on the means of groups within communities should be drawn. That is, a
#'   community-level convex hull.
#' @param community.hulls.args a list of plotting arguments to pass to 
#'   [plotCommunityHulls()]. See [plotCommunityHulls()] for 
#'   further details.
#' @param ellipses a logical defaulting to TRUE determining whether or not an 
#'   ellipse should be drawn around each group within each community.
#' @param group.ellipses.args a list of plotting arguments to pass to 
#'   [plotGroupEllipses()]. See [plotGroupEllipses()] for 
#'   further details.
#' @param group.hulls a logical defaulting to FALSE determining whether or not 
#'   convex hulls should be drawn around each group within each community.
#' @param group.hulls.args a list of plotting options to pass to 
#'   [plotGroupHulls()]. See [plotGroupHulls()] for further 
#'   details.
#' @param bty a string specifying the box type for the plot. See 
#'   [graphics::par()] for details.
#' @param xlab a string for the x-axis label.
#' @param ylab a string for the y-axis label.
#' @param las a scalar determining the rotation of the y-axis labels. Defaults 
#'   to horizontal with `las = 1`. See [graphics::par()] for more
#'   details.
#' @param x.limits allows you to specify a two-element vector of lower and upper
#'   x-axis limits. Specifying this argument over-rides the automatic plotting 
#'   and ax.pad option. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param y.limits allows you to specify a two-element vector of lower and upper
#'   y-axis limits. Specifying this argument over-rides the automatic plotting 
#'   and ax.pad option. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param points.order a vector of integers specifying the order of point types 
#'   to use. See [graphics::points()] for how integers map onto point 
#'   types. Defaults to the sequence 1:15 as per [graphics::points()].
#'   It must have at least as many entries as there are communities to plot,
#'   else a warning will be issued, and the order will default to the sequence
#'   \code{1:25}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to [graphics::plot()].
#' @return An isotope scatterplot.
#' @export

plotSiberObject <- function(siber, 
                              iso.order = c(1,2), 
                              ax.pad = 1,
                              hulls = TRUE, community.hulls.args = NULL, 
                              ellipses = TRUE, group.ellipses.args = NULL,
                              group.hulls = FALSE, group.hulls.args = NULL,
                              bty = "L", 
                              xlab = "Isotope 1", 
                              ylab = "Isotope 2",
                              las = 1,
                              x.limits = NULL,
                              y.limits = NULL,
                              points.order = 1:25,
  # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
  # some argument checking
  if (length(points.order) < siber$n.communities){
    points.order = (1:25)
    warning(strwrap('Your specified vector of point types to use does not 
                    contain enough entries to plot each of the communites. 
                    Your chosen vector has been ignored, and the default 
                    sequence 1:25 has been used in its place.', 
                    width = 1000))}
  # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
  # NOTE - this isotope ordering needs to be passed onwards to the plotting
  # functions called below. Im not convinced its that straightforward.
  x <- iso.order[1]
  y <- iso.order[2]
    # set up a blank plot. X and Y limits are set by padding
    # the plot by a fixed amount ax.pad beyond the extremes of 
    # all the data. This automatic axis scaling can be over-rided 
    # by specifying x.limits and y.limits as input arguments.
    # if the default limits are used, then pad teh data around the max
    # min values, else use the user specified values.
    if (is.null(x.limits)) {
      x.limits <- c(siber$iso.summary["min", x] - ax.pad , 
                    siber$iso.summary["max", x] + ax.pad )
    if (is.null(y.limits)) {
      y.limits <- c(siber$iso.summary["min", y] - ax.pad , 
                    siber$iso.summary["max", y] + ax.pad )
    plot(0, 0, type = "n",
         ylab = ylab,
         xlab = xlab,
         bty = bty,
         las = las,
         xlim = x.limits,
         ylim = y.limits,
    ) # end of plot
    # ==========================================================================
    # OLD CODE 7/MAR/19 - to be deleted
    # if(any(is.null(x.limits),is.null(y.limits)))
    #        {plot(0, 0, type = "n",
    #             xlim = c(siber$iso.summary["min", x] - ax.pad , 
    #                      siber$iso.summary["max", x] + ax.pad ),
    #             ylim = c(siber$iso.summary["min", y] - ax.pad , 
    #                      siber$iso.summary["max", y] + ax.pad ),
    #             ylab = ylab,
    #             xlab = xlab,
    #             bty = bty,
    #             las = las
    #        )}
    # else
    #        {plot(0, 0, type = "n",
    #             ylab = ylab,
    #             xlab = xlab,
    #             bty = bty,
    #             las = las,
    #             xlim = x.limits,
    #             ylim = y.limits,
    #             ... 
    #             ) # end of plot
    #        }
    # ==========================================================================
    # add each of the data points
    for (i in 1:siber$n.communities){
             col = siber$raw.data[[i]]$group, 
             pch = points.order[i])
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Add a convex hull between the means of each group, i.e. a convex hull
    # for the community. Only applicable if there are more than 2 
    # members for a community
    # I might move this out block to its own function in the future
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (hulls) {
      plotCommunityHulls(siber, community.hulls.args, iso.order)
    } # end of if statement for community convex hull drawing
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Add a ML ellipse to each group
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (ellipses) {
      plotGroupEllipses(siber, group.ellipses.args, iso.order)
    } # end of if statement for ellipse drawing
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Add convex hulls to each group here
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (group.hulls){
      # code similar to group ellipses to go here
      plotGroupHulls(siber, group.hulls.args, iso.order)
    } # end of if statement for group hull drawing
  }) # end of with() function
} # end function
AndrewLJackson/SIBER documentation built on June 7, 2024, 3:21 a.m.